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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2477)
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A meeting point for southern hemisphere educators to share ideas and materials and to develop networks within our own hemisphere
Veille, recherche & réflexion sur l'e-enseignement
Shared Diigo space for participants to the EDUC 439/639 course at the University of Delaware - Educational Technology Topic: Social Networking. Tag: "udsnf12"
This is the group for EdTechTalk.com
Group for the Australian Flexible Learning Framework's E-learning Innovations Grant staff and recipients
India Employment, Jobs, Recruitment, Notification News and Results of All Universities, Colleges, Schools, Job Results latest, Results, APPSC, UPSC, MPSC, Universities, Colleges, Exams, examinations, ...
Recursos de consulta para el curso e-Learning '09. Por favor, cuando comparta recursos piense en la utilidad que tienen dentro del contexto del curso para los demás participantes. Tenga en cuenta qu...
This is the online shared references and resources area of the SUNY Online Teaching Community of Practice. Its purpose is to collect, annotate, and share links on effective online teaching and learning...
This is the group for the Lee University Innovation and Social Media Class.
A group for students in the OK-MOOC: https://class.stanford.edu/courses/Education/OpenKnowledge/Fall2014/about
Official social bookmarking group of Cohort 21 members - www.cohort21.com
Educators sharing bookmarks and best practice. We have a set of standard tags to help us share things that you may use in addition to your tags. (You may subscribe to these tags via RSS feed by sub...
A futures-focused group that highlights next generation (e.g. transformative, disruptive) learning concepts, tools, people (et al) for both institutional and non-institution-based learning.
no description
For those interested in issues in or related to education, usually with a Malaysian flavour. Includes resources for teaching/learning and current news/debates about schooling, policies etc that may b...
Pour partager la veille entre nous
Marcadores Sociales del curso masivo abierto en red del INTEF: Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje para el Desarrollo Profesional Docente
This group is for anyone interested in using iOS devices in education. Post any interesting articles and resources here relating to these gadgets, including links to information about applications that...
A group for Science Teachers to share links and experiences.