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Browse Groups By Category: Schools & Education (totally 2477)
You are here: Diigo Home > Groups > Schools & Education
This is a group in which we share bookmarks related to research of interest to the MDE. Make sure you also join the MDE Lounge - our DE community of inquiry at: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!...
Academic Learning Transformation Lab (ALT Lab)
This is the group we'll use to house our district wide bookmarks.
carlatech is a group on Diigo where language teachers and participants in the CARLA Technology Institutes can share resources for using technology in second-language instruction (F2F or online). Feel f...
"Developing Digital Skills @ School" focuses on ICT. DigiSkills teachers design, share, compare and enhance teaching methods and materials.
partage de veille sur les ressources jeunesse
Zalecane przez zespół niekomercyjnego portalu edukacyjnego Enauczanie.com zasoby sieciowe
Groupe pour les membres du réseau francophone d'échange de savoirs et de pratiques autour de "Apprendre 2.0" pour partager nos liens
Do you want to network with instructional designers and e-learning professionals? The Instructional Design and E-Learning Professionals' Group connects professionals in the field of Instructional Desig...
no description
Long Game (longgame.org) is about attempting the 20,000 ft. view of things. Long term thinking, generational changes, geopolitics, and critical thinking are the core subjects. With this group (and blog...
Focus on technology use and early childhood education (benefitting children birth to eight years), supported by members of the NAEYC Technology & Young Children Interest Forum..Learn more about this gr...
Our observatory tracker on book history / notre veille documentaire sur l'histoire du livre Library Theory and Research section of IFLA
Diigo group for IB Geography teachers preparing resources for the 'Patterns and Change' core unit of the IB Geography Syllabus.
no description
Created for the graduate program in publishing at the George Washington University.
This group focuses on shared resources and links to resources for educators. There is a heavy emphasis on FREE.
Grup per a compartir enllaços relacionats amb les TIC i les TAC ens trobaràs en http://edutictac.es
this is a group for the HSIE teachers of Riverside to share web resources.
Marcadores sobre inteligencias múltiples y escuela