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Group Members

855 members total, 30 receiving alerts immediately, 468 receiving alerts daily, and 176 receiving alerts weekly.
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  • shared 1417 items

    member since 2009-10-13

  • Grace Kat

    Grace Kat

    I'm a year 4 teacher in Sydney

    shared 724 items

    member since 2008-04-15

  • shared 462 items

    member since 2008-03-30

  • Sue Tapp

    Sue Tapp

    High school English teacher exploring web 2.0 and learning all the time!

    shared 318 items

    member since 2008-03-27

  • Jess McCulloch

    Jess McCulloch

    Aspiring writer of learning adventures that cross multiple forms of media, specifically for Chinese language education. Regularly walked by my two dogs. Often found painting with Miss 2.

    shared 194 items

    member since 2008-04-01

  • shared 169 items

    member since 2008-06-08

  • Tony Searl

    Tony Searl

    I see myself as a light bulb technician. Others may call it teacher, sage on the side, learning sherpa, master learner. Whatever. After 25 years, I still get a massive kick out of seeing student eyes light up with "Eureka". Worth bottling that feeling.

    shared 163 items

    member since 2009-01-11

  • Suzie Vesper

    Suzie Vesper

    I am an ICT advisor for a cluster in Wellington and will be working for CORE as a national ICT advisor and to maintain some of their websites in June of this year.

    shared 135 items

    member since 2008-07-18

  • Kerry J

    Kerry J

    I'm KerryJ, an educational designer and learner with a passionate interest in how technology is changing teaching, learning and communications. My areas of special interest include engaging and motivating mature aged learners, scenario-based and project-based learning and brining in joy and play.

    shared 144 items

    member since 2009-01-15

  • Roland Gesthuizen

    Roland Gesthuizen

    Leading Educator and Feral Blogger

    shared 204 items

    member since 2010-12-23

  • dean groom

    dean groom

    I'm a parent, 1 pre-schooler, two in primary. I'm Head of Educational Development Design at Macquarie University, Sydney. I'm a fellow in Powerful Learning Practice, Author of two books about 'Virtual' Learning, with a focus on development of school leadership, curriculum renewal for cross-sector ...

    shared 119 items

    member since 2008-03-30

  • shared 108 items

    member since 2008-03-29

  • Alison Hall

    Alison Hall

    Educator, Lifelong Learner, Online Explorer, Musician and all round nice person.

    shared 77 items

    member since 2008-03-28

  • shared 77 items

    member since 2008-03-31

  • Andrew Jeppesen

    Andrew Jeppesen

    Secondary school language teacher (Japanese)

    shared 76 items

    member since 2009-03-22

  • Chris Betcher

    Chris Betcher

    Teacher. Blogger. Podcaster. Author. AEL and GCT

    shared 73 items

    member since 2008-11-22

  • Steve Madsen

    Steve Madsen

    I am a secondary teacher in New South Wales, Australia where I teach computing courses from Years 7 - 12. I am mostly a full time classroom teacher with a small time allowance for integrating eLearning within the school.

    shared 68 items

    member since 2008-03-28

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