Diigo Community
3446 Items, 8886 Members
Share your review, tips, tricks, and ideas for using Diigo here, and discuss our features, ideas for new features, anything Diigo related. Note that bookmarks posted to this group have no relation to 'Hot Bookmarks from the Diigo Community'.
Classroom 2.0
7994 Items, 8343 Members
A place for members of www.Classroom20.com to share links, Classroom 2.0 is social networking site devoted to those interested in the practical application of computer technology (especially Web 2.0) in the classroom and in their own professional development.
1227 Items, 3396 Members
Collaboration is an exciting domain given the Internet's ability to transcend boundaries, uniting individuals and networks in common goals. Let's celebrate and document this phenomena as it evolves before our eyes. Now that's collaboration!
Pennsylvania Coaches
5518 Items, 665 Members
This group is a common place for Pennsylvania Instructional Coaches to pool links for use with/by their teachers.
PsychSplash Psychology Group
586 Items, 195 Members
The PsychSplash Psychology Group seeks to collaboratively identify and showcase interesting and practical Psychology-related websites and internet resources
Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0
1983 Items, 3341 Members
This Diigo group is dedicated to the topic of Teaching and Learning with Web 2.0.
Social Networking in Organizations
41 Items, 35 Members
This group deals with impacts/advantages of social networking capabilities within organizations.
Science Technology Society
595 Items, 203 Members
Collecting information related to science, technology, and society (STS) as an academic discipline and beyond.
knowledge management
564 Items, 111 Members
Compiling blogs, articles, research, papers, and documents of all sorts on Knowledge Management (KM). Sharing knowledge is power!
Apprendre 2.0
858 Items, 272 Members
Groupe pour les membres du réseau francophone d'échange de savoirs et de pratiques autour de "Apprendre 2.0" pour partager nos liens
Integrating Technology
882 Items, 139 Members
Sharing ideas on how to integrate technology into the face-to-face and online class
Cool Tools & Ed Tech
2610 Items, 1200 Members
This group is for cool tools on the web as well as useful resources in education and technology. Go ahead...share.
Authentic learning
76 Items, 68 Members
Links to learning environments and tasks that use an AUTHENTIC approach. Please add links to your own or others' sites that use elements of authentic learning.
Google in Education
2059 Items, 2521 Members
This is a group for educators using Google apps in schools. In order to weed out spammers, please tell me your interest in the group when applying to join. I do not approve people unless it's apparent from their profiles that they are educators. I also do not approve people with less then 10 educ...
Revolution or Evolution? Technology and Higher Ed
86 Items, 17 Members
Must higher educationembrace social technologies and the information-sharing power of the Web in order to remain relevant in the 21st century? How can we help our colleagues respond to these external pressures to radically change teaching and learning? (Avatar: http://flic.kr/p/23uJox)
Resources for Languages
8177 Items, 1030 Members
A group to share links to resources or ideas to teach world languages
Organizational Design
67 Items, 27 Members
An interest group to join resources on organizational design. Blogs and posts, websites and pages, magazines and articles are all welcome. Organizational Design is here understood as the discipline that reflects on how organizations can/should be designed for performance, efficiency, and the well
3D Virtual Mindmapping
39 Items, 34 Members
This free Diigo social bookmarking group is a mashup to the Ning social network Avalon Project "3D Virtual Mindmapping", whose objective is to provide a meeting place to discuss about 3D virtual mindmapping.
Gaming and Virtual Worlds in Education
321 Items, 148 Members
Educators exploring gaming and virtual worlds in education.
Ludologie : Jeux et Education
657 Items, 119 Members
Groupe autour de la" ludologie", discipline qui étudie le jeu.Dans ce groupe, les ressources suivantes sont les bienvenues: Jeux vidéos Jeux de société Jeux informatiques Jeux pédagogiques Les travaux scientifiques Les expérimentations Les retours d'usage....
TICs para la educacion
117 Items, 19 Members
Dedicado a reunir vínculos de interés para la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (Computadoras+Internet) en la Educación. Los links son de preferencia en español (castellano), o al menos subtìtulados. Todas las contribuciones PERTINENTES son bienvenidas.
Freeware and free web services
209 Items, 83 Members
Sharing all good freeware recommendations, as well as interesting free web services.
University 2.0
37 Items, 4 Members
This group is meant to collect and share web pieces that help understand where higher education is going to and evolving into. Pieces on how technology becomes pervasive and how it affects higher education are particularly welcome.
505 Items, 175 Members
Resources for planning, development and facilitation of #etmooc, at http://etmooc.org
247 Items, 80 Members
Sources with rhizomes. Add your sources, links, thoughts and documents (documents with help of GoogleDrive https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6ZY0yWyT2fAfkl1RWEzSVJEUncxdU82UTA2bTBlajEyZDhwdVZ4WlRxVkN4Vm1ZZ0FQMGc&usp=docslist_api&ddrp=1# . You are encouraged to feedback, critic, answer an...
18 Items, 24 Members
Group dedicated to linking resources relevant to the PLEK12 MOOC. http://community.education.ufl.edu/community/pg/pages/view/76239/
Educación Virtual y a Distancia UCG
176 Items, 23 Members
This group brings together teachers from the Universidad Casa Grande in Guayaquil, Ecuador who are learning to design and deliver online courses.