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Chris Sloan

Is Diigo worth it? - 19 views

Part of me says that delicious does the trick for my social bookmarking needs. But I guess I'll have to look at what all else Diigo can do that would help us and our students on Youth Voices. P...

Paul Allison

Digitally Speaking / Social Bookmarking and Annotating - 0 views

  • social bookmarking applications take advantage of the wisdom of millions of users to identify resources worth exploring
  • if you find someone whose thinking stimulates yours, you can "see" what it is that is leaving them jazzed on any given day
    • Paul Allison
      I'm testing how to make this work.
  • It's an instant "starting point" for researching.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • he fundamental nature of reading is changing as we sprint towards a digital future, and many believe that the changes aren't good
  • Imagine the collective power of an army of readers engaged in ongoing conversation about provocative ideas, challenging one another's thought, publicly debating, and polishing personal beliefs.
  • a group research tool, consider introducing the following six roles:  
    I've been thinking about how some of the Diigo tools can help students to become a more thoughtful, slower, more considered process. "Carr goes on to argue that reading online---the most prominent form of reading for many---has devolved into nothing more than "power browsing," a horizontal trip through text characterized by skimming in search of content that is immediately engaging and accessible. Concentration is irrelevant to the online reader, as new pathways are only a quick click away. "Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words," writes Carr, "Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski." " I agree that students tend to skim and perhaps look for nuggets they can use in their own writing when they read online. Changing this is what I want to use Diigo for.
Paul Allison

Social bookmarking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • In 2006, Ma.gnolia, Blue Dot (later renamed to Faves), and Diigo entered the bookmarking field, and Connectbeam included a social bookmarking and tagging service aimed at businesses and enterprises. In 2007, IBM released its Lotus Connections product.
    • Paul Allison
      I'm doing some last-minute thinking about this whole field, preparing for a conversation in just a bit on Teachers Teaching Teachers with a couple of self-proclaimed evangelists for Zotero and the developers of another similar site/service, Memcatch. I wonder what it means that there are so many choices out there. Do they all do the same thing? Do they all lack something? Why isn't there more coherence with this work?
  • done by human beings
    • Paul Allison
      This is an important point. There are, of course, advantages and disadvantages to human labor.
Adriana EWSIS

diigo - 0 views

shared by Adriana EWSIS on 25 Nov 09 - Cached
    What I noticed most about "Steam buns 'R' us", was that they chose to talk about Steam Buns out of all things on main street. I guess they find Steam Buns THAT important. This probably stands out to me is because I have never tasted a Steam Bun and to be honest, I don't want to either. I have never liked East-Asian foods. I don't find enough taste in it. Its probably because I'm so used to eating such spicy foods because I'm Pakistani! When Melissa said, "cuz google never lies," I was thinking that's not true! There is lots of stuff on google that's not true. I know she probably said that to add humor to the story but it stood out to me. Another part I really liked was when Hawa said, "And I'm just Korean." It brought humor to the presentation. It really stood out because the music in the background paused. It seemed like the editing was done really well. I enjoyed watching this clip. It was funny, entertaining and informative.
    Im learning about Teenagers Behavior and what i am wondering about is why these teensm go threw so much and take it out on other peoples.I was researching this question online and this is article caught my attention because it break down all different types of a teenager behavior and why its like that.I choose this item to read because it hads alot of helpful detail. "All teens act as if there grown and try to out word their parent,most these behavior comes from relationship problems or problems at home with the family" This quote chose here is basically saying teens do what they want if they want to are not because disrespecting a parent is extremely rude but when teenager are all "grown" up they do whatever. I think is a simple quote that explains a lot because i shows how you can take two keywords and make a whole story it makes me wonder why these people came up with there article in all different types of subject form.
    "More than half of food pantries still had to turn people away because they ran out of food," Stampas said.

agricultural technology - future of agriculture - innovations in agriculture - 0 views

    Farmers have seen profound changes in agriculture in the past 10 years, but revolutionary technology is just on the horizon. This is a interesting article about how the technology of farming have changed in the past 10 years, and how it is likely to develop in the next 10 years. With the more advanced technology, more food can be produced, this can definitely help food security. Although in "sucky" places like Africa, the people are very unlikely to gain that kind of technology even if it is developed...
    "Within the hallowed halls of academia, one of the best futurists is Mike Boehlje at Purdue's Center for Food and Agricultural Business. He sees three types of technology at the farm level that are in the process of coming to market: technology to manipulate growth processes of plants and animals, technology for monitoring and measuring systems, and automated process control technology. On its own, each area is significant, he says, but it's their coming commercial convergence that will bring the most significant change." This is very cool to read. In my previous bookmark on diigo, I talked about how technology in general can't really help farmers, especially the whole idea of the cell phone but this... this is interesting. Going forward in providing this for farmers sure as "heck" can help farmers. I mean this is what farmers need correct? More of their supply to sell, how they are going to sell it and well pretty much the time it will take to sell it. The faster they get their money the better. I sure hope that farmers don't have to pay a lot of money to get this advancement or at least will be able to get their hands on it somehow.

Cinematic Creativity and Production Budgets: Does Money Make the Movie? - 0 views

    i believe this is a a brief summary of the book when looking at the abstract section of this page when you go to the link. All about Film budgets and discussing whether or not its necessary for a movie. Its just bits and pieces of things that are good to read hear and there so you know more about this industry. I am very serious about filmmaking. As you can see thats all I ever talk about when I'm on diigo or youthvoices. I am convinced that this is what I am going to do in life.

Hiba EWSIS (hrashiddiigo)'s Public Profile in the Diigo Community - 0 views

    What I noticed most about, "Searching for Main Street's Flushing Pimp," was they managed to find out the reason Emanuel Milton behaved the way he did. He had schizophrenia and many health problems. He got schizophrenia after his mother's death. He believed that dressing well gained you respect so he made his appearance, his number one priority. We learned that he lived his life the way he wanted to despite his health issues. When the podcaster said, "When his mother died that trigged his schizophrenia," I was thinking how a single event can drastically change a person's entire life. I think this is interesting because I believe that Emanuel was traumatized by his mother's death and that influenced him to become the person that everybody on main street saw him as. Another part that caught my attention was: "I don't think he was a pimp, I think he just dressed like that to get attention." This stood out for me because as the podcast continued, they learned that this was actually true. According to his sister, he believed that dressing well allows you to get respect. In a way he did, from many people on Main Street, he was able to accomplish his purpose of being the way he was. Since, he was so eye-catching to everyone around him; he became famous and was titled "the pimp on Main Street," not necessarily because he was a pimp but his appearance said that. I do strongly agree that "the pimp on Main Street" brought life to the neighborhood because he caught everyone's attention by his outrageous and colorful clothing. One reason I say this is because most people in Main Street were able to recognize him. Another reason I agree is because no one else ever managed to dress in such a manner and maintain it over many years. Thank you for your podcast Helen Peng, Andrea Torres, and Rayon Wright. I'll look forward to seeing your work again because you had interesting thoughts and managed to gather a lot of information on such a vague topic
    Dear Hiba, I liked "Mapping Main Street A Collaborative Documentary Media Project" because you talked about the Flushing Pimp. One sentence you wrote that stands out for me is: "I do strongly agree that "the pimp on Main Street" brought life to the neighborhood because he caught everyone's attention by his outrageous and colorful clothing." because it is true. Another sentence that stood out was: "no one else ever managed to dress in such a manner and maintain it over many years" because it is also true. Your post reminds me of something that happened to me. I was waiting outside a store and I saw the Flushing Pimp. I talked with him and he seemed interesting. Thanks fro your writing. I look forward to seeing what you write next because what you wrote and what I think are similar.
    Dear Hiba, I like how you picked out a lot of the main points in our story. It seemed that you listened to our story very well and understood what we were trying to say. After reading a lot of others' comments to our story, I suddenly feel a longing to see the Flushing Pimp again. Like you said, he is part of our neighborhood. He was truly a character even though he had schizo. Thanks for responding to our story! Your feedback is well appreciated! -Helen :]
Paul Allison

Social Networking on Intranets (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox) - 0 views

  • An old lesson that holds true with social software is that a bunch of stand-alone tools will provide a disconnected user experience, causing employees to waste inordinate amounts of time moving between environments.
    • Paul Allison
      This feels even more true in schools. I'm worried about the different environments we are introducing into the Youth Voices community: Google Apps, Diigo now too?, VoiceThread, and Drupal... probably more. Need to think on these matters.

Being Chased in Dreams - 0 views

    I read this article and its interesting. It talks about how people can have a dream where they are being chased. "Chasing dreams are usually about fears or anxiety." The dreamer is usually being chased from what they are fearing and worrying about. This would make he/she run because he/she would like to get away from their fear or anxiety. He/She don't want to be near their nightmare. I hate getting these dreams because I don't like the feeling I get after I wake up from the dream. After I wake up from these dreams, I still feel the panic. It's quite scary.

5 Little Known Reasons to Stop Smoking: Other Devasting Effects of Smoking Cigarettes a... - 3 views

    I'm learning more about smoking right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: What are the effects of smoking on you? I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because of the title. In the blog post, it lists 5 reasons to stop smoking. It lists 5 effects of smoking on smokers. This quote from the post caught my attention: "Every smoker knows that smoking can cause cancer and heart disease. Other effects of smoking on mind and body are less well-publicised but can be equally disastrous." What this quote is saying is very true. When you ask a person what can happen to you when you smoke, they would be like cancer. But no, there are much more disasters to you and the body. This is very important.
Adriana EWSIS

Bisexuality is a Distinct Sexual Orientation - 0 views

    Results from a 10 year study show that bisexuality in women is not a transitional phase it is considered as a long term sexual orientation .

Why Can't I dream anymore? - 1 views

    I been researching on why certain people can't dream. As I was looking for answers, I came upon this website. It caught my attention because of its title.The title and my question is both the same. What that website said is "Sometimes where we are at in our internal processing is so deep that there are no recognizable symbols to be given to the dreamer by the deeper level of consciousness. Think of it as a meal not fully cooked - therefore not ready to be served. Trust the process. Relax in the reassurance that your dreams will resume." Its basically saying that we are not deeply asleep yet therefore no dreams are coming to us. The peson related it to a not fully cooked meal. When the meal is not cooked fully, its not ready to be eaten. Same goes with if you are not deeply asleep, there will be no dreams. So, just relax, be patient, and try to sleep well. Close your eyes and wait. Everyone has to dream.
Ming Liu

untitled - 0 views

    this is something to be concerned on regarding the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
Hannah EWSIS

Smith Micro Software Announces International Launch of Anime Studio Debut 6 and Anime S... - 0 views

    This was very exciting news for me since I really love finding new programs to animate my art. This program seems amazing and offers everything I need. "Anime Studio will have you animating quickly, even if you've never done it before. We offer everything the aspiring or professional artist needs to create quality 2D animation, such as ready-to-use anime and cartoon style characters, with tutorials and sample files designed to help anyone master the latest animation techniques," said Sarina DuPont. This seems like an easy to use program not like some of the others ones I have used that are overly confusing and take to much time. I hope to one day use this program and improve my animation skills.

Young women more susceptible to swine flu: Study - 0 views

    I'm learning about swine flu right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is how far does swine flu spread? I was researching this question online, and this news item caught my attention because it tells me how far does the swine flu spread and how many people die from the flu. Here is the quote I found from the news. "The study found that of the 113 women and 55 men admitted to an intensive care unit between April and August, the mean age was 32. Overall, 29 people (17 per cent) died - most within the first 14 days after becoming critically sick. Twenty-one (72 per cent) of those who died were female." The quote I chose here is basically saying that the average of people who has swine flu were 32. I think this is ridiculous because people can be die from 14 days. It makes me wonder if anyone who has the flu will all be dead in 14 days?
Michelle Lin

York News-Times > Archives > News > One big loser - 0 views

    "So I'd eat and tell jokes to suppress my feelings. It got completely out of hand. I was completely broken." Sean was on "A big loser" show. He weighted 444 pounds because lack of confidence and feeling insecure around people. Being healthy doesn't mean being skinny he said and I agree it really have something to do internally.
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