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Shehrina EWSIS

Personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • These behavioral patterns in personality disorders are typically are associated with severe disturbances in the behavioral tendencies of an individual, usually involving several areas of the personality, and are nearly always associated with considerable personal and social disruption.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      This is important because it talks about why personality may occure. Behavior and social disturbance can cause a lot of damage in ones life.
  • The onset of these patterns of behavior can typically be traced back to late adolescence and the beginning of adulthood and, in rarer instances, childhood
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      This is imortant too because it tells us when personality disorders can be diagnosed. Knowing when its diagnosed id inportant because it will keep us aware and if we see someone changing we can help them .
  • Cluster A (odd or eccentric disorders) Paranoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.0): characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others. Schizoid personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.20): lack of interest in social relationships, seeing no point in sharing time with others, misanthropy, introspection. Schizotypal personality disorder (DSM-IV code 301.22): characterized by odd behavior or thinking.
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      In my psych class my professor was talking about the cluster A.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • under the specific person
  • under the specific personality disorder under consideration: There is evidence that the individual's characteristic a
  • According to ICD-10, the diagnosis of a personality disorder must satisfy the following general criteria, in addition to the specific criteria listed under the specific personality disorder under consideration:
    • Shehrina EWSIS
      Its the same for all psychological disorder. They all have too meet a certain critararia to be diagnosed as a psychological patient
  • Child abuse and neglect consistently evidence themselves as antecedent risks to the development of personality disorders in adulthood.[citation needed] In this particular study, efforts were taken to match retrospective reports of abuse with a clinical population that had demonstrated psychopathology from childhood to adulthood who were later found to have experienced abuse and neglect.
Joseph L

The History Guy: The War in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom) - 0 views

    "Following the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989 and the fall of the Afghan Communist government in 1992, a protracted civil war raged on between the various factions of anti-Communist Afghan fighters, who called themselves the Mujahadeen (See the Afghan Civil War). In this realm of chaos, some former Mujahadeen found a leader in Mullah Mohammed Omar. A Mullah is an Islamic religious leader. A former Mujahadeen fighter who returned to his home village after the fall of the Communist regime, this member of the Pashtun ethnic group led a new armed group called the Taliban. The word Taliban means "student," and many of the original recruits to Omar's movement were Islamic religious students. Other former Mujahadeen leaders of Pashtun background joined with the Taliban as this new group sought to impose law and order on the country. The particular law they sought to impose was an extreme version of Islamic law. Under Taliban-imposed law, women are not allowed to work outside the home or attend school. Men are expected to grow beards and attend religious services regularly. Television is banned, and religious minorities such as the Hindus were required to wear some sort of identifying clothing. Also, in 2001, the Taliban ordered the destruction of all non-Islamic idols and statues in areas under their control. They also attracted the support of Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida organization. In 1994, the Taliban attacked and defeated local warlords and began to gather a reputation for order and military success. Pakistan soon began supporting them, partially as a means of establishing a stable, friendly government in Kabul. The continual fighting between the former Mujahadeen armies caused waves of refugees to flood Pakistan's border regions and interfered with Pakistani trade in the region. In late 1994, the Taliban took control of Kandahar, acquiring a large supply of modern weapons, including fighter aircraft, tanks and helicopters. In January of 1995, the T
Genji N

Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Gulf War
  • In 1990, faced with economic disaster following the end of the Iran–Iraq War, Saddam Hussein looked to the oil-rich neighbour of Kuwait as a target to invade to use its resources and money to rebuild Iraq's economy. The Iraqi government claimed that Kuwait was illegally slant drilling its oil pipelines into Iraqi territory, a practice which it demanded be stopped; Kuwait rejected the notion that it was slant drilling, and Iraq followed this in August 1990 with the invasion of Kuwait. Upon successfully occupying Kuwait, Hussein declared that Kuwait had ceased to exist and it was to be part of Iraq, against heavy objections from many countries and the United Nations.
  • The UN agreed to pass economic sanctions against Iraq and demanded its immediate withdrawal from Kuwait (see United Nations sanctions against Iraq). Iraq refused and the UN Security Council in 1991 unanimously voted for military action against Iraq. The United Nations Security Council, under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter, adopted Resolution 678, authorizing U.N. member states to use "all necessary means" to "restore international peace and security in the area." The United States, which had enormous vested interests in the oil supplies of the Persian Gulf region, led an international coalition into Kuwait and Iraq. The coalition forces entered the war with more advanced weaponry than that of Iraq, though Iraq's military was one of the largest armed forces in Western Asia at the time. Despite being a large military force, the Iraqi army was no match for the advanced weaponry of the coalition forces and the air superiority that the coalition forces provided. The coalition forces proceeded with a bombing campaign targeting military including an occupied public shelter in Baghdad.[38][39][40] Iraq responded to the invasion by launching SCUD missile attacks against Israel and Saudi Arabia. Hussein hoped that by attacking Israel, the Israeli military would be drawn into the war, which he believed would rally anti-Israeli sentiment in neighboring Arab countries and cause those countries to support Iraq. However, Hussein's gamble failed, as Israel reluctantly accepted a U.S. demand to remain out of the conflict to avoid inflaming tensions. The Iraqi armed forces were quickly destroyed, and Hussein eventually accepted the inevitable and ordered a withdrawal of Iraqi forces from Kuwait. Before the forces were withdrawn, however, Hussein ordered them to sabotage Kuwait's oil wells, which resulted in hundreds of wells being set ablaze, causing an economic and ecological disaster in Kuwait.
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  • After the decisive military defeat, the agreement to a ceasefire on February 28, and political maneuvering, the UN Security Council continued to press its demands that Hussein accept previous UN Security Council Resolutions, as stated in UNSCR 686. By April, UNSCR 687 recognized Kuwait's sovereignty had been reinstated, and established the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM). Two days later, UNSCR 688 added that Iraq must cease violent repression of ethnic and religious minorities. The aftermath of the war saw the Iraqi military, especially its air force, destroyed. In return for peace, Iraq was forced to dismantle all chemical and biological weapons it possessed, and end any attempt to create or purchase nuclear weapons, to be assured by the allowing UN weapons inspectors to evaluate the dismantlement of such weapons. Finally, Iraq would face sanctions if it disobeyed any of the demands. Shortly after the war ended in 1991, Shia Muslim and Kurdish Iraqis engaged in protests against Hussein's regime, resulting in an intifada. Hussein responded with violent repression against Shia Muslims, and the protests came to an end.[41] It is estimated that as many as 100,000 people were killed.[42] The US, UK, France and Turkey claiming authority under UNSCR 688, established the Iraqi no-fly zones to protect Kurdish and Shiite populations from attacks by the Hussein regime's aircraft.
  • Disarmament crisis Main article: Iraq disarmament crisis While Iraq had agreed to UNSCR 687, the Iraqi government sometimes worked with inspectors, but ultimately failed to comply with disarmament terms, and as a result, economic sanctions against Iraq continued. After the war, Iraq was accused of breaking its obligations throughout the 1990s, including the discovery in 1993 of a plan to assassinate former President George H. W. Bush, and the withdrawal of Richard Butler's UNSCOM weapon inspectors in 1998 after the Iraqi government claimed some inspectors were spies for the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.[43] On multiple occasions throughout the disarmament crisis, the UN passed further resolutions (see United Nations Resolutions concerning Iraq) compelling Iraq to comply with the terms of the ceasefire resolutions. It is estimated more than 500,000 Iraqi children died as a result of the sanctions.[44][45] With humanitarian and economic concerns in mind, UNSCR 706 and UNSCR 712 allowed Iraq to sell oil in exchange for humanitarian aid. This was later turned into the Oil-for-Food Programme by UNSCR 986. Over the years, U.S. land forces were deployed to the Iraq border, and U.S. bombings were carried out to try to pressure Hussein to comply with UN resolutions. As a result of these repeated violations, US Secretary of State Madeline Albright, US Secretary of Defense William Cohen, and US National Security Advisor Sandy Berger held an international town hall meeting to discuss possible war with Iraq, which seemed to have little public support. In October 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act, calling for "regime change" in Iraq, and initiated Operation Desert Fox. Following Operation Desert Fox, and end to partial cooperation from Iraq prompted UNSCR 1284, disbanding UNSCOM and replacing it with United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC).
  • The Bush administration made a number of allegations against Iraq, including that Iraq was acquiring uranium from Niger and that Iraq had secret weapons laboratories in trailers and isolated facilities throughout Iraq;[citation needed] none of these allegations have proven true. Saddam Hussein, under pressure from the U.S. and the U.N., finally agreed to allow weapons inspectors to return to Iraq in 2002, but by that time the Bush administration had already begun pushing for war. In June 2002, Operation Southern Watch transitioned to Operation Southern Focus, bombing sites around Iraq. The first CIA team entered Iraq on July 10, 2002. This team was composed of elite CIA Special Activities Division and the U.S. Military's elite Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) operators. Together, they prepared the battle space of the entire country for conventional U.S. Military forces. Their efforts also organized the Kurdish Peshmerga to become the northern front of the invasion and eventually defeat Ansar Al-Islam in Northern Iraq before the invasion and Saddam's forces in the north. The battle led to the killing of a substantial number of terrorists and the uncovering of a chemical weapons facility at Sargat.[46][47] In October 2002, the U.S. Congress passed the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq, and in November the UN Security Council passes UNSCR 1441.
  • Invasion and civil war Main article: 2003 invasion of Iraq Further information: Iraq War On March 20, 2003, a United States-organized coalition invaded Iraq, with the stated reason that Iraq had failed to abandon its nuclear and chemical weapons development program in violation of U.N. Resolution 687. The United States asserted that because Iraq was in material breach of Resolution 687, the armed forces authorization of Resolution 678 was revived. The United States further justified the invasion by claiming that Iraq had or was developing weapons of mass destruction and stating a desire to remove an oppressive dictator from power and bring democracy to Iraq. In his State of the Union Address on January 29, 2002, President George W. Bush declared that Iraq was a member of the "Axis of Evil", and that, like North Korea and Iran, Iraq's attempt to acquire weapons of mass destruction posed a serious threat to U.S. national security. These claims were based on documents that were provided to him by the CIA and the government of the United Kingdom.[48] Bush added, Iraq continues to flaunt its hostilities toward America and to support terror. The Iraqi regime has plotted to develop anthrax, and nerve gas, and nuclear weapons for over a decade... This is a regime that agreed to international inspections — then kicked out inspectors. This is a regime that has something to hide from the civilized world... By seeking weapons of mass destruction, these regimes [Iran, Iraq and North Korea] pose a grave and growing danger. They could provide these arms to terrorists, giving them the means to match their hatred.[49] However, according to a comprehensive U.S. government report, no complete, fully functional weapons of mass destruction have been found since the invasion.[50] There are accounts of Polish troops obtaining antiquated warheads, dating from the 1980s, two of which contained trace amounts of the nerve gas cyclosarin, but U.S. military tests found that the rounds were so deteriorated that they would "have limited to no impact if used by insurgents against coalition forces." [51][52][53][54][55][56] Iraq was also home to 1.8 tons of low-enriched uranium, miscellaneous other nuclear materials, and chemical weapons paraphernalia; the nuclear material was under the supervision of the IAEA until the beginning of the war.
  • Post-invasion Main articles: Post-invasion Iraq, 2003–present, Insurgency in Iraq, Civil war in Iraq, and Humanitarian Crises of the Iraq War Occupation zones in Iraq after invasion. Following the invasion, the United States established the Coalition Provisional Authority to govern Iraq.[57] Government authority was transferred to an Iraqi Interim Government in June 2004, and a permanent government was elected in October 2005. More than 140,000 troops, mainly Americans, remain in Iraq. Some studies have placed the number of civilians deaths as high as 655,000 (see The Lancet study), although most studies estimate a lower number; the Iraq Body Count project indicates a significantly lower number of civilian deaths than that of The Lancet Study, though IBC organizers acknowledge that their statistics are an undercount as they base their information off of media-confirmed deaths. The website of the Iraq body count states, "Our maximum therefore refers to reported deaths – which can only be a sample of true deaths unless one assumes that every civilian death has been reported. It is likely that many if not most civilian casualties will go unreported by the media."[58] After the invasion, al-Qaeda took advantage of the national resistance to entrench itself in the country. On December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein was hanged.[59] Hussein's half-brother and former intelligence chief Barzan Hassan and former chief judge of the Revolutionary Court Awad Hamed al-Bandar were likewise executed on January 15, 2007;[60] as was Taha Yassin Ramadan, Saddam's former deputy and former vice-president (originally sentenced to life in prison but later to death by hanging), on March 20, 2007.[61] Ramadan was the fourth and last man in the al-Dujail trial to die by hanging for crimes against humanity. President of Iraq Jalal Talabani with U.S. President Barack Obama in 2009. At the Anfal genocide trial, Saddam's cousin Ali Hassan al-Majid (aka Chemical Ali), former defense minister Sultan Hashim Ahmed al-Tay, and former deputy Hussein Rashid Mohammed were sentenced to hang for their role in the Al-Anfal Campaign against the Kurds on June 24, 2007.[citation needed] Al-Majid was sentenced to death three more times: once for the 1991 suppression of a Shi'a uprising along with Abdul-Ghani Abdul Ghafur on December 2, 2008;[62] once for the 1999 crackdown in the assassination of Grand Ayatollah Mohammad al-Sadr on March 2, 2009;[63] and once on January 17, 2010 for the gassing of the Kurds in 1988;[64] he was hanged over a week later on January 25.[65] Acts of sectarian violence have led to claims of ethnic cleansing in Iraq, and there have been many attacks on Iraqi minorities such as the Yezidis, Mandeans, Assyrians and others.[66] A U.S. troop surge to deal with increased violence and improve security became a contentious political issue in the United States. The surge in troops was enacted in early 2007; in his September 2007 testimony to Congress, General Petraeus stated that the surge's goals were being met.[67] Iraq also suffered a cholera outbreak in 2007.[68]
  • olence in Iraq began to decline from the summer of 2007.[69] The mandate of t
  • On June 29, 2009, U.S. troops formally withdrew from Baghdad streets, in accordance with former U.S. President George W. Bush's security pact with Iraq known as the Status of Forces Agreement. The SOFA pact stated, among other things, that U.S. troops will withdraw from Iraq's cities by June 30, 2009, and will leave the country on Dec. 31, 2011.[70] Throughout the country, as the citizens of Iraq celebrated with fireworks,[71] television programs declared June 30 as National Sovereignty Day.[72][73] However, crime and violence initially spiked in the months following the US withdra
  • last extended by UN resolution 1790, expired on December 31, 2008.
  • ssaults, and shootings increased dramatically.[74][78] According to the Associated Press, Iraqi military spokesman Major General Qassim al-Moussawi said investigations found that 60 to 70 percent of the criminal activ
  • As Iraqi security forces struggled to suppress the sudden influx of crime, the number of kidnappings, robberies, bomb
  • ity is carried out by former insurgent groups or by gangs affiliated with them — partly explaining the brutality of some of the crimes.[74] United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that the withdrawal caused a change of chemistry with “a real sense of empowerment on the part of the Iraqis.”[79] U.S. troops continue to work with Iraqi forces after the pullout.[80] Despite the initial increase in violence, on November 30, 2009, Iraqi Interior Ministry officials reported that the civilian death toll in Iraq fell to its lowest level in November since the 2003 invasion.[81]
Alejandro EWSIS

"The Sound of Screaming Is Constant" - Haiti Devastated by Massive Earthquake, Desperat... - 0 views

  • A desperate search for survivors continues, but rescuers lack heavy lifting equipment and are often using their bare hands.
    • corey stanley
      this will takee way to long to try to help people get from under buildings and help them live, something has to be done.
    • Allesia EWSIS
      This is a tragedy. Bodies in the street just lieing there and no equipment to get them off the street. i know that we all have our diffrences but they need help and we need to help them.
    • Jose EWSIS
      bare hands will not get the job done. This is a horrific event and i hope things will begin to get better for them.
    • Yanira EWSIS
      I think that there should be more first aid kit sent to them because it seems like they are also dying do to the lack of supplies
    • Dylan EWSIS
      This is crazy as if the country wasnt already in enough trouble, then this happens. These people need every sort of aid they can recieve whether it be prayers or money donated or food and supplies.
    • qixun cai
      i hope many people under the ruins can be saved
    • Raymond EWSIS
      poorness+earthquake wow. Thats just bad luck. They need help quick.
  • Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
    • corey stanley
      The people of Haiti will not survive if something is not done quickly, with no water, no hospitals its impossible to survive.
    • Nicole EWSIS
      There are many agencies and people trying to send donations, giving money, and trying to help. This poor country was not prepared for this damage and people will help.
    • Ammy EWSIS
      However other countries are hastly trying to get there and aid the people. It's not just hundreds of people that we are talking about, its over thousands. Agencies are desperately trying to get there and give out help. I really hope they make it through. God bless
  • We had one nurse at our hotel, so he was out front helping people who were coming in who were injured. When word got out that there was a nurse at our hotel, people just started bringing their injured family members to the hotel. I was deputized by the nurse to help in whatever way I could. So he would tell me where a broken bone was, and I had to learn on the sly how to make a splint.
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  • HAITIAN MAN 1: Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
  • What’s really eerie is the sound of just screaming, which is constant. I can hear it right now. It’s just people either singing and praying or just really loud screams.
    • Alexis EWSIS
      This part really striked me because there is all this screaming of people how need help, but no one has the resouces or skills to help them.
    • Jessica =D
      I could never imagine a scene like this. It's really heartbreaking.
    • Hawa EWSIS
      I tried to imagine this scene and all I can do is flinch. It's really heartbreaking to hear that these people are screaming for help and praying for their lives.
  • The World Health Organization said it had sent specialists to help clear the city of corpses, and the International Red Cross was sending a plane loaded mainly with body bags. Medicine, food and water are in short supply. And Haitians are desperate for aid.
  • The injuries just kept coming all day long—head injuries, people with multiple broken legs, people catatonic who couldn’t speak. Everybody is asking for medicine. You know, we don’t have basic—we don’t have Advil.
  • It’s hard to describe. I was working on a boy who his father was there speaking in Creole, so we were trying to get a good translation, but basically what he explained was that their house collapsed, and he got out, but his son was trapped under the rubble. But he could—his son could still yell, and they spent all night trying to find him, and finally they dug him out, and they brought him to our hotel, because there was one nurse at our hotel.
    • Jeannie EWSIS
      It is important to hear from someone who was at the site him/herself. Jesse describes how horrific it is to see the victims lying there on the streets.
  • The situation is increasingly desperate, with no coordinated rescue plan so far and aid only trickling in.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This just makes me even sadder. I feel like even though different countries are trying to do something, whether it's giving aid, providing food and water, or medicine, it's still not enough. I can't imagine what the death tool will be.
    • Franklin EWSIS
      I feel bad for the people of Haiti because they have nothing now.
    • Edgar EWSIS
      This is horrile that it has been 3 days now and people are still just getting help, there should be much mor ebeing done, and it makes me very sad to hear they are getting very little help in such a devastating situation.
    • Rachel EWSIS
      i think this sucks because, the people here have nothing and that they probably don't even know if they are going to sere the next day because of the conditions there.
    • Alexa EWSIS
      i dont think that thisis fair to hatians because they are a very poor country and on top of that, this occured. This was their worst earthquake in 200 years. I deffinetly want to help out
    • Alexa EWSIS
  • Much of the capital city of Port-au-Prince has been leveled, leaving tens of thousands of people homeless.
    • Houin EWSIS
      I think it is a big problem for Haiti gov. that there have too much is homeless, and they need resources, and they want a place to live.
  • Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies are said to be on the way from the European Union, from Canada, Russia and Latin American nations. Two US aircraft carriers are also expected to arrive soon.
    • Helen EWSIS
      This sounds like a decent start to trying to help them recover...
    • Hannah EWSIS
      At least this shows that people are attempting to help out .
    • Ammy EWSIS
      its nice to hear that other countries arent just standing by with their arms folded. Its great to know that they are contributing to the Haiti people by giving them aid and support. The people there right now need as much support and aid possible.
    • LawrenceY EWSIS
      its good that other countries are stepping up to help them
  • but he died right there today in front of us and had to be just carried off.
  • It’s just people either singing and praying or just really loud screams. And there’s been a lot of tremors over the last two days, so when the earth shakes again, much more mildly, people start to scream again. So it’s a really eerie sound.
    • AndreaLee EWSIS
      The people must be very devastated.
  • Yeah, we need agents. We need emergency. There is no help, no hospital, no electricity, nothing. No food, no phone, no food, no water, nothing. There are too many people dying.
    • Houin EWSIS
      I agreed with this because Haiti just happen earthquake, and they didn't have time to prepare the food,water,or place for the people homeless.
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      Where is everyone they need help and THEY NEED IT wether or not they there is a strong government now.
  • The injuries just kept coming all day long—head injuries, people with multiple broken legs, people catatonic who couldn’t speak. Everybody is asking for medicine. You know, we don’t have basic—we don’t have Advil. We didn’t have gauze. We don’t have hydrogen peroxide. Like, it was one nurse and me, who happened to be a guest at this hotel because my wife is doing HIV work in the country. I happened to be there to help this nurse, but I have no medical training, and I just had to do whatever he explained to me to do.
    • Munaza EWSIS
      This is very sad that there is not enough medicine there to help the injured. The other thing is that Mr. Jesse Hagopian was brave enough to stay and help out the victims, its sad yet one thing remains alive humanity, meaning to say people are selfless when helping people.
    • Robin EWSIS
      This is really sad no medidcine and one nurse that can help. I want to help badly but theres nothing one teen can do so i would do the best i can to help them
  • With communications largely down, it’s been very difficult to reach people on the ground in Haiti.
  • We need help. We need help, international help. We ain’t got no help.
    • Hannah EWSIS
      I think that people should really help out in any way possible. I mean even if its just donating a few dollars.
    • Reasat EWSIS
      They need international help. It is the only way of recovering from this disaster. We as Americans have to send as much aid as possible.
    • MelissaB EWSIS
      They really need help you can see by the photos and the and the peoples cries for help.
    • Mei EWSIS
      People need help, any help. I think we should donate anything because they need everything,
    • qixun cai
      Help.How impotant word. They need help.From all over the world. we should try our best to help them
  • people who were coming in who were injured. When word got out that there was a nurse at our hotel, people just started
    • JonathanJ EWSIS
      It must be hard to help with limited suplies
  • It almost certainly will reach into the tens of thousands but could possibly be 100,000 or more. Bodies lie in the streets and collapsed buildings, and the cries of people buried beneath the rubble continue to ring out.
    • Hannah EWSIS
      Its horrible to hear about things like this. So many people were lost.
    • Edgar EWSIS
      It is really sad to hear that there are bodies just laying there and very little things done to get them on another place or relocate them. Its sad to hear that so many people died, people that had no idea what was going to happen.
  • The city’s infrastructure took a blow of incalculable proportions as hospitals, schools, hotels and markets have crumbled.
    • Dylan EWSIS
      This is crazy these people have no way of contacting family who are worried on the other side of the world, and cannot even help themselves to try and feel better.
    • Alejandro EWSIS
      well i feel really sad about whats happening in Haiti,because some people dont knoe where their rest of their family at. and they really wan to know hoe their health is. And i am really worried mostly about the children.
  • There are not agents.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
  • ...3 more comments...
    "we don't have Advil. We didn't have gauze. We don't have hydrogen peroxide."
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    there is been alot of media attentions on this issue an earth auake that is huge just hit heti one of the poorest country with no med. and as after shocks came its even worst than it was now. people are dying they need help as fast as possible they need to go there and help them now that's whati really think they should do. as of now there is not enought good food there for people to eat prisnores brook out of jail and when everywhere regular people are in alot of trouble becuase there is no food no clean water they need food and med these people are going though alot the real side of human comes out after a huge quake like this people are going crazy they need security they need real help instead of them by themself they need help now now now.
    After watching the video, I was utterly speechless. It's really sad to know that another country is in desperate help of need, especially when they weren't in a good state before.Having a massive earthquake hit a city that;s already in poverty is really devastating. The situation is almost similar to that of the tsunami that happened just a few years ago. Other countries are contributing by sending over aid and people to help revive the city and help the people. Most of the buildings have collapsed and many of the few buildings had cracks. It's very interesting to hear about different people who were visiting Haiti speak about their experience during the disaster. Over thousands of people in Haiti are currently homeless and injured. A person walking by would be able to witness bodies being crushed by concrete and bodies covered by a sheet of blanket laying on the floor. The country is now short in water supply, food, money,and many important factors. People are desperate for aid and money. I think it's great that other countries aren't just standing by and not doing anything. I hope in the future, they will be able to revive most of the damaged buildings and maybe the people there will find jobs and homes again.
Daniel T

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • – People's Army
  • guerrilla
  • guerrilla organization based in Colombia
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  • Colombian government had initially ignored the growing influence of several communist enclaves in and around Sumapaz (a locality of Bogotá) until 1964 when, under pressure by Conservatives who considered the autonomous communities (which were labeled as “independent republics” by senator Álvaro Gómez Hurtado,[31]) to be a threat, the Colombian National Army was ordered to take full control of the area.
  • By 1985, the major guerrilla groups (EPL, FARC-EP, M-19, and ELN) had come together under an umbrella organization known as the Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CNG). This group evolved in 1987 into the Simón Bolívar Guerrilla Coordinating Board (CGSB), which led negotiations between the numerous guerrilla groups and the government. While the CGSB did achieve some of its goals, its success was very limited. The CGSB's initiative led to the successful peace process with the M-19. The FARC-EP and ELN, on the other hand, decided to continue their struggle.
  • The FARC-EP have demanded a mechanism for prisoner exchange, which would involve the liberation of 21 military and police "prisoners of war"[12] (not including civilians held for extortion or ransom, which may number in the thousands) that the group currently holds, in exchange for the release of at least 500 jailed criminal rebels. During the duration of the DMZ negotiations, a small humanitarian exchange took place.
  • Partial hostage releases and escapes during 2006 and 2007
  • Anti-FARC rallies
  • Death of Raúl Re
  • Death of Manuel Marulanda Vélez
  • Hugo Chavez's call to disarm
  • Operation Jaque
  • FARC receives most of its funding -which has been estimated to average some $300 million per year- from taxation of the illegal drug trade, ransom kidnappings, bank robberies, and extortion of large landholders, multinational corporations, and agribusines
  • Drug trafficking Main article: Illegal drug trade in Colombia FARC-EP was not initially involved in direct drug cultivation, trafficking, or trans-shipment prior to or during the 1980s. Instead, it maintained a system of taxation on the production that took place in the territories that they controlled, in exchange for protecting the growers and establishing law and order in these regions by implementing its own rules and regulations[100][101]. During the 1990s, FARC expanded its operations, in some areas, to include trafficking and production, which has provided a significant portion of its funding[102]. Right-wing paramilitary groups also receive a large portion of their income from drug trafficking and production operations[102]. FARC has called for crop substitution programs that would allow coca farmers to find alternative means of income and subsistence. In 1999, FARC worked with a United Nations alternative development project to enable the transition from coca production to sustainable food production. On its own, the group has also implemented agrarian reform programs in Putumayo[103][100][101][104]. In areas where it is involved in coca production, FARC generally makes sure that peasant coca growers receive a much larger share of profits than the paramilitaries would give them[105][99][101], and demands that traffickers pay a decent wage to their workers[99]. According to journalist and author Garry Leech, when growers in a FARC-controlled area are caught selling coca to non-FARC brokers, they are generally forced to leave the region, but when growers are caught selling to FARC in paramilitary-controlled areas, they are generally killed[105]. He concludes that the lower prices paid for raw coca in paramilitary-controlled areas lead to significantly larger profits for the drug processing and trafficking organizations, which means that they generally prefer that paramilitaries control an area rather than FARC[105]. After the April 21, 2001 capture of Brazilian druglord Luiz Fernando da Costa (aka Fernandinho Beira-Mar) in Colombia, Colombian and Brazilian authorities accused him of cooperating with FARC-EP through the exchange of weapons for cocaine. They also claimed that he received armed protection from the guerrilla group.[106][107][108] [edit] Kidnappings Main article: Kidnappings in Colombia The FARC-EP is responsible for ransom kidnappings in Colombia. The group’s kidnapping targets are usually those that it considers wealthy landowners and businessmen, the police and military, as well as foreign tourists and entrepreneurs, and prominent international and domestic officials.[109] Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has expressed his disagreement with their resorting to kidnappings[110]. [edit] Human rights concerns
  • Child soldiers FARC-EP, the ELN, and right-wing paramilitaries all train teens as soldiers and informants. Human Rights Watch estimates that the FARC-EP has the majority of child combatants in Colombia, estimating that approximately one quarter of the guerrillas are under 18 years of age[112][113]. Forcible recruitment of children, by either side, is rare in Colombia; most of the children join of their own volition without any threats of force to themselves or their families. They join for a variety of reasons including poverty, lack of educational opportunities, avoiding work in the coca processing plants (which is dangerous), escaping from domestic violence, offers of money (mostly from paramilitaries, who pay their soldiers), and other reasons[113].

Early life on Earth may have developed more quickly than thought: U.S. research_English... - 0 views

    I'm learning about the earth right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is why is earth important to us? I was researching this question Online, and this Google news caught my attention because as we all know that earth is something that we need to take care of. As we know that supposely we are the ones that we are destroying the world with this whole smoke thing. I strongly believe that we need to take care of our world and protect it from danger things. In other words we are suppose to save the world. Cause it's said we are the ones that we destroy this world. "When water temperatures fall to below 163 degrees or so, close to the high temperatures previously hypothesized for the early ocean, communities of green photosynthetic bacteria begin to grow on the pool floor. These communities become thicker as water temperature continues to drop off away from the pool centers". According to the article. sometimes teperature is a cause that is affected. The quote that I chose here is basically saying that throughout the world things can change. But only if we help. I think that this earth situation is important to any one that cares about the earth. "Tice says the team examined rocks from the Buck Reef Chert in South Africa that are known to be about 3.4 billion years old, among the oldest ever discovered. They found features in them that are consistent with formation at water temperatures significantly lower than previous studies had suggested. "Our research shows that the water temperature 3.4 billion years ago was at most 105 degrees, and while that's potentially very warm, it's far below the temperatures of 155 degrees or more that previous research has implied," Tice explains. The research found that conditions were considerably cooler, probably by 50 degrees or even more. That means that conditions for life were much easier, and that life that did exist at the time was not under as much stress as previously believed. "
Silevia Centrin

Get Quick Short Term Payday Loans- Best Alternative To Get Money In Single-day - 0 views

    Get Quick Short Term Payday Loans that comes under unsecured financial assistance category to take hold of speedy needed money in no time throughout the urgent situations in hurdle free manner. After getting money use it for your many purposes without committing the intention of borrowing money.
Andrea. C

Apple Cider Vinegar cures - the best NATURAL home remedy for many health issues. - 0 views

    "They include cures for allergies (including pet, food and environmental), sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout. One reader reported that a shot of ACV saved him from going to the emergency room for heart pain. Apple Cider Vinegar also breaks down fat and is widely used to lose weight. It has also been reported that a daily dose of apple cider vinegar in water has high blood pressure under control in two weeks!"
Paul Allison

Don't count Haiti out - - 0 views

    What an inspiring and historically grounded commentary: "The tragedy is tremendous and the threats to life ongoing in a situation in which the ground is still trembling and disease likely. But the capacity of this people for survival and, indeed, for greatness in the worst of conditions has been demonstrated for more than two centuries. These are the descendants of people who overthrew an indecent, inhuman, overpowering slave system. Many of those still alive grew up under a vicious dynasty and rose up to oust it. It's entirely likely, therefore, that Haitians once again will put together a national coumbite. With a huge humanitarian effort from their friends, they will rebuild the country -- for the better. The will must be there for the world to come to Haiti's aid and work with the millions of surviving Haitians to rebuild this valuable country. So many Haitians, including the president, have nowhere to sleep, but they will sleep and get up again tomorrow to face the troubles. "
Lynise James

Haiti's mass graves swell; doctors fear more death - Yahoo! News - 1 views

  • St. Juste, a 36-year-old bus driver, wakes up every day and goes out to find food and water for his daughter. "I wake up for her," he said. "Life is hard anymore. I've got to get out of Haiti. There is no life in Haiti."
    Its horrible that survivors are now dying. They already been through the worst but now have to face even more struggles. Some of them are getting diseases as they wait laying under tents for doctors to save them. Some of them have big wounds and its not being treated. Their getting diarrhea and other sicknesses that can possibly kill them. Living in overcrowded tents and unsanitary conditions also add to the death tolls. Its already at about 200,000.

Small-Scale Fortification: Innovative Technology for the Developing World | Changemakers - 0 views

    Some of the problems of food security starts at the most basic levels, such as the lack of enriched food for children. In the following excerpt, a nice description of the main problems of food security in Haiti is being addressed. Apparently food fortification would lead to a partial solution to the food security problem. "Micronutrient malnutrition is one of the most debilitating issues facing the developing world and a serious issue in Haiti: only 2.7% of Haitian children under the age of five live in households that consume adequately iodized salt, only 55.9% of these children consume vitamin A rich foods with only 28.7% receiving vitamin A supplements in the past six months. Sixty one percent of these children are anemic " What this quote says is that most of the children in Haiti do not get enough vitamins from their food, if they do have any. This in fact is one of the greatest causes of malnutrition; to grew up without enough food and as result have physical deformations or lack of intelligence.
Kylie L

Coral Reefs at Risk | Action Stories | Reader's Digest - 0 views

CameronD EWSIS

UNICEF - Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse - Female genital mutali... - 1 views

    Im learning more about FGM/C right now, and in particular im wondering about is: why do women think it is OK to prefrom FGM/C. I was researching this question online, and this article showed up. ( It caught my attention because of the large number of women who still preform FGM/C to this day. "FGM/C is mainly performed on children and adolescents between four and 14 years of age. In some countries such as Ethiopia however, more than half of FGM/C is performed on infants under one year old." The purpose of this quote is to inform people on the ongoing events involving FGM/C. In particular, FGM/C on children and adolesense. I think this is very important to know about because in most societies, sexual is over looked, and given to practically anyone. However, in most places around the world, sexual activites are extremely important learn about.
Paul Allison

Meet the Gamers - 4/15/2005 - Library Journal - 1 views

    "Why pay attention to games? For starters, games are the "medium of choice" for many Millennials, with broad participation among the 30 and under population. Although part of a web of new media, technology, and social shifts, games are the quintessential site for examining these changes. Game cultures feature participation in a collective intelligence, blur the distinction between the production and consumption of information, emphasize expertise rather than status, and promote international and cross-cultural media and communities. Most of these characteristics are foreign, or run counter to print-era institutions such as libraries. At the same time, game cultures promote various types of information literacy, develop information seeking habits and production practices (like writing), and require good, old-fashioned research skills, albeit using a wide spectrum of content. In short, librarians can't afford to ignore gamers."

2012: NASA's Scientific Reality Check | Universe Today - 0 views

    I'm learning more about 2012 right now, and in particular what I'm wondering about is: Should we as a society, put our beliefs into Mayan predictions, or should we believe Scientists just because they have information to back up their facts?I was researching this question online, and this blog post caught my attention because it speaks about the reality of science and whether or not we should believe in it. It also speaks about the Mayan calender. This specific source sparked my interest because lately, with Hollywood coming out with new movies about 2012, the thought of the world coming to end has constantly been bothering me. I had a strong urge to find out the truth. "The Mayan calendar does not end in December 2012. Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period, but then - just as your calendar begins again on January 1 - another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar." The quote I chose here basically tries to persuade us by saying that the Mayan Calender ending on the year 2012 is a hoax. The author of this posts believes that even after the calender ends, just like any of the calenders that we have at home, it will start itself new again. I think this is very captivating because it makes me really wonder. It makes me wonder about all remarks people are making, what society thinks about this, and if there are any evidence that are being hidden from society. I hope as we go further into the years, scientists will dig out more information to support the theory so when the day comes, I won't have to hide under my bed and panic.
Chris Sloan

The Internet's Role in Campaign 2008 - Pew Research Center - 0 views

  • Politically-active internet users are moving away from news sites with no point of view to sites that match their politics views; this is especially true among younger voters.
    • Chris Sloan
      But if we only read people with our same views, how do we know enough to make an informed decision?
    For internet users and those under the age of 50, the internet plays an even more central role. Fully 35% of those who use the internet get most of their election news online (compared with 25% who point to newspapers), while 34% of both 18-29 year olds and 30-49 year olds rely on the internet, compared with the 20% of those in each age group who rely on newspapers as a major source of campaign news.
qixun cai

Porcelain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by qixun cai on 13 Jan 10 - Cached
  • Porcelain is a ceramic material made by heating raw materials, generally including clay in the form of kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200 °C (2,192 °F) and 1,400 °C (2,552 °F). The toughness, strength, and translucence of porcelain arise mainly from the formation of glass and the mineral mullite within the fired body at these high temperatures. Porcelain derives its present name from old Italian porcellana (cowrie shell) because of its resemblance to the translucent surface of the shell.[1] Porcelain can informally be referred to as "china" in some English-speaking countries, as China was the birth place of porcelain making.[2] Properties associated with porcelain include low permeability and elasticity; considerable strength, hardness, glassiness, brittleness, whiteness, translucence, and resonance; and a high resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock. For the purposes of trade, the Combined Nomenclature of the European Communities defines porcelain as being "completely vitrified, hard, impermeable (even before glazing), white or artificially coloured, translucent (except when of considerable thickness) and resonant." However, the term porcelain lacks a universal definition and has "been applied in a very unsystematic fashion to substances of diverse kinds which have only certain surface-qualities in common" (Burton 1906). Porcelain is used to make table, kitchen, sanitary, and decorative wares; objects of fine art; and tiles. Its high resistance to the passage of electricity makes porcelain an excellent insulator. Dental porcelain is used to make false teeth, caps, crowns and veneers.
  • Porcelain is a ceramic material made by heating raw materials, generally including clay in the form of kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200 °C (2,192 °F) and 1,400 °C (2,552 °F). The toughness, strength, and translucence of porcelain arise mainly from the formation of glass and the mineral mullite within the fired body at these high temperatures.
    • qixun cai
      these words show how to make a porcelain
  • Porcelain is used to make table, kitchen, sanitary, and decorative wares; objects of fine art; and tiles. Its high resistance to the passage of electricity makes porcelain an excellent insulator. Dental porcelain is used to make false teeth, caps, crowns and veneers.
    • qixun cai
      how do people use the porcelain
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The following section provides background information on the methods used to form, decorate, finish, glaze, and fire ceramic wares. Forming. The relatively low plasticity of the material used for making porcelain make shaping the clay difficult. In the case of throwing on a potters wheel it can be seen as pulling clay upwards and outwards into a required shape and potters often speak of pulling when forming a piece on a wheel, but the term is misleading; clay in a plastic condition cannot be pulled without breaking. The process of throwing is in fact one of remarkable complexity. To the casual observer, throwing carried out by an expert potter appears to be a graceful and almost effortless activity, but this masks the fact that a rotating mass of clay possesses energy and momentum in an abundance that will, given the slightest mishandling, rapidly cause the workpiece to become uncontrollable. Glazing. Unlike their lower-fired counterparts, porcelain wares do not need glazing to render them impermeable to liquids and for the most part are glazed for decorative purposes and to make them resistant to dirt and staining. Great detail is given in the glaze article. Many types of glaze, such as the iron-containing glaze used on the celadon wares of Longquan, were designed specifically for their striking effects on porcelain. Decoration. Porcelain wares may be decorated under the glaze using pigments that include cobalt and copper or over the glaze using coloured enamels. Like many earlier wares, modern porcelains are often bisque-fired at around 1000 degrees Celsius, coated with glaze and then sent for a second glaze-firing at a temperature of about 1300 degrees Celsius or greater. Another early method is once-fired where the glaze is applied to the unfired body and the two fired together in a single operation. A porcelain doll from the Czech Republic Firing. In this process, green (unfired) ceramic wares are heated to high temperatures in a kiln to permanently set their shapes. Porcelain is fired at a higher temperature than earthenware so that the body can vitrify and become non-porous.
    • qixun cai
      Forming. Glazing.Decoration. Firing. these four words are the most important to make porcelains

Untitled - Google Docs - 0 views

    How much of your personality is defined through your zodiac sign? Many people believe in astrology and follow their everyday lives according to their horoscopes. I personally believe that astrology is mostly accurate when it comes to people's personalities and the problems they will face in the future or their successes. The way your zodiac sign is described may not be exactly your own personality because there are other personalities around you that shape the kind of person you are as well. Zodiac signs are assigned according to your birthday and determines what kind of person you are. Two people are exactly the same so obvious there will be differences among people with the same birthdays mostly, because of their environments. But, the basis of their personalities can be told from their zodiac signs.
    I dont really use astrology, but every once and a while i might see what they have under my zodiac sign. I deffinately agree that people personalities are determined by their enviroment....
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