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sandy ingram

Integrating Ethics and Compliance Into the Entire Organization - 0 views

  • There’s no point investing in and implementing an ethics and compliance program unless the time is spent integrating the program into every aspect of an organization. The need for companies to develop effective ethics and compliance programs has been acknowledged by several government agencies- examples are the SEC in the US and the government in the United Kingdom. Both groups have recently passed legislation or made amendments to existing guidelines, focusing heavily on the importance of ethics and compliance at all levels of an organization- especially at the top.
  • Employees at each level contribute to the success of a company’s ethics and compliance program. Integrating ethics and compliance at each level helps ensure the message from the top makes it all the way down to the lower levels of the organization. Training, messages and other ethics and compliance initiatives must be developed to evolve with employees as they move through the company. That being said, employees at various levels need to be prepared to address different ethical issues they may encounter based on the role they play in the organization.
  • Integrating Ethics in the Middle  In many companies, employees report that the middle level is where ethics and compliance commitments break down. Since many of the lower level employees report directly to those in the middle, a commitment to ethics and compliance from middle managers is equally as important as it is at the top.
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  • Top level managers can use a number of techniques to assist mid-level managers in understanding the role they play in creating an ethical workplace.
  • Integrating Ethics at Lower Levels Lower level employees are usually the ones on the frontlines acting as ambassadors for a company/brand. Ensuring the commitment to ethics and compliance is as strong at the bottom as it is at the top is critical to the success of a fully integrated ethics and compliance program.
  • One of the easiest ways to begin implementing ethics and compliance within lower levels is to provide new hires with extensive training on company expectations and ethics and compliance. During the interview process, ask questions related to ethical situations and decision making. This can be used as a way to ensure new hires are a proper fit with the existing corporate culture.
  • It’s important to remember that ethics training and implementation doesn’t stop here- this is just the beginning.
    "One of the easiest ways to begin implementing ethics and compliance within lower levels is to provide new hires with extensive training on company expectations and ethics and compliance"
sandy ingram

How a Pas5woRd Can Sink Your Company - - 0 views

  • Back in the 1990s fellow science and technology journalist Charles Mann and I wrote a book uncovering the true story of how a lone, young, cognitively impaired hacker with relatively few computer skills managed to perpetrate what was then the most extensive and scariest series of computer break-ins ever — government weapons labs, dam control systems and ATM networks were among the hundreds of networks compromised. At the end of the book, we predicted that no matter how much effort was poured into making the Internet safer, hackers would always be able to have a field day, partly for technical reasons but also because companies and individuals would never get it together to take simple precautions critical to safe computing.
  • Sadly, Mann and I called it right. Viruses, trojans and spyware are bigger problems than ever. Employees unwittingly but routinely hand over their passwords to hackers who break into corporate databases to steal credit card and other information of thousands of customers. Private e-mail is rifled through and made public, and companies have their computers incapacitated by “denial of service” attacks. You need to ask yourself: Could your company survive an encounter with a hacker?
  • Don’t count on even the best security software or services to protect you —
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  • they’re always one step behind the latest hacking twist sweeping through networks. Even if you could afford to get a computer-security genius to come in and watch your company’s back 24 hours a day, he or she couldn’t fully protect you if you or any one of your employees were to slip up.
  • Everyone knows by now, I would think, that you shouldn’t use a password that’s easy to guess.  Hackers use automated programs that can find any password if it’s a word in the dictionary or a proper name, even if it’s spelled backwards.
  • But here’s the problem even tricky password users run into: Because we all need passwords for so many Web sites and accounts these days, people end up using the same password for many of them — or else write their passwords down somewhere. Both of these practices are disasters waiting to happen.
  • If you use the same password for many sites, all a hacker has to do is get your password at any one site — and some site out there somewhere is doing a lousy job of protecting your password — and he’s got it for all of your sites and accounts. So if a hacker or malicious employee at the place you buy shoelaces online lifts your password, he can get into your bank account and your company’s computers.
  • Here’s a better solution: Come up with a simple formula for generating passwords in your head that’s based on the name of the site or organization you’re signing up with. For example, you might take the name of the site (, drop everything but the first six characters to the left of the “dot” (tracto), reverse the first three letters (artcto), add the number “5″ after the third character and a capital “Z” at the end (art5ctoZ). By this formula, “” gets the password “alp5n9mZ,” and “” yields “lec5lphZ.”
  • Make up your own formula, and don’t share it with anyone. It may sound a bit complicated, but after doing it a few times you’ll be able to do it in your sleep, and you’ll have a unique, impossible-to-guess password for every one of your accounts and sites without having to write anything down.
  • Every single one of your employees has to get with the program on this. If they’re writing passwords down, or using the same password everywhere, then they’re not just risking getting hacked at other sites, they’re also inviting hackers into any of your company’s computers or accounts to which they have password access.
  • So you might want to teach everyone in your company how to come up with his or her own in-your-head password-generating formula.
    "Back in the 1990s fellow science and technology journalist Charles Mann and I wrote a book uncovering the true story of how a lone, young, cognitively impaired hacker with relatively few computer skills managed to perpetrate what was then the most extensive and scariest series of computer break-ins ever - government weapons labs, dam control systems and ATM networks were among the hundreds of networks compromised. At the end of the book, we predicted that no matter how much effort was poured into making the Internet safer, hackers would always be able to have a field day, partly for technical reasons but also because companies and individuals would never get it together to take simple precautions critical to safe computing."
sandy ingram


  • AVG's research shows that: * 83% agree that having the right level of IT security protection is critical to their business * 77% say that a security threat could have a significant negative impact on their business * 55% feel they can make IT security decisions without 3rd party influence * However, only 48% have a clear IT security policy in place for their staff, leaving most at the mercy of what employees decide to download or access online * As a result, perhaps not surprisingly, 1 in 4 have experienced a security breach * Most worryingly, 1 in 7 have no security software or systems in place at all AVG also asked small businesses whether they expect to see growth in the next five years - 61% of UK and 74% of US small businesses say that they do.
    "Research released today by Internet Security company AVG ( shows that although most small businesses understand the need to protect their IT systems, fewer are willing to put it into practice. Out of 2000 SMBs surveyed in the US and UK for the "SMB Landscape Report", more than half (52%) have no IT security guidelines for their staff, while 1 in 7 have no Internet security software or solutions in place at all. "
sandy ingram

Strong Growth And Innovation Seen For IaaS In 2011 - "dramatically improved data security" - 0 views

  • Even smaller and moderately sized companies will start to look at IaaS. So far, most of the IaaS deployments have been concentrated around very large $1B+ companies; however, we are now seeing that even smaller and moderate sized organizations are very interested in IaaS to help them overcome their data challenges. As a result, in 2011 and beyond we are likely to see small mission-critical IaaS deployments in these organizations to support various types of use cases, ranging from single-version-of-the-truth to BI to searching and compliance reporting. 
    6. "More organizations will realize IaaS's security potential. During various inquiry calls this year, some customers mentioned to us that they dramatically improved data security by using an IaaS framework, centralizing the authentication, authorization, and access control of critical data - as a result disallowing direct access to data sources. This not only improves compliance audits for various organizations but also ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive data. We expect that more organizations, especially those that have hundreds and thousands of sources, will adopt an IaaS framework just to improve data security and compliance. "
sandy ingram

VIDEO The Business Center Is Your Link to #compliance Law - 0 views

    "The Business Center Is Your Link to the Law The Business Center is your link to the law. It gives you and your employees the tools you need to comply. Learn how you can use the free resources to enhance compliance and build your customers' trust."
sandy ingram

Organizational Accountability is Key to Protecting Users' Privacy - Microsoft Privacy &... - 0 views

  • The conference has commenced this morning in Jerusalem, a city of both ancient traditions and thoroughly modern influences, and I was reminded of how that same dynamic is true of privacy in the Internet age.  Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of the OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data.  These privacy guidelines have served as the basis for numerous privacy laws in place across the globe.  Yet, even these privacy principles need to keep pace with the changing information environment.  In my remarks today at a panel discussion titled “Notice and Consent:  Illusion or Reality?”, I suggested that individual participation through mediums such as notice and consent remains important to safeguarding users’ privacy, but by itself does not afford enough protection.  This is particularly true given the explosion of information collection and use that is the fuel of today’s Internet economy. The same is true of the various legal frameworks that govern data collection, usage, and sharing.  Both are important, but neither is sufficient on its own.
  • Alongside individual participation and regulatory oversight, another vital aspect of privacy protection is often overlooked: the role and responsibility of the organization in maintaining and protecting personal data.
  • Microsoft’s view, as outlined in a new white paper released today at the conference, is that organizations’ privacy policies and data management practices most directly influence whether users’ personal information is kept safe or exposed to risk. Therefore, we believe that organizations—including Microsoft—must hold themselves accountable for acting to protect users’ interests and taking appropriate measures to safeguard privacy and personal data, even in the absence of specific regulatory mandates.
    "This week, more than 400 policymakers, privacy advocates and industry representatives will be converging in Israel for the 32nd International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners. "
sandy ingram

The Cloud's Green Advantage - - 0 views

  • When small organizations (100 users) move to the cloud, the effective carbon footprint reduction could be up to a 90% savings by using a shared cloud environment instead of their own local servers
  • For large corporations, the savings are typically 30% or more. In a case study with a large consumer-goods company, the team calculated that 32% of energy use and resulting carbon emissions could be saved by moving 50,000 e-mail users in North America and Europe to Microsoft's equivalent cloud offering.
  • What accounts for these significant energy savings? Think of cloud computing as being like mass transit. The data center is essentially getting computing applications to carpool or take the bus instead of sitting in their own individual servers. However, unlike mass transit, there is no sacrifice in convenience or performance with this move. Consider the disappointing fact that a typical server in a company often runs at about 10% of capacity, meaning there are lots of servers out there drawing power without doing much computing
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  • The economies of scale of cloud data centers allow much higher utilization of servers, dynamic provisioning to better match server capacity to demand, and multi-tenancy to serve thousands of organizations with one set of shared infrastructure.
  • The efficiency benefits of the cloud won't be realized unless customers are thoughtful about decommissioning or repurposing unused servers, and cloud providers like Microsoft continue to innovate in the name of greater and greater efficiency.
  • For companies with their own large-scale infrastructure, this study identifies the key drivers that will let them optimize for the greatest efficiency as well.
    "In his piece, "Cloud Computing Meets Energy Management," William Clifford makes important points about the need to optimize the efficiency of both cloud data centers and on-premise computing. However, a new study released this week challenges his assertion that cloud computing "just transfers the consumption problem to another location." The findings suggest instead that cloud computing can significantly reduce the overall net energy use of business computing needs."
sandy ingram

Privacy and Security | BCP Business Center - 0 views

  • Behavioral Advertising Online behavioral advertising – the practice of tracking someone’s online activities to deliver targeted advertising – can raise potential privacy issues.  Do you disclose your practices to your customers and honor your promises? Children’s Online Privacy The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) gives parents control over what information websites can collect from their kids. If you run a website designed for kids or have a website geared to a general audience but collect information from someone you know is under 13, you must comply with COPPA’s two main requirements. Credit Reports Does your business use credit reports to evaluate customers’ credit worthiness? Do you consult credit reports when considering evaluating applications for jobs, leases, and insurance? Here is information about your responsibilities when using, reporting, and disposing of information in those credit reports. Data Security Many companies keep sensitive personal information about customers or employees in their files. Having a sound security plan in place can help you meet your legal requirements to protect that sensitive information. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requires financial institutions – companies that offer consumers financial products or services like loans, financial or investment advice, or insurance – to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data. Health Privacy If you offer or maintain personal health records online, you could be covered by the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule. Are you familiar with your legal obligations in case of a security mishap? Red Flags Rule The Red Flags Rule requires many businesses and organizations to implement a written Identity Theft Prevention Program designed to detect the warning signs  – or red flags – of identity theft in their day-to-day operations.
    "Privacy and Security For many companies, collecting sensitive consumer and employee information is an essential part of doing business. If you collect this type of information, it's your legal responsibility to take steps to properly secure or dispose of that data."
sandy ingram

Three Things That Every CEO Should Know About Cyber Security Spending - The Firewall - ... - 0 views

  • ONE: If your enterprise isn’t in energy, defense, or finance, it’s not a high priority target so don’t spend money like it is.
  • TWO: If you do lead a company in one of those 3 sectors, there’s nothing on the market today that will stop an adversary from stealing your most valuable data. The best that you can hope for is to raise the cost to an adversary to mount a successful attack against you, which means he’ll target a less well-protected company instead. This is known as the You-Don’t-Have-To-Outrun-The-Bear School of Security.
  • THREE: Your IT department’s job is not to protect you. It’s to protect the enterprise’s network. That makes you and your C-level colleagues the “10 ring” of the target.
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  • Most C-level executives are inundated with far more material then they could ever read, so this post will be short and to the point. If you’re a CEO, CIO, or other C-level executive, here are three things that you need to know to avoid over-spending on cyber security:
  • I’m giving a free webinar at 10am (Pacific time) this morning for UBS and their clients on the evolving state of cyber warfare in general and risks to C-level executives in particular. In addition to surveying the threats, I’ll offer some advice on how executives can defend themselves. Here’s the information you’ll need to join the call: Participant Toll-free: 800-768-5109 Toll: 212-231-2909 Code: 21488152
    "Most C-level executives are inundated with far more material then they could ever read, so this post will be short and to the point. If you're a CEO, CIO, or other C-level executive, here are three things that you need to know to avoid over-spending on cyber security:"
sandy ingram

Smaller companies challenged to comply with Massachusetts' data privacy rules - Mass Hi... - 0 views

  • The regulations, which went into force in March, are intended to protect a consumer’s personal information from identity theft and other privacy breaches and to spell out steps that businesses must take to ensure data is secured. Some large companies — particularly those in the finance and health care industries that are already subject to data security laws like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) — had privacy measures in place, which helped get them ready for Massachusetts’ regulations. However, for many smaller and midsize companies that have not been subject to data security laws before, complying with the rules is a longer and often more painful process.
  • some businesses that are complying with privacy regulations for the first time and have limited in-house technology expertise “are running around with their hair on fire, trying to figure out what to do first,”
  • “We’ve seen a substantial uptick in activity in clients seeking guidance in how to comply,” said Carlos Perez-Albuerne, a partner at Choate Hall & Stewart LLP. “There’s a whole swath of businesses that never had to deal with anything like this before.”
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  • Under the regulations, organizations — no matter where they are based — that store personal information about Massachusetts residents have to write security policies detailing how the data will be protected, encrypt the data when it is stored on laptops or other portable devices or transmitted over public networks, and monitor their systems for breaches.
  • Believed to be among the most stringent data privacy regulations in the U.S., the rules have lawmakers and businesses taking note. The regulations are now driving computer security policy agendas across the country, said Mark Schreiber, a partner at Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge who chairs the firm’s privacy and data protection group. “The impact is much broader than we ever imagined. Who would have thought it would have catalyzed so much activity?” he said. “This will be with us for decades or longer.”
  • Since March, Cutugno Court Reporting and Sten-Tel Inc., a Springfield-based firm that provides document management and transcription systems, has spent “easily into the six-figure realm” on technology and consulting services to comply with the privacy regulations, said Blake Martin, the company’s CIO.
  • To date, state regulators have not yet taken any public enforcement actions against organizations that have failed to comply with the rules. The state attorney general’s office, which is charged with enforcing the regulations, and the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation, which developed the regulations, have been focusing on compliance efforts, reaching out to trade groups, bar associations and others to spread the word.
    "Eight months after the state's tough, new data privacy regulations went into effect, many businesses are still sorting through the rules and working to bring their firms into compliance. "
sandy ingram

Study: Cloud Cuts Carbon Emissions: Companies running applications in the cloud can red... - 0 views

  • “The IT industry had this nagging question – as more and more services move to the cloud, do they consume more or less energy?” Bernard said. “This study found that you can migrate existing infrastructure to the cloud and see not only growth in productivity but a reduction in energy consumption for those services.”
  • The study was aimed at understanding how the cloud performs differently from an on-premises environment, said Josh Whitney, corporate sustainability strategy lead with WSP. Using a methodology aligned to the Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI) standards, Accenture and WSP compared the energy use and carbon emissions per user for Exchange Server 2007, SharePoint Server 2007, and Microsoft Dynamics CRM with their cloud-based equivalents: Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. The results suggest that for widely deployed and commonly used applications such as e-mail, content sharing and customer relationship management, the cloud can enable significant reduction in carbon emissions.
  • “The findings are actually pretty impressive,” Whitney said. “I think this study provides further reinforcement of the benefits of the cloud beyond the bottom line. It provides one of the first quantitative and measurable analyses of the impact that cloud computing can have directly compared to a traditional deployment of IT within a company.”
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  • The study pointed to several other factors that drove down emissions and consumption, including the fact that datacenters operate servers at much higher utilization rates and are physically constructed to reduce power loss.
  • Mike Ehrenberg, a technical fellow and chief architect for Microsoft Dynamics, said the study’s findings should reinforce for customers the benefits of moving to the cloud.
    "A new study released today found that companies running applications in the cloud can reduce their carbon emissions by 30 percent or more compared with running those same applications in their own infrastructure. The study, "Cloud Computing and Sustainability: The Environmental Benefits of Moving to the Cloud," was commissioned by Microsoft and conducted by Accenture, a global management consulting, technology consulting and technology outsourcing company, and WSP Environment & Energy, an environmental consulting group. "
sandy ingram

IT worker gets prison after stealing data for online surveys - 0 views

  • Between January and April of this year, Giang filled out 382 surveys before the company that was paying for them, StayWell, figured out what was going on. StayWell had been offering UC employees the gift vouchers as incentives to fill out health surveys, but it grew wise to the scam.
  • Giang only used part of the Social Security numbers of his co-workers while filling out the survey, his lawyer states in a sentencing memorandum. "Mr Giang never intended to steal their identity, and other than losing the opportunity to participate in StayWell's marketing surveys, the victims did not lose anything," says the Oct. 20 memorandum asking the judge for probation instead of jail time.
    A former IT staffer has been sentenced to a year and a day in prison for stealing sensitive information belonging to his co-workers and using the data to make money filling out online health surveys. Cam Giang, 31, was fired from the University of California San Francisco Medical Center earlier this year after investigators discovered that he'd been using the names, birthdays and Social Security numbers of other UCSF employees to fill out hundreds of online surveys. The point was to collect online vouchers, worth US$100 each.
sandy ingram

"Anyone can EASILY get online and steal passwords" - 0 views

  • During the hack, he set up his own wireless hotspot, which he simply called BT Openzone. As delegates used the wireless service, Hart was able to get hold of whatever usernames and passwords were being typed into web applications, just by using an easily downloadable password recovery tool called Cain & Abel.
  • When Hart and his team tested out the method across cafes in the UK, 100 per cent of web browsers in the various establishments used the fake BT Openzone service.
  • “That’s how easy it is, it is instant,” said Hart.
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  • “People believe passwords are secure, but if someone has got your password you won’t know about it.”
    This was the message during a live hack coordinated this morning by Jason Hart, senior vice president in Europe for two-factor authenticaton provider CRYPTOCard.
sandy ingram

Global Survey Predicts 'Death of the Office' - 66% would take a pay cut to work from home. - 0 views

  • An even greater number, 66 percent, would be prepared to work for lower pay if a job offered more flexibility, at least when compared with a better-paid job without such flexibility. Businesses are uncertain about the move to home working, mainly because of security. According to the Cisco survey, they should also factor in some of the advantages. Almost half of those employees who do work from home reckon they put in between two and three extra work hours per day as a result.
  • Employees' dislike of offices is nothing new but what has changed is that it is now technically possible to make an employee productive without asking them to travel to a building every day.
  • It seems just as likely that the death of the office, predicted many times in the last 40 years, might be as much about the changing economics of work than any desire of employees to escape to the back room and the VPN.
    Techworld - The office workplace that has dominated business since the 19th Century is dying and most employees would be quite happy not to work in it, a global study by networking giant Cisco has found. This is a striking theme of the Cisco Connected World Report, which found that 60 percent of employees from 2,600 surveyed across 13 countries do not think it necessary to be in an office to be productive.
sandy ingram

Employee fined $1.1 million for erasing computer files - 0 views

    "A former executive of hedge fund manager Citadel Investment Group LLC recently gave about $1.1 million to two Chicago charities, but the payments were not an act of good will. The money was actually a fine that a Cook County judge ordered Mikhail "Misha" Malyshev to pay for violating a previous court ruling to preserve documents in a lawsuit. In July 2009, Citadel had sued him for breaking a contractual promise not to compete with the hedge fund."
sandy ingram

Medical-data breach said to be major; involves nearly two-thirds of the insurers' subsc... - 0 views

  • The security failure, one of the several largest in nearly two years, involves nearly two-thirds of the insurers' subscribers. It became known only after The Inquirer requested information Tuesday evening. The insurers said the drive was missing from the corporate offices on Stevens Drive in Southwest Philadelphia. It noted that the same flash drive was used at community health fairs. "That seems grossly irresponsible," said Dr. Deborah Peel, a Texas psychiatrist who heads Patient Privacy Rights, an advocacy group.
  • The news of the breach comes at a time when there is more emphasis - and billions of dollars in federal funding - to develop protocols for electronic medical records, with information being shared among providers, insurers, and consumers.
  • Paul Stephens, director of policy for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, said that data breaches in the finance and retail sectors tended to involve more people, but that health data are very sensitive and may also contain payment information.
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  • Until The Inquirer asked for information, the company had not disclosed the data breach to affected members, most of whom live in Philadelphia and nearby counties
  • The federal website explaining the law says that breaches must be reported "without unreasonable delay and in no case later than 60 days."
  • They would not say how they know the computer drive was lost, not stolen. They would not comment on the riskiness of taking the drive to health fairs, nor would they say whether the data on the drive was encrypted.
    A computer flash drive containing the names, addresses, and personal health information of 280,000 people is missing - one of the largest recent security breaches of personal health data in the nation. "We deeply regret this unfortunate incident," said Jay Feldstein, the president of the two affiliated Philadelphia companies, Keystone Mercy Health Plan and AmeriHealth Mercy Health Plan. The breach, which involves the records of Medicaid recipients, is the first such Medicaid data breach in Pennsylvania since at least 1997, according to the state's Department of Welfare, which has oversight. "We take compliance [with federal privacy laws] very seriously," department spokeswoman Elisabeth Myers said Wednesday.
sandy ingram

FTC Extends Enforcement Deadline for Identity Theft Red Flags Rule - 0 views

  • “Congress needs to fix the unintended consequences of the legislation establishing the Red Flags Rule – and to fix this problem quickly.
  • The Rule was developed under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, in which Congress directed the FTC and other agencies to develop regulations requiring “creditors” and “financial institutions” to address the risk of identity theft.
  • The resulting Red Flags Rule requires all such entities that have “covered accounts” to develop and implement written identity theft prevention programs to help identify, detect, and respond to patterns, practices, or specific activities – known as “red flags” – that could indicate identity theft.
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  • The Rule became effective on January 1, 2008, with full compliance for all covered entities originally required by November 1, 2008.
  • Today’s announcement and the release of an Enforcement Policy Statement do not affect other federal agencies’ enforcement of the original November 1, 2008 deadline for institutions subject to their oversight to be in compliance.
  • If Congress passes legislation limiting the scope of the Red Flags Rule with an effective date earlier than December 31, 2010, the Commission will begin enforcement as of that effective date.
    FTC Extends Enforcement Deadline for Identity Theft Red Flags Rule At the request of several Members of Congress, the Federal Trade Commission is further delaying enforcement of the "Red Flags" Rule through December 31, 2010, while Congress considers legislation that would affect the scope of entities covered by the Rule. Today's announcement and the release of an Enforcement Policy Statement do not affect other federal agencies' enforcement of the original November 1, 2008 deadline for institutions subject to their oversight to be in compliance. "Congress needs to fix the unintended consequences of the legislation establishing the Red Flags Rule - and to fix this problem quickly. We appreciate the efforts of Congressmen Barney Frank and John Adler for getting a clarifying measure passed in the House, and hope action in the Senate will be swift," FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz said. "As an agency we're charged with enforcing the law, and endless extensions delay enforcement." The Rule was developed under the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, in which Congress directed the FTC and other agencies to develop regulations requiring "creditors" and "financial institutions" to address the risk of identity theft. The resulting Red Flags Rule requires all such entities that have "covered accounts" to develop and implement written identity theft prevention programs to help identify, detect, and respond to patterns, practices, or specific activities - known as "red flags" - that could indicate identity theft. The Rule became effective on January 1, 2008, with full compliance for all covered entities originally required by November 1, 2008. The Commission has issued several Enforcement Policies delaying enforcement of the Rule. Most recently, the Commission announced in October 2009 that at the request of certain Members of Congress, it was delaying enforcement of the Rule until June 1, 2010, to allow Congress time to finalize leg
sandy ingram

DoD, DHS to align cybersecurity capabilities - 0 views

  • The new partnership appears to be part of an effort to move past previous agency turf wars. Last March, for example, Rod Beckstrom resigned from his position as director of the DHS' National Cyber Security Center, citing insufficient funding and support. In his letter of resignation to Napolitano, Beckstrom said the DHS's cybersecurity efforts are "controlled" by the NSA. Meanwhile, it is not uncommon for government departments and agencies to enter into formal agreements to work together on certain issues and to “swap” employees to improve synchronization, Marcus Sachs, director of the SANS Internet Storm Center, told on Thursday. This agreement is particularly important because the DoD and DHS have a joint mission to protect the United States in cyberspace, he said.
    The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced plans Tuesday to streamline their cybersecurity capabilities to better protect the nation's networks. Late last month, Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates signed an agreement that formalizes processes for the two agencies to work together to protect U.S. networks and critical infrastructure. The agreement outlines a framework whereby the agencies will provide cybersecurity support to one another, and was intended to improve collaboration as the two departments carry out their respective cybersecurity missions.
sandy ingram

Outgunned: How Security Tech Is Failing Us -- InformationWeek - 0 views

  • Thing is, the pitch is less believable these days, and the atmosphere is becoming downright hostile. We face more and larger breaches, increased costs, more advanced adversaries, and a growing number of public control failures.
  • -U.S. businesses continue to hemorrhage credit card numbers and personally identifiable information. The tab for the Heartland Payment Systems breach, which compromised 130 million card numbers, is reportedly at $144 million and counting. The Stuxnet worm, a cunning and highly targeted piece of cyberweaponry, just left a trail of tens of thousands of infected PCs. Earlier this month, the FBI announced the arrest of individuals who used the Zeus Trojan to pilfer $70 million from U.S. banks. Zeus is in year three of its reign of terror, impervious to law enforcement, government agencies, and the sophisticated information security teams of the largest financial services firms on the planet.
    Information security professionals face mounting threats, hoping some mix of technology, education, and hard work will keep their companies and organizations safe. But lately, the specter of failure is looming larger. "Pay no attention to the exploit behind the curtain" is the message from product vendors as they roll out the next iteration of their all-powerful, dynamically updating, self-defending, threat-intelligent, risk-mitigating, compliance-ensuring, nth-generation security technologies. Just pony up the money and the manpower and you'll be safe from what goes bump in the night.
sandy ingram

Spreadsheets are inadequate for risk and compliance assessment questionaires | OCEG - 0 views

  • It gets worse . . . auditors and legal can step in and cry 'foul.' It is difficult to provide non-repudiation within spreadsheets in a scalable context. Basically, one can not go back and truly state that "this person answered this compliance (a legal process) on this date and time, and we know this is the original answer and it has not been modified." Spreadsheets do not have this level of authentication, access control and audit trail. GRC processes require a robust audit trail so that you know who answered a question and if that answer was modified - spreadsheets do not provide the functionality to cover this.
  • To replace spreadsheets I would look towards governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) management platforms. Vendors in this space include Archer Technologies, Axentis, BWise, MEGA, MetricStream, OpenPages, Paisley, and QUMAS. These vendors, and many more, have integrated content and workflow technologies to manage GRC assessment processes. They are a much better choice over the use of spreadsheets for GRC processes.
    Spreadsheets are a thorn in the flesh of risk and compliance. I have seen organizations with upwards of 40,000 spreadsheets collected for different risk and compliance issues (e.g., SOX, Basel II, Ethics), as control questionnaires are sent to nearly everyone in the organization. The questionnaires come back and the compliance team scratches their heads and says Now what? How do we manage and report on this data?
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