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Contents contributed and discussions participated by jessicawilson18


Singing and music as aids to language development and its relevance for children with d... - 1 views

    Music is such a powerful tool for children, whether it be singing, playing an instrument, or just grooving along to the beat. There are so many types of songs (repetition, recognition, action, imaginative, etc.) that it reaches out to all types of learners and helps develop their language abilities as well! This article explores how music can really help people with down syndrome!

Signing, Singing, Speaking: How Language Evolved : NPR - 1 views

    Singing is a form of communication that uses language and adds a beat. There are countless people who advocate that the power of music helped them get through rough times because if helped them verbalize their emotions. Music and singing can evoke such strong feelings in humans. By contrast, gesturing also seems quite natural. After all, before we can convey our thoughts to other fluent speakers, we rely on gesturing. This article explores how singing and signing have influenced our speaking. Moreover, which one came first?!

Does the Language I Speak Influence the Way I Think? - Linguistic Society of America - 0 views

    Have you ever had trouble describing one of your experiences? This article explores how language can restrict us. For example, color is fluid, but language isn't; at one point the color is going to change from red to orange when yellow is slowly added to it. Moreover, the environment in which we live has an influence on the words we use and the ones even in our language. Guugu Yimithirr doesn't have words for the English equivalent of "left", "right", "up", or "down". Instead, directional words (North, South, East, and West) are used. Languages have a great way of affecting how we think and offering new insights.

Why English is Such a Great Language for Puns - The Economist - 1 views

    We've all laughed at some horrible puns and made them as well! This article explores why English enables us to create word play and the extreme level to which people have taken it! For example, the pun masters of this world dubbed Gandhi as "a super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis" for his barefoot and food fasting lifestyle. There are even competitions to show off your skill.
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