Kluwe's release comes after the Baltimore Ravens released Brendon Ayanbadejo, another prominent gay-rights advocate. Both are part of the group Athlete Ally, which works to end homophobia in sports.
The power of 'thanks' | Harvard Gazette - 2 views
Outspoken Gay Rights Advocate Chris Kluwe Released From Minnesota Vikings - 0 views
: Exclusive: Football player slams lawmaker over marriage equality - 0 views
Letters of Note: Dear 8 year-old Teresa - 1 views
Language Log » Univocal heteroglossia - 1 views
I don't think that the Greek rhetoricians had a word for the juxtaposition of disparate styles represented by passages like "not only are you violating the First Amendment, you also come across as a narcissistic fromunda stain".
Kluwe's status as an athlete provides the ethos, the high style carries the logos, and the trash-talking establishes the pathos.
"For the past three years, Brendon Ayanbadejo, a backup linebacker and standout special-teams player for the [Baltimore] Ravens, has been advocating for same-sex marriage-writing about it, talking about it, appearing as one of the stars of a video campaign launched by backers of a measure to legalize it in Maryland. It's not his day job, but he's gotten enough attention for it that an anti-gay-marriage Maryland state legislator wrote to the owner of the Ravens and demanded that he shut Ayanbadejo up."
Rookie » 2011 » November » 21 - 2 views
North Korea's Digital Underground - Magazine - The Atlantic - 0 views
these new media organizations are helping to create something remarkable: a corps of North Korean citizen-journalists practicing real journalism inside the country.
Adorable Prom Invitation Gets High Schooler Banned From Prom - TIME NewsFeed - 3 views
James Tate, a senior at Shelton High School in Connecticut, worked through the night posting 12-inch letters on his school building to grandly ask his friend to prom. She said yes. But his school said no, suspending him for bad behavior.
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