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Lisa Stewart

A whale with a distinctly human-like voice - 4 views

  • For the first time, researchers have been able to show by acoustic analysis that whales—or at least one very special white whale—can imitate the voices of humans.
  • That's all the more remarkable because whales make sounds via their nasal tract, not in the larynx as humans do. To make those human-like sounds, NOC had to vary the pressure in his nasal tract while making other muscular adjustments and inflating the vestibular sac in his blowhole, the researchers found. In other words, it wasn't easy.
    You can actually listen to an audio recording of this white whale--it sounds like a human talking through a kazoo....Amazing! But he died five years ago...I'm bummed that they didn't study it more.
Lara Cowell

Move Over, Parrot: Elephant Mimics Trainer At Zoo - 0 views

    Scientists say Koshik, an Asian elephant at a South Korean zoo, can imitate human speech, saying five Korean words readily understood by people who speak the language. The male elephant invented an unusual method of sound production that involves putting his trunk in his mouth and manipulating his vocal tract. Vocal mimicry is not a common behavior of mammals (unless you count humans). Researchers postulate Koshik was apparently so driven to imitate sounds that he invented the method of putting his trunk in his mouth and moving it around. They believe that he may have done this to bond with his trainers, as he was deprived of elephant companionship during a critical period of his childhood and spent years with humans as his only social contact. A video of Koshik with his trainer is embedded in the article.
Lisa Stewart

The Waggle Dance of the Honeybee - YouTube - 4 views

    More details about HOW the bee calculates the information to share with other bees regarding distance and angle from the sun.
Lara Cowell

A Voluble Visit With Two Talking Apes - 3 views

    Feature article on Kanzi and Panbanisha, two bonobo apes, and the work of Sue Savage-Rumbaugh, head scientist at the Great Ape Trust in Iowa. Savage-Rumbaugh asserts that apes can acquire a lot of language if they learn it the same way human babies do, and is attempting to create conditions that foster the apes' acquisition of lexical symbols, as well as a greater understanding of spoken human language.
Lisa Stewart

Whales | Home - 1 views

    "You can help marine researchers understand what whales are saying. Listen to the large sound and find the small one that matches it best. "
Lara Cowell

Chimps Can Use Gestures to Communicate - 0 views

    Researchers at Georgia State University's Language Research Center examined how two language-trained chimpanzees communicated with a human experimenter to find food. Their results are the most compelling evidence to date that primates can use gestures to coordinate actions in pursuit of a specific goal. Dr. Charles Menzel, a senior research scientist, notes, "The chimpanzees used gestures to recruit the assistance of an otherwise uninformed person and to direct the person to hidden objects 10 or more meters away...the findings illustrate the high level of intentionality chimpanzees are capable of, including their use of directional gestures. This study adds to our understanding of how well chimpanzees can remember and communicate about their environment."
Lara Cowell

Language: What Lies Beneath - 1 views

    2006 NPR interactive news special on the social underpinnings of language, containing short sound bites with various language researchers. 5 topics are covered: the importance of context in helping deduce meaning, social connections and language, Theory of Mind (how humans observe each other, gauging the effect that words are having on listeners, in order to assess others' beliefs, intentions and desires), and empathy. The video clip of Kanzi, the bonobo ape, cooking hamburgers with his human friends is a classic!
Lisa Stewart

Goats 'can develop their own accents' - Telegraph - 7 views

    I knew there was a reason I love goats so much!
Lisa Stewart

AJDoupe99a.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 1 views

    shows how to read an acoustic spectrogram such as the WASP program produces
Lisa Stewart

Michael Beecher's Home Page - 4 views

    This researcher has a summary of parallels between songbird songs and human language; also links to his many published papers.
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