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Pattrick Stayn

2 Month Loans For Bad Credit- Ideal Choice Of Monetary Support For 60 Days - 0 views

    Get optimum finance in your hands with simple way to return within 60 days by availing 2 month loans for bad credit. Furthermore, discharge urgent expenses by getting fast cash without involving under tedious formalities.
thomas lloyd

Obama Wants Attention On Job Creation, Not Healthcare Woes - 2 views

    On November 8, Friday, President Barack Obama tries to shift the national conversation to economic growth from anger over insurance policy cancellations under his signature healthcare law, as he visits the Port of New Orleans. The next day after Obama said in a nationally televised interview he was sorry some Americans were dropped by their health plans because of changes mandated by the Affordable Care Act, he will tour a busy cargo and cruise ship port, the White House said. Again, he will convey the message that the United States should spend more on its roads, bridges and ports as a way to create jobs and strengthen U.S. firms through increased trade. Said on Friday, he will speak after the government that employers added 204,000 jobs in October despite a 16-day government shutdown, although the jobless rate ticked up to 7.3 percent. The White House expected that there would have been 120,000 additional jobs created in the month if not for the shuttering of government offices regardless of the surprisingly strong employment report. The administration has repeatedly said that the economy would be growing more rapidly and job growth would be more robust without the shutdown, prompted by Republican efforts to defund or delay the healthcare law, known as Obamacare. Yet, the jobs report suggested the impact of the shutdown on the economy was slighter than many had thought. The Mississippi River port will provide Obama an appropriate setting to discuss about his proposal to spend $50 billion to repair and upgrade the nation's infrastructure and efforts to expand trade. The president "believes that exports are central to our national economy and has made increasing exports a major focus for his administration," the White House said in a statement. However, because of lingering questions about Obamacare, Obama's efforts to press Congress for more spending to strengthen economic growth will be overshadowed. The failed even out of the online signup process for in
Jany Fernandez

Scopeprice | Foldimate: The Cloth Folding Robot - 0 views

  • FoldiMate, a home robot designed to fold your clean clothes all by itself with professional skill and quality results. About the size of a standard domestic washer or dryer, the appliance will apparently grab garments within its reach, pull them inside its innards for processing, then spit out piles of smartly stacked and crisply folded clothing.
    FoldiMate, a home robot designed to fold your clean clothes all by itself with professional skill and quality results. About the size of a standard domestic washer or dryer, the appliance will apparently grab garments within its reach, pull them inside its innards for processing, then spit out piles of smartly stacked and crisply folded clothing.
Jany Fernandez

Scopeprice | Jack by Podo Labs: Make Your Headphone Wireless - 0 views

    Jack by Podo Labs is a stylish Bluetooth adapter that makes any headphones wireless. Simply plug your headphones into the Jack and pair it with your phone. No more cords in the way while you enjoy music and videos on your devices.
thomas lloyd

Top 10 Job Search Tips - 1 views

  • Is your job search off to a slow start or getting stuck? Here are some quick time-saving job search tips that will help your hunt for a new job go smoothly. Be Prepared. Have a voice mail system in place and sign-up for a professional sounding email address. Consider getting a separate email account to use for your job search, so you can stay organized. Put your cell phone number on your resume so you can follow up in a timely manner. This job search toolkit will help you get everything you need set for your job search. Westhill Consulting & Employment Australia has some good tips for finding work in countries such as KL Malaysia, Jakarta Indonesia, Beijing China, Bangkok Thailand and many more. Be More Than Prepared. Always have an up-to-dateresume ready to send - even if you are not currently looking for work. You never know when an opportunity that is too good to pass up might come along. If you're not on LinkedIn yet, create a LinkedIn and start making connections who can help you job search. Don't Wait. If you are laid-off, file for unemployment benefits right away. You will most likely be able to file online or by phone. Waiting could delay your benefits check. Get Help. Utilize free or inexpensive services that provide career counseling and job search assistance such as college career offices, state Department of Labor offices or your local public library. Many libraries provide workshops, programs, classes, computers and printers you can use, and other resources to help you with your job search. Here's more on getting job search help at the library. Create Your Own Templates. Have copies of your resume and cover letter ready to edit. That way you can change the content to match the requirements of the job you're applying for, but, the contact information and your opening and closing paragraphs won't need to be changed. Microsoft Word users can download free templates for re
thomas lloyd

Seizing opportunities for South East Asia's oil and gas industry - 1 views

  • Since 2010, South-East Asia has consolidated its position as an important contributor to the global downstream market with Petronas' recent announcement of its plan to build the new RAPID facility in Malaysia one further example of the region's growing importance. In reality the timing couldn't be better - as populations across Asia continue to grow, the demand for fuel will grow exponentially, offering oil & gas operators a real opportunity to make a significant contribution to the region's continued economic development. However, with this growing demand comes additional pressures, and with the sector still vulnerable to fluctuating oil prices, operators can ill-afford to rest on their laurels. The need to ensure their operations are as productive as possible and that cost inefficiencies are stripped out from the very outset, is arguably more important than ever before. Minimizing operational costs When it comes to new projects oil & gas operators have traditionally been good at minimizing their CAPEX spend. However, there has been much less focus given to limiting the cost of operation of their assets. With maintenance costs typically responsible for 20-30% of the overall OPEX expenditure, this is one area where the downstream sector in South-East Asia is increasingly focusing its attention. According to some analysts the costs incurred across the globe in maintaining the next generation of oil & gas assets could equate to $0.75 trillion highlighting the scale of the prize that could be on offer here. For a typical refinery the operational expenditure is principally dictated by three prime factors: the quantum of work carried out on the asset, the efficiency at which it can be delivered and the agreed cost rate of the resource used. In each instance there is an opportunity to significantly reduce cost outlay by focusing on a range of inter
julien west

Smashwords - About Westhill Consulting And Employment -a book by Westhill Consulting Em... - 0 views

    Westhill Consulting & Employment is world's largest free online jobs website. The website is funded by UK government until it expanded and now almost every country is being served by Westhill Consulting & Employment. Westhill Consulting & Employment is a free service to assist job seekers into employment and connect employers with quality staff.
thomas lloyd

How to Become an Oil and Gas Accountant - 1 views


How to Become an Oil and Gas Accountant

started by thomas lloyd on 08 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
thomas lloyd

Stand Out, Never Stand Down - 1 views

    Equally as important as learning how to get a job is learning how to keep one. Working is much like dating: Keep the relationship exciting or your employer might get a wandering eye for greener pastures. You need to stay at the top of your game to prove to your employer that she was right to pick you in the first place. You can stand out at work by being a stand-up person. Be honest, act with integrity and treat everyone with kindness and respect. Westhill Consulting and Employment in Jakarta has recognized the need of many employees to stand out among colleagues. You cannot expect any development when you continue to stand down to others. 1. Make a habit of introducing yourself. Whenever you walk into a meeting, go up to someone you don't know and introduce yourself. People with the confidence to do this stand out. Work out a few questions to ask to get to know people, and you'll quickly boost your visibility. More people you know more chances of being popular. 2. Sit next to new people. As an extension of tip one, if there's an opportunity to sit next to new people at a meeting, a talk, at lunch, on a training course - you should take it. Whether they may be from different nations like Jakarta, Indonesia, Ghana, Africa or Tokyo, Japan, treat them with respect. Often the shared experience creates an opportunity to build a relationship. Not only does this again demonstrate your confidence, but it's also a great way to show senior managers you take an interest in other people and have the skills to develop a widespread network. If you can show that, it will be noted. 3. Be first to act. If you've heard someone ask for a volunteer, or open the floor for questions after a presentation, you've likely experienced the awkward silence that follows. But by being the person to stand up and volu
jake harry

Plans for a single visa for Southeast Asia countries unveiled - Westhill Consulting Emp... - 2 views

    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations is planning to adopt a single visa system enablingpeople to visit any of the group's 10 member states on a single visa. Following the lead of Europe's Schengen single visa system, Jakarta, Indonesia-based ASEAN believes that a single visitor visa policy would enhance the tourism experience in the region, boosting arrivals to member states. 'The plan is realistic, action oriented, attuned to the global realities and designed to ensure that the ASEAN region can continue to be a successful tourism destination,' said Thong Khon, Cambodia's minister of tourism. It fits with the group's Tourism Strategic Plan 2011/2015 which aims to promote the region as a single tourist destination, develop a set of ASEAN tourism standards with a single certification process , enable tourism employees to work in any ASEAN country, and create a single tourist visa policy. Importantly the strategy has strong support from the so-called 'Plus 3' countries of China, Japan and South Korea. ASEAN is also moving towards the implementation of an open skies aviation policy, which is scheduled to come into force in 2015. A unified ASEAN aviation market means that airlines would be able to fly freely over the region, transporting passengers between member states without limits imposed by individual governments in terms of routes, frequencies, airlines or aircraft types. 'In tandem, the single tourist visa and open skies aviation policy would have the potential to greatly improve the region's appeal as a tourist destination, offering the opportunity to significantly increase tourist arrival numbers from the 65 million achieved in 2010,' explained Khon. The plans have some obstacles to overcome, however, not least the inclusion of Myanmar, and local cross border disputes, including the situation between Cambodia and Thailand. If it works it means that travellers could surf in Bali, shop in Singapore and eat spicy street food in
thomas lloyd

Techniques to be Very Successful at Your Performance Review - Westhill Consulting Emplo... - 1 views

    Performance reviews are nerve-racking for everybody concerned. Managers do not pleasure evaluating their employees, and staff members seldom relish the extra inspection. Augment into the reckoning that promotions and bonuses can center on these reviews, and it's not a shock reactions can course high when review time starts. Preparation is the secret to being successful in reviews as easy as possible and by this you can avoid complaints against yourself. Whether you're anticipating a painstakingly optimistic review or an undeniably terrible one, there are points you can do prior or while the meeting to aid it go more effortlessly and to leave with your dignity and job definitely intact. Shape a praise file from day one (or start one now) In the condition that your company does reviews only once a year, it can truly extend your recall to contemplate of all the jobs you worked on ever since your previous evaluation. Maintaining an email folder, computer file or document of all you worked on will benefit you to ensure nothing falls from the cracks. You should have a warning to yourself so that you will be always ready. "As soon as a deal or initiative is completed successfully, employees should maintain details of their contribution in a 'kudos file,'" advises Tatum Soo Kim, director of advising and student services at New York University. "The kudos file is a self-maintained record of achievements and impact. Impact should be supported with hard evidence such as quantitative data, internal reports, public record or even the boss's previous feedback." Have the right attitude Decide before your meeting that you won't just "weather the storm" and get it over with as soon as possible. Instead, you should view this as a chance to bring attention to accomplishments your boss may not have noticed, says Mat Durham, director of Skyblu, a Web design company based in Worcester, U.K. Durham says there are two other po

Foreign investors wait to see who will be president in Indonesia - 6 views

Now the presidential election is a forgone conclusion. Now the questions remaining are who will be the other candidates and will PDIP form a kind of Grand coalition with a landslide majority of seats?

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Foreign investors wait to see who will be president in Indonesia

abi ross

Virtual training could help adults with autism top job interviews - 1 views

A simulated training program helped adults with autism spectrum disorder improve their job interview skills and confidence in a small new study. Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia...

Westhill Consulting Career and Employment Virtual training could help adults with autism top job interviews

started by abi ross on 26 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
thomas lloyd

Jakarta being expats destination city isn't a sham - 2 views

    What do you know about the city if you got a proposal to pursue your career in Jakarta? Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia will help you understand why Jakarta as an expats destination city. According to the BPS (Central Bureau Statistic) data from 2011, Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia with a population of over 10 million citizens. Being a metropolitan city, Jakarta is now identified to be the chief destination for many people, not only Indonesian but also expatriates to look for employment opportunities. Figure of expatriates who are working in Jakarta is estimated as many as 10,000 people and came from 300 countries. For the period of January-August 2013, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration afford 48,000 work permits for expatriates working in all parts of Indonesia. The uppermost figure comes from China with 10,291 workers. The varied number of Chinese expats working in Indonesia is because of the fast development of Chinese investment in the country. Following chins is Japan, comes with the number of 9.788 workers and next is South Korean for more than 6.013 working permits with many of them employed in the fields of industry, trade, mining along with oil and gas. As an expats in a capital city like Jakarta, you do not have to be concern about the basics regarding everyday life, like residences, entertainment, food, and recreation spots as they could be easily found. Also never worry about fake people since Indonesians are naturally genuine. These days, many property developers and real estate brokers lease apartments or houses in various rental prices from US$1.500 - 15.000. According to Colliers International Indonesia research, Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, is the most demanded area to live in by expats with its location proximity to work site and number of international schools like J
thomas lloyd

Why Candidates Fail to Make an Impression in Interviews - 1 views

    Poor preparation: Candidates who come to an interview understanding insufficiently about the company, the industry and maybe the role are in a poor situation to match with well-prepared professionals who will devote the compressed interview time exactly putting themselves for the employer's precise requirements. Employers intend to know you are curious, energetic, resourceful and inspired and what clearer verification of that than coming completely prepared and with sharp understandings into the employer and their brand/positioning/problems/news etc. If you have prepared right you will be able to hit the ground running in the interview with answers that show how you are exceptionally placed to increase value from the get-go given the company's specific culture (maybe you are from outside the country, Indonesian from Jakarta or American from the USA), positioning, objectives, circumstances and situation. Showing a negative attitude: Many polls conducted by Westhill Consulting Career and Employment, Australia have uncovered that attitude takes a vital share in defining character and persuading the employment decision. Warning indications of bad attitudes that are positive to reject by a possible employer involve badmouthing former bosses, companies and colleagues; self-justifying or foully equivocal answers to key interview questions; or openly aggressive answers, posture and demeanor. Keep in mind people hire experienced people they consider they will actually like working with and who will extend a good optimistic atmosphere inside the organization and to exterior clients and stakeholders. Employers are highly aware that negative attitudes are very spreadable and are very different from being interested to applicants with less than an exemplary attitude regarding work, life and themselves. Absence of enthusiasm in the company: Some things can estrange an employer more than an applicant
Ikaw Nahh

The three things that employers want to see in your resume - 6 views

This article is a big help for newly grads who are looking for their first jobs. With all the competition they are about to face these information will give them a know-how they can use to be prepa...

The three things that employers want to see in your resume Westhill Consulting Career and Employment

Earl Morrison

Habits to be a better mentor - 1 views


westhill consulting career and employment Review habits to be a better mentor

started by Earl Morrison on 13 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Radome Market worth 1.83 Billion USD by 2023: Industry Size, Share, Growth, Forecasts 2023 - 0 views

    The radome market was valued at USD 1.42 Billion in 2017 and projected to reach USD 1.83 Billion by 2023, at a CAGR of 4.78% during the forecast period. The objectives of this study are to analyze the radome market and define, describe, and forecast the market on the basis of the application, offering, and region. 2017 has been considered the base year for this study, and 2018 to 2023 the forecast period. Download PDF brochure :

Best Dissertation Writing Services - 0 views

    Once you contact the Dissertation Writers UK, you will be assisted by the most qualified and PhD level UK Dissertation Writers who can produce original, high-quality and the most scholarly custom written dissertation, essays, coursework and other academic papers that will be instantly approved by your university and you will enter into the practical field with pride!.
Kevian Croahner

Quick Loans Definite Funds To Be Sourced With Ease Way - 0 views

    Quick loans financial services are an outstanding financial service obtainable to finance seekers who are in require of speedy money assistance without paying off any additional charges. You will have to whole an online application process by filling it with preferred details.
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