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Joan Simon

The participatory classroom: Web 2.0 in the classroom. - 0 views

    Many young people use the interactive web, or Web 2.0, in their everyday lives, primarily for socialising and entertainment. Particularly empowering to learning are abilities to produce content on the world wide web, and a critical, reflective, metacognitive approach to using the web. In the face of a growing 'participation divide' between youth who have opportunities to engage in these higher order participatory and reflective literacies and those with fewer opportunities, there is an urgent need for teachers to expand literacy instruction. This article offers examples of classroom practices that draw on social elements of Web 2.0 that are favoured by youth to support less practised usages required for learning. Specifically, we describe ways of using new literacies and new forms of texts for locating and critically examining information, and ways of sharing and building knowledge within the participatory and creative landscape of Web 2.0.
Amanda Salt

ICT in my Classroom - 2 views

  • Space for me to explore my ideas and experiences of ICT in my classroom
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      Cally Black

      Audrey Nay (audreynay) on Pinterest - 0 views

        If you are thinking about or have stepped into using iPads this Pinterest page iPad support for teachers may be of some value to you or your staff. Visit for other iPad boards that I have created : iPad apps-Apps in education 213 pins iPad support 4 teachers 158 pins Numeracy Apps 1 pin iPad apps 4 school -literacy 146 pins Toddler apps 35 pins iP*ds in class 170 pins iPad apps -CAPA 12 pins Early Literacy 19 pins Students with special needs 77 pins
      Paul Allison

      The New Writing Pedagogy - 22 views

        I love how this article is framed. "Still, is this shift in pedagogy and policy worth the effort? Will sound, traditional writing instruction still suffice, or do we need to reframe the way we teach students to write due to the global, online spaces they will frequent more in their lives? In an August 2009 Wired article, Andrea Lunsford, professor of writing and rhetoric at Stanford University, offered her own research to suggest that students are writing in environments far removed from those from even a generation ago. "I think we're in the midst of a literacy revolution the likes of which we haven't seen since Greek civilization," she says. According to her five-year study of student writing, technology is pushing writing literacy in new directions that educators must begin to make sense of. "
      Michael Porterfield

      Power to the People: Think Quarterly by Google - 0 views

      • exploring and supporting new forms of interactivity and participation, as well as ‘digital praxis’ – realising our desire for alternative forms of storytelling and collaboration brought to life through new platforms and skills.
      • “People’s activities, relationships, and social groupings online are just as valid and interesting as those in the ‘real’ world. Behind those hundreds of millions of screens are real people, in real communities.”
      • Through that lens, people’s activities, relationships, and social groupings online are just as valid and interesting as those in the ‘real’ world. Behind those hundreds of millions of screens are real people, in real communities. Social activity online is an extension of community and socialization, and it challenges as well as extends our social literacy, norms, and identities. Since the internet is powered by people, what better place is there for an anthropologist?
      • ...3 more annotations...
      • screens
      • My motto is ‘embrace, don’t replace.’ Don’t bend a service such as Twitter to your will, or treat it as an extension of your own site. Be aware of the norms and etiquette of the communities you are engaging with. Listen more than you talk, be prepared to learn from your community members – and let that change what you do in future. That’s a truly social media approach.
      • Nor can you magic a community into being. They already exist and have established ideas, membership, motivations, and ways of working. Think about how you can work with those established groups, and help them do what they want to do. Act as a platform or a way of enhancing their activities rather than trying to get them to do something that only suits you. The best communities enable people (including businesses) to engage in contexts of mutual interest, for mutual benefit.
        "Through that lens, people's activities, relationships, and social groupings online are just as valid and interesting as those in the 'real' world. Behind those hundreds of millions of screens are real people, in real communities. Social activity online is an extension of community and socialization, and it challenges as well as extends our social literacy, norms, and identities. Since the internet is powered by people, what better place is there for an anthropologist?"
      Ced Paine

      Save The Words - 1 views

        Adopt a word - great stand-alone literacy site
      Rhondda Powling

      Kids' Vid: Teaching Kids'vid - 2 views

        "This section is for teachers. It is a resource that will provide practical suggestions on how to integrate video production into the curriculum. This section will also explore the world of media literacy."
      Cara Whitehead

      Summer Program - 0 views

        VocabularySpellingCity has a new summer word study program that allows children to sharpen academic skills as they play. These simple assignments are a daily workout for the brain, building literacy skills such as vocabulary, spelling, and writing.
      Gonzalo Constenla

      Infographics - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything - 0 views

        Infographics are a visual representation of data. When students create infographics, they are using information, visual, and technology literacies. This page includes links to help you develop...
      Carol J

      Student Interactives - ReadWriteThink - 0 views

        "Engage your students in online literacy learning with these interactive tools that help them accomplish a variety of goals-from organizing their thoughts to learning about language-all while having fun."
      John Evans

      Literacy with ICT - IMYM Tutorials Wiki - 0 views

        Wiki developed with the intent of providing teachers and administrators insight into Web 2.0 tools and their use in education.
      Ced Paine

      Think Literacy Library - 0 views

        An excellent set of resources for reading, writing and oral communication
      Jeff Johnson

      Webbed Feats | APS Library - 38 views

        There are many Web 2.0 tools that can be used to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom. It is important to understand that we are using all these tools to practise basic literacy skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening) and engage and motivate students. You may need to register to use the tool but it is free and if you use the same email address and password for all registrations it's simple. Please try them and let us know how you went by commenting. Your feedback will help us all.
        Lots of digital storytelling tools in this site
      Vernon Fowler

      Storybird - Teachers - 1 views

        A new literacy tool for a new generation

      Supporting Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners in English Education - NCTE - 0 views

        This web-based resource give information on curriculum, diversity, instruction, literacy, literature, teacher quality
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