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lily smith

Scratch Curriculum Guide Draft | ScratchEd - 0 views

    Scratch Curriculum Guide Draft | ScratchEd
Cara Whitehead

Early Elementary Science Curriculum - K-2 Interactive Science Program - 0 views

    Online, interactive, standards-based science curriculum
Rhondda Powling

Kids' Vid: Teaching Kids'vid - 2 views

    "This section is for teachers. It is a resource that will provide practical suggestions on how to integrate video production into the curriculum. This section will also explore the world of media literacy."

Teaching strategies' Creative curriculum® for preschool: Opening doors for te... - 0 views

    This review focus on learning standards in early childcare. It speaks on selecting curriculum to educate all children of all backgrounds and abilities in all areas of development.
Ced Paine

Curriki - WebHome - 3 views

    Curriki is an online environment created to support the development and free distribution of world-class educational materials to anyone who needs them. Our name is a play on the combination of 'curriculum' and 'wiki' which is the technology we're using to make education universally accessible.
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Cara Whitehead

Educational Standards Correlations - 0 views

    VocabularySpellingCity provides the following sets of correlations to standards: U.S. Standards by State Common Core Standards for each States' Implementation Australian Standards by State Canadian Standards by Province English National Curriculum Standards
Ced Paine

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom | Smart Teaching - 2 views

    Wikis are an exceptionally useful tool for getting students more involved in curriculum. They're often appealing and fun for students to use, while at the same time ideal for encouraging participation, collaboration, and interaction.
David Wetzel

To Blog or Not To Blog in Science or Math Class - 0 views

    The primary purpose of blog is to facilitate interaction between a teacher and his or her students. This is possible because a blog is a dynamic tool which can be easily updated or transformed as necessary to meet the needs of a science or math class. The integration of blog technology in a class requires an investment of time. Because of this commitment, additional evidence is needed to support the integration this technology in a science or math class curriculum.
Danny Nicholson

Ideas to Inspire - 0 views

    'Ideas to Inspire' is a collection of Google Docs presentations, which offer a large number of ideas for engaging lesson activities in a range of curriculum areas.
Chrissy Hellyer

The Model Intelligent Classroom | Reports, resources and tips for building an intellige... - 0 views

    Curriculum and technology go hand in hand today to help students learn both basic and 21st century skills. Yet it's often confusing to figure out what technologies will make a difference and how to integrate them. This web site is designed to take the mystery out of technology practices by providing resources for building a Model Intelligent Classroom.
Ced Paine

Technology Integration for Teachers - Home - 2 views

    The purpose of this site is to take an extensive list of websites that are considered high quality, reliable, and valuable and organize them in a way that even "non-techy" teachers can utilize them. It took around 10 years to collect these resources, but new ones are found every day. All of these websites have been recommended by other teachers and educational organizations and qualify as "the best". You'll find support for all core curriculum areas. In addition, you will find lesson plans, multimedia, and primary sources to enhance your students' learning environment.

Supporting Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners in English Education - NCTE - 0 views

    This web-based resource give information on curriculum, diversity, instruction, literacy, literature, teacher quality
Gloria Becker

Teachers' Guide - Growing Up Online | Teacher Center | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

    FRONTLINE takes viewers inside the private worlds that kids are creating online, raising important questions about how the Internet is transforming the experience of adolescence. At school, teachers are trying to figure out how to reach a generation that no longer reads books or newspapers. Fear of online predators has led teachers and parents to focus primarily on keeping kids safe online. But many young people think these fears are misplaced. Online media has also intensified the social dimensions of adolescence as teens create and play with identities on sites like MySpace and Facebook and encounter intense peer pressure in a variety of virtual worlds. Parents are confused about how to respond to the increasingly private worlds inhabited by their children, lacking an understanding of both the creative potential and the genuine risks of this new dimension of our cultural environment.
Gloria Becker

Study: Should Shy Students Tweet Instead Of Raising Their Hand? | Edudemic - 0 views

    I was a shy student. It took me until middle school to actually feel comfortable enough around my classmates to speak up in class. Back then, there was no Twitter. Now, shy students are apparently preferring to communicate with their teacher via Twitter instead of raising their hand.
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