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Amanda Salt

ICT in my Classroom - 2 views

  • Space for me to explore my ideas and experiences of ICT in my classroom
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      Ced Paine

      iLearn Technology » Blog Archive » Comics in the Classroom 100 Tips, Tools, a... - 0 views

        Includes sections on the benefits of using comics in the classroom, great resources for using comics in the classroom, suggested comics for reading in the classroom, tools for creating comics in the techie classroom, creative ways to use comics in the classroom, lessons plans using comics for elementary/middle/high school classrooms, manga and anime, and free comics for educators
      David Wetzel

      5 Benefits for Creating a Classroom Environment for Student Blogs - 0 views

        Benefits for creating a classroom environment for student blogging begin with establishing a foundation for their success. Why is this important? Integrating blogs transforms a classroom into a learning community where students become self-directed learners and thinkers. This in turn, causes students to use higher order thinking skills as they create and post entries in their blogs, along with commenting on other student's blogs.
      David Wetzel

      What Does the Online Digital Footprint in Your Classroom Look Like? - 0 views

        In contrast to the digital footprint you use for your personal learning network, this focus is on the online digital footprint students' use in your science or math classroom. The power of a well designed digital footprint brings the capacity to transform a classroom into an online learning community. Within this community your students use digital tools to create and develop a personal learning network.
      Deborah Dickerson

      Khan Academy - 42 views

      • Learn almost anything for free. With a library of over 4,000 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, we're on a mission to help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace. We are a donor-supported not-for-profit and would not be possible without the generous support of users everywhere. In particular, we'd like to thank The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ann & John Doerr, the O'Sullivan Foundation, Reed Hastings, Google, and the Windsong Trust for their strong support of our mission.
        Fantastic subject resource site
      • ...3 more comments...
        Lessons delivered online
        Fantastic. :) Can refer to this before a math lesson to help me in my explanation process. Refer the ways in which someone else explains a concept.
        Great youtube tutorial videos for the mathematics classroom with accompaning practice exercises. Khan has great delivery and has a video for almost every mathematical concept as well as a variety of other subject areas. It is a free site and may be used in the classroom as well as home. One possible integration would be as a way to flip the classroom allowing for more class time devoted to PBLs. A weakness is the videos do not always address questions and mistakes. This can be addressed in the comment section but doesn't always allow for immediate feedback. This site has been evaluated and recommended by UoP, ACPS and 60 minutes to name a few. It is an exemplary site.
        The latest news in the world has ever seen. Recent and into atoms. Now present with us. Actual and reliable....NEWS TODAY
        Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the most proven and systematic way to understand, how your subconscious is presently programed for current level of success. You learn to consciously de-code these programs,so that you can re-code and put newly coded superior programs in your neurology to unleash the personal power and attain anew level of Outstanding Success - Get the Best in you.
      Cally Black

      3 Rubric Makers That Will Save You Time And Stress | Edudemic - 1 views

        Rubrics can be an incredibly useful tool for your classroom. Aside from being one of those cool words that sounds a little weirder every time you say it, using a rubric can help your students understand the assignments in your classroom, and will make your grading process clearer, faster, and more objective and consistent. Online rubric makers can make rubric creation pretty simple, so we've collected a few sites that offers online rubric makers (some of them are free) that can help you out in your classroom. There are many sites out there that also offer shared rubrics from other users that you can use as well - quite a helpful tool if you're either in a pinch, or at a loss for where to start.
      Amy Kelly-Graham

      ALA | AASL Best Web sites for Teaching and Learning Top 25 Award$(function() {$('#ss').... - 2 views

      • Sticky notes are an effective way to start a virtual conversation among teams of students on the merits of a website.
      • Seeking new teaching strategies? If you’ve got an old lesson that you want to breathe new life into, Curriki can help. It is a free member website where educators share ideas and hear from others in the profession. Tip: If you have a lesson that you love to teach with your students, share it with others. Everyone can be successful if we all help each other to be better teachers.
      • What could be better? You Tube – just for teachers and students! Teacher Tube offers videos solely for the field of education. Videos are created by teachers and students to be shared with other teachers and students. Tip: A great way to have students share their work with parents and for teachers to share with other teachers, peers, and administrators, both on-campus and off.
      • ...4 more annotations...
      • Do you like to play with words or create visual poems? A "Wordle" enables you to create a word "cloud," visually depicting the relationship between words based on their frequency of use. You can tweak your word "clouds" with different fonts, layouts, and color schemes. Tip: Teach students to create a Wordle to express their reading interests or their favorite book.
      • Do you find it difficult to keep up with the latest Web 2.0. technologies? Join Classroom 2.0 Ning, a social network for educators who are using or want to use Web 2.0 in their libraries and classrooms. Tip: Look at the Classroom 2.0 weekly webinars, featuring leading Web 2.0 educators  - a great way to learn for both the novice and experienced educator.
      • Create your own social network for your classroom, your school group or your library. Share your ideas, pictures, and plans. Choose the features, a forum, a blog, members' pages, RSS feeds - whatever you would like to share and collaborate and control the membership. Tip: Classroom or library nings give students opportunities to learn how to effectively and safely be members of an online social network.
      • What are you doing? Twitter, a website for communication among friends and colleagues, is based on this question. Everyone who is connected to your account can know what you are doing at anytime, just send a "tweet."  This is a way for everyone to keep track of everyone else. Tip: Students working in research teams, designate secretaries to keep the instructor and librarian up to date on how the group is doing throughout the project.
        From the American Association of School Librarians
        Ideas on tech available to use.
      Chrissy Hellyer

      The Model Intelligent Classroom | Reports, resources and tips for building an intellige... - 0 views

        Curriculum and technology go hand in hand today to help students learn both basic and 21st century skills. Yet it's often confusing to figure out what technologies will make a difference and how to integrate them. This web site is designed to take the mystery out of technology practices by providing resources for building a Model Intelligent Classroom.
      Rhondda Powling

      Main Page - Web 2.0 That Works: Marzano & Web 2.0 - 0 views

        A wiki to support teachers wanting to use technology in the classroom. An excellent resource of web 2.0 tools and how to use them in the classroom
      David Wetzel

      Tips for Using Skype in the Classroom: Teaching Strategies for Ensuring Successful Use ... - 0 views

        25 Collaborative learning strategies, teaching tips and techniques, and classroom management techniques are provided to assist teachers and students using Skype.
      Joan Simon

      The participatory classroom: Web 2.0 in the classroom. - 0 views

        Many young people use the interactive web, or Web 2.0, in their everyday lives, primarily for socialising and entertainment. Particularly empowering to learning are abilities to produce content on the world wide web, and a critical, reflective, metacognitive approach to using the web. In the face of a growing 'participation divide' between youth who have opportunities to engage in these higher order participatory and reflective literacies and those with fewer opportunities, there is an urgent need for teachers to expand literacy instruction. This article offers examples of classroom practices that draw on social elements of Web 2.0 that are favoured by youth to support less practised usages required for learning. Specifically, we describe ways of using new literacies and new forms of texts for locating and critically examining information, and ways of sharing and building knowledge within the participatory and creative landscape of Web 2.0.
      Rhondda Powling

      100 Inspiring Ways to Use Social Media In the Classroom | Online Universities - 42 views

        A variety of uses for social media, linked to real examples by educators in the classroom.
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      Nate Merrill

      Marzano's Instructional Strategies - 0 views

        "Integrating Technology into the Classroom using Instructional Strategies based on the research from: Classroom Instruction that Works by Robert J. Marzano, Debra J. Pickering, Jane E. Pollock"
      Ouida Myers

      Storyboard That Classroom Edition - Starting at Just $4.95 per month - 0 views

        "Learn About Classroom Portals"

      Classroom 2.0 LIVE! - Beginner Series Archives - 15 views

        Archive of the beginner series of Classroom 2.0 seminar. Includes full Eliminate recording, mp3 recording, chat log, and portable video file. So far includes 3 part session on wikis, and one on RSS tagging and feed readers
      Al Tucker

      Mobile learning #9: A Dummies Guide to QR codes - e-moderation station - 0 views

      • 5 How can you use QR codes in education? Here are some ideas for using QR codes in education that I have found and especially like. These are all from my recent reading on the web. The sources of all of these ideas are in the ‘Read more…’ section at the bottom of this post. Add a QR code url to extra reading/resources on the final slide of a PowerPoint presentation in a talk. Participants with QR code readers can scan it before they leave. (Of course it’s also a good idea to include the url in full on your slide for those without a QR reader! The idea is that for those who have readers, it saves copying down an url letter by letter.) Include QR codes in published books, journals, or on paper handouts, which link to further resources. Especially for academic text books and course books, this has great potential, imho. Create a series of QR codes and attach them to physical objects in or outside the classroom, as part of a treasure hunt. Each code can supply a clue and a link to further information, which students need to collect to complete the treasure hunt. Students research a topic and present their findings in posters which are stuck on the classroom walls. The students create and include QR codes in the poster presentations, which link to online multimedia resources connected to the project topic. An excellent way to create low-tech multimedia poster presentations!
        Great blog post by Nicky Hockly. Simple explanation of QR codes with some practical classroom uses.
      Rhondda Powling

      Homework and Practice - Web 2.0 That Works: Marzano & Web 2.0 - 0 views

        A wiki to support "Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works" book...excellent resource of web 2.0 tools and how to use them in the classroom
      Jeff Johnson

      Ning in Education - 0 views

        How to set up a Ning
        Welcome to the social network for those using the Ning social networking platform in education. You might also consider joining our sister site, Classroom 2.0, for general discussions of Web 2.0 in the classroom.
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