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Diane Neary

Educational Leadership:For Each to Excel:Preparing Students to Learn Without Us - 0 views

  • That rethinking revolves around a fundamental question: When we have an easy connection to the people and resources we need to learn whatever and whenever we want, what fundamental changes need to happen in schools to provide students with the skills and experiences they need to do this type of learning well? Or, to put it more succinctly, are we preparing students to learn without us? How can we shift curriculum and pedagogy to more effectively help students form and answer their own questions, develop patience with uncertainty and ambiguity, appreciate and learn from failure, and develop the ability to go deeply into the subjects about which they have a passion to learn?

Don't just write a resume, write a story! - 1 views

    Since beginning humans get mesmerized with stories. They enjoy every part of it but only if it's interesting. A good story can create a memorable impact on the listener. Don't get surprised, yes we are going to talk about resumes only!
Tracey Stockel

Big Ideas - Exploring the Essential Questions of Education - 0 views

  • What is an essential question?
  • important questions that recur throughout one’s life
  • point to the big ideas
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • auses genuine and relevant inquiry into the big ideas and core content;provokes deep thought, lively discussion, sustained inquiry, and new understanding as well as more questions;requires students to consider alternatives, weigh evidence, support their ideas, and justify their answers;stimulates vital, on-going rethinking of big ideas, assumptions, and prior lessons;sparks meaningful connections with prior learning and personal experiences;naturally recurs, creating opportunities for transfer to other situations and
  • subjects.
    These are the questions that inspire inquiry, higher order thinking, discussion and creativity.
Dan Sherman


TenMarks is the best math practice and learning program for grades 3-High School- and as of today, it's FREE for teachers to use - in class or for their students to use at home. The TenMarks appro...

web2.0 tools education resources technology teaching learning collaboration web

started by Dan Sherman on 09 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
Rhondda Powling

Main Page - Web 2.0 That Works: Marzano & Web 2.0 - 0 views

    A wiki to support teachers wanting to use technology in the classroom. An excellent resource of web 2.0 tools and how to use them in the classroom
Ced Paine

Teach Digital: Curriculum by Wes Fryer / googletools - 0 views

    Using Google and Yahoo Tools for Educational Research and Collaboration
Ced Paine

CyberSmart! - 0 views

    CyberSmart! fosters 21st century skills to increase student engagement and prepare students to achieve in today's digital society.
Nate Merrill

OER Commons - 8 views

    OER Commons is all about sharing open educational resources. Subject areas include: Arts, Business, Humanities, Mathematics & Statistics, Science & Technology and Social Sciences. Over 16 different types of course materials are provided. You can search OER Commons by subject area, grade level, material type, media format and conditions of use or by selecting a relevant tag.
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