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Jeff Johnson

Langwitches » Digital StoryTelling- What Comes to Mind? - 0 views

  • As many of you know, who follow me on Langwitches, I am working on a Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators. I will be using Wordle to create a storytelling cloud with words that come to mind when you think what Digital Storytelling means to or for you. Please contribute keywords, that come to YOUR mind when you think of storytelling in a comment. Don’t hesitate to add duplicate keywords what digital storytelling means to you. That way Wordle will highlight more important keywords. I will add your reponses through the comments and through Twitter and Plurk to Wordle and add the collaborative cloud to this post and as part of the cover art of the hardcover book that will be available for free download on . This cloud will be a digital story in itself, told by all of us!
Berylaube 00

Teaching 2.0 : A Professional Development Resource Blog: Digital Storytelling Highlight... - 0 views

    "Digital Storytelling Highlights of Tools Used by Local Teachers Digital storytelling is a wonderful academic strategy to enhance student inspired stories and get student's that typically do not like to write another venue to participate in the lesson."
Alberto G.

MapTales, cuenta tu historia sobre un mapa | Rincón didáctico de CCSS, Geogra... - 0 views

    Herramienta de storytelling con mapas
Ced Paine

CogDogRoo - StoryTools - Diff - 1 views

    A wiki dedicated to digital storytelling tools

The Digital Narrative - Find your story - 0 views

    Lots of resources suited to exploring the narrative structure and storytelling in the digital form.
Ludmilla Smirnova

DigiTales - The Art of Telling Digital Stories - 0 views

    Digital storytelling
Ced Paine

Outwit other Twitter Users with these Twitter Games! - 1 views

shared by Ced Paine on 25 Jul 09 - Cached
    Intelligent Twitter games: Crack the Code (Mystery Word Game) Tweet Quiz (Quiz Word Game) Guess Word (Mastermind Game) TWord Chains (Morphing Word Chains Game) Storyteller (Never-ending stories)

Evernote + Twitter = Instant Memories « Evernote Blogcast - 19 views

    Now you can send your tweets directly into Evernote. Why is this cool? Because Twitter is chock-full of great stuff. Your ideas, thoughts, and experiences mixed together with all of the content from the people you follow: journalism, storytelling, commentary, activism, even comedy -to quote Rob Corddry, "It's the perfect joke-writing medium. If you need more than 140 characters then it's not worth it."
Nichola Taylor-Ingram

Storybird - Artful Storytelling - 71 views

    Create stories online to read and share
    Short art inspired, visual stories you can make, share, read and print (free).
Michael Porterfield

Power to the People: Think Quarterly by Google - 0 views

  • exploring and supporting new forms of interactivity and participation, as well as ‘digital praxis’ – realising our desire for alternative forms of storytelling and collaboration brought to life through new platforms and skills.
  • “People’s activities, relationships, and social groupings online are just as valid and interesting as those in the ‘real’ world. Behind those hundreds of millions of screens are real people, in real communities.”
  • Through that lens, people’s activities, relationships, and social groupings online are just as valid and interesting as those in the ‘real’ world. Behind those hundreds of millions of screens are real people, in real communities. Social activity online is an extension of community and socialization, and it challenges as well as extends our social literacy, norms, and identities. Since the internet is powered by people, what better place is there for an anthropologist?
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • screens
  • My motto is ‘embrace, don’t replace.’ Don’t bend a service such as Twitter to your will, or treat it as an extension of your own site. Be aware of the norms and etiquette of the communities you are engaging with. Listen more than you talk, be prepared to learn from your community members – and let that change what you do in future. That’s a truly social media approach.
  • Nor can you magic a community into being. They already exist and have established ideas, membership, motivations, and ways of working. Think about how you can work with those established groups, and help them do what they want to do. Act as a platform or a way of enhancing their activities rather than trying to get them to do something that only suits you. The best communities enable people (including businesses) to engage in contexts of mutual interest, for mutual benefit.
    "Through that lens, people's activities, relationships, and social groupings online are just as valid and interesting as those in the 'real' world. Behind those hundreds of millions of screens are real people, in real communities. Social activity online is an extension of community and socialization, and it challenges as well as extends our social literacy, norms, and identities. Since the internet is powered by people, what better place is there for an anthropologist?"
Alberto G.

ZooBurst, cuentos creativos en 3D - 0 views

    Es una herramienta para desarrollar la imaginación y fomentar la creatividad de nuestros alumnos, al pedirles que creen su propio cuento ilustrado.
Ouida Myers

Storyboard That Classroom Edition - Starting at Just $4.95 per month - 0 views

    "Learn About Classroom Portals"
Samantha Ward

MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages - 0 views

    Students can demonstrate knowledge of a concept by creating their own comic strip!
Rhondda Powling

Presentation Zen: Lessons from the art of storyboarding - 0 views

    An article about story boarding and how it relates to a modern presentation such as the TED style talks. Very good embedded video about Walt Disney and the development and use of story boarding in animation.
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