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Guest Post Online - 0 views

    Article Writing & Guestpost You Can Join this Site for Your Article & guest post, Just Easy way to join this site & total free Article site. This site article post to totally free Way. Guest Post & Article Post live to Life time only for Current & this time new User.
herbert belkin

Online Programming Courses | Learn Programming Online - Learnstreet - 0 views

    LearnStreet is an online education platform for coding languages such as Ruby, Python, and JavaScript (as of January 2013). The program is designed to help users learn fundamental coding skills and apply them to a number of real-world projects.
    online education platform that democratizes coding via a completely new mindset and approach ­ for teaching people how to code.
luke jenning

Step-by-step process for building amazing projects - 0 views

    Great resource for Web Programming newbies! & Apply your programming skills to build fun things like a Bubble Sort, Numeral Converter, Happy Numbers, Bank Teller, Blackjack Game, 99 Bottles Of Beer and much more.!!
Nick Caito

Module 1 - 0 views

    here's my work for module 1... it's a three page site, each with a picture and 2 links. hopefully it's all valid xhtml.\none page is an 'about me,' another is a recipe
    Hi, Nick. Need to remember to tag these with the appropriate challenge, or I don't know to check them :). I've added the tags to this one.
Monica Aversa

Challenge for webprog-1-f: Submit a Recipe - 0 views

    For anybody who has Celiac's Disease (or just wants to go gluten-free): Here is a recipe for GF pizza crust. It's a bit long, but it bakes and it should conform to the 1-f standards. Have fun.
    Looks good. A couple of notes: bgcolor (in the body tag) should be all one word if you use it, though we'll be doing CSS which gives you more flexibility. Also, you make heavy use of br. BR has a specific place, and what you really should be doing is wrapping each of those paragraphs in p tags. That will make life much easier when it comes to validating your code.
Bryan Dumelin

Webprog-1-f Recipe - 0 views

    This is a recipe page I deveoped for challenge 1-f . It was created using ms-notepad and utilized the basic tags of
    for html coding. I hope you enjoy!
    Nice work--be sure to keep those tags lower case!
Monica Aversa

Challenge 2-f: Site With Nav Bar - 0 views

    Is Derek Jeter a future Hall of Famer? My page from Module 1's been updated to be XTHML/CSS friendly, with a navigation bar thanks to the tutorial here -

Carly's Famous Bruschetta - 0 views

    Here is my recipe page! Hope you enjoy it! You should try it at your next dinner party, it's quick, easy and delicious!
    I've changed the tag here to webprog-1-f. Be sure to tag to the correct assignment or I might miss something :).
    Also, it's not a show stopper for this assignment, but be sure to remember to close your head section.
 Mark Zaniewski

Chicken Kiev - 0 views

    An old school classic for the recipe challenge - Chicken Kiev. Don't see this one around much anymore...
Gomez Evamarie

Puerto Rico: La Isla Del Encanto (NavBar) - 0 views

    Hello! I decided to do my 3 (well 4) page assignment on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. I included a brief history as well as some of my favorite spots to visit. I was able to include a nav bar on the home page and used the colors found in the coat of arms. I'd like to try a tabbed nav bar however.
Rafael Santiago

Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe - 0 views

    For challenge 1-f, I took a recipe and reformatted it using the tags I learned to use from the lectures.
Bawa Neha

Sprouted Lentil Salad - 0 views

    This is my recipe for module 1-f. I'm not sure why the image doesn't show up in the browser, but it has an active link to the Flickr page the picture was found on.
Marie Shanahan

CSS / Menu Bar - 0 views

    I added CSS and a menu bar to my 3 page site from module 1. I used background images and colors. Tested in both IE7 and Firefox.
Caruso  Nicholas L

Tortellini Soup Recipe - 0 views

    Had some help with the CSS parts: Used Chapter 1 (Specifically Page 41) in Head First HTML to walk me through the CSS coding.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Here is a recipe for Tortellini Soup that we make quite often. It's pretty easy and painless, yet quite delicious.
    Nice work here. A couple of suggested improvements. First, you should avoid using the center tag, but if you do, it should be inside the "body" tag--generally nothing comes between the HTML tag and the head tag. Also, you're missing your body :). However, it meets the requirements for the assignment, and looks good doing it.
    Sounds delicious, too.
Nancy Hall

Snickerdoodle Cookies - 0 views

    Here is a recipe I found to make snickerdoodle cookies. If you've never had them before and are a fan of cinnamon and sugar... brace yourself.
Wright Sashagaye

Jamaican Curry Chicken Recipe - 0 views

    Delicious jamaican style curry chicken for spicy food lovers.
Chere B

Almond 7-up Bundt Cake Recipe - 0 views

    This is a tasty almond twist to the traditional 7-up cake. It is a perfect party dessert. Hint - For those of you who don't like almond you can substitute a different flavor of extract for the taste you prefer. Enjoy!
Wright Sashagaye

Jamaica site with Menu Bar - 0 views

    I added a menu bar to my page on Jamaica. The menu bar now links to outside sources with corresponding information.
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