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DiLieto  Lauren M - 0 views

    A delicious dish for any time of year, zuppa di mussels.
DiLieto  Lauren M - 0 views

    Allow me to introduce myself, a brief introduction.
herbert belkin

Online Programming Courses | Learn Programming Online - Learnstreet - 0 views

    LearnStreet is an online education platform for coding languages such as Ruby, Python, and JavaScript (as of January 2013). The program is designed to help users learn fundamental coding skills and apply them to a number of real-world projects.
    online education platform that democratizes coding via a completely new mindset and approach ­ for teaching people how to code.
DiLieto  Lauren M

Red Zuppa Di Mussels - 0 views

    This is a new and improved recipe page that allows you to leave a comment at the bottom.
DiLieto  Lauren M

Fibonacci Sequence - 0 views

    The Fibonacci Sequence is a mathematical series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two numbers before it. The website I bookmarked was created using a combination of html and php.
DiLieto  Lauren M

Dice Game - 0 views

    On this website you can take your chances and see what you get when you roll two die. Test your luck then go to Vegas!
    Hmmm. Not quite there on this one yet. Looks like you only have one image up (1.gif) and it's of a 6!
DiLieto  Lauren M

ESP-Test - 0 views

    Test your psychic knowledge by guessing which card the computer has chosen. A fun game to play when you're bored at work!
    Still always the pink heart...
DiLieto  Lauren M

Sports Fanatics - 0 views

    All you sports fans can pick your favorite sport as well as your favorite team on this website.
DiLieto  Lauren M

Contact Form - 0 views

    This is a form where you can submit a comment, but only after you have properly entered your name and email address. No comments will be submitted unless all fields are filled out properly.
DiLieto  Lauren M

Intro - 0 views

    Allow me to introduce myself...
    Whenever I hear "NBC Page," I only think about Kenneth from 30 Rock.
Alex Halavais

untitled - 0 views

  • Q: Is there a way to track how we are doing in terms of grades throughout the course?
    • Alex Halavais
      With some consternation, I'm going to go ahead and use the Blackboard gradebook. Bah.
  • Q: Will there be an opportunity to earn extra credit in the event that the student has an A- but was not considered creative enough in assignments to earn an A?
    • Alex Halavais
      I don't think so, unless you have a very creative alternative :).
    Two questions relating to the ICM DC syllabus.
DiLieto  Lauren M

Red Zuppa Di Mussels - 0 views

    Here is an updated link to my recipe for Red Zuppa Di Mussels, enjoy!
    Missed closing the "header" div (that is, you're missing the closing bracket). Haven't tested to see whether it renders in browsers other than Firefox, but need to be careful of such issues. Good job here.
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