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Nancy Hall

Snickerdoodle Cookies - 0 views

    Here is a recipe I found to make snickerdoodle cookies. If you've never had them before and are a fan of cinnamon and sugar... brace yourself.
Alex Halavais

Snickerdoodle Cookies - 0 views

  • Do not
    • Alex Halavais
      My eyeeeeeees. :). A fine exploration of what CSS can do.
    I had a lot of fun with revamping the look of my recipe page. I added a background image, jazzed up fonts & colors, had some fun with my bullets and even figured out how to add blinking text! One of the sites I got from CSS Zen Garden's CSS Resource Guide (listed as Web Developer's Handbook, which I will also bookmark) was a huge help. Enjoy!
    Oh my! You have some fun stuff going on there! :)
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