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Nancy Hall

Snickerdoodle Cookies - 0 views

    Here is a recipe I found to make snickerdoodle cookies. If you've never had them before and are a fan of cinnamon and sugar... brace yourself.
Zebeck Jillian

Cookie Recipe Showing Database Comments - 0 views

    Here is my sugar cookie recipe, updated to include a "See Comments" button to show users' the comment information from my database table. I tried to utilize CSS to style the table to match the html page.
Zebeck Jillian

Cookie Recipe with Comment Option/Database - 0 views

    Here is my revised cookie recipe which now include a comment box with sends users' comments to a database using PHP.
Katie McLaughlin

Stained Glass Cookies: Redux - 0 views

    I have (arguably) added some pizazz to my Stained Glass Cookies recipe. Don't forget to enjoy them with a frosty glass of milk!
Zebeck Jillian

Mama Z's Sugar Cookie Recipe - 0 views

    Here is a recipe for thin, crispy sugar cookies that are honestly like nothing else you have probably ever had. They are so tasty and remind me a of every Christmas growing up, enjoy!
Katie McLaughlin

Stained Glass Cookies - 0 views

    These cookies are so delicious, you'll be thanking God for your taste buds!
    This assignment makes me hungry.
Katie McLaughlin

Stained Glass Cookies - 0 views

    These cookies are so delicious, you'll be thanking God for your taste buds!
Zebeck Jillian

Cookie Recipe with Hide/Show Jquery - 0 views

    In this assignment, I used jquery to hide elements on the page. When you click on the header "Mama Z's Sugar Cookies" everything slides up and all you are left with is the See Comments button which you can click on to see well, the comments.
Rafael Santiago

JavaScript Tutorial - EchoEcho.Com - 0 views

    EchoEcho's Javascript tutorial provides a good start on how to learn javascript. I like how they have specific sections the most common uses of javascript(Browser detection, form validation, animated buttons, cookies, drop down menu, multiple link, frameset script, and popup windows).
Rafael Santiago

Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe - 0 views

    For challenge 1-f, I took a recipe and reformatted it using the tags I learned to use from the lectures.
Zebeck Jillian

Restyled recipe: Mama Z's Sugar Cookies Revised - 0 views

    I retooled my recipe to include an image, links with changing colors and hover effect, font changes, divs, etc. Enjoy!
Rafael Santiago

Cookie recipe viewable comments - 0 views

    This page has the php that shows the comments that are in the mySQL db table. They are displayed for all the world to see.
Katie McLaughlin

'Contact Us' form - 0 views

    A contact form exists at the bottom of my recipe. There are a few problems with it, but I am begging for exponential amounts of mercy. I feel dumb.
    Need to send me the back-end code on that one :).
Alex Halavais

Snickerdoodle Cookies - 0 views

  • Do not
    • Alex Halavais
      My eyeeeeeees. :). A fine exploration of what CSS can do.
    I had a lot of fun with revamping the look of my recipe page. I added a background image, jazzed up fonts & colors, had some fun with my bullets and even figured out how to add blinking text! One of the sites I got from CSS Zen Garden's CSS Resource Guide (listed as Web Developer's Handbook, which I will also bookmark) was a huge help. Enjoy!
    Oh my! You have some fun stuff going on there! :)
Rafael Santiago

Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe - 0 views

    Here is the recipe made presentable through use of CSS.
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