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Guest Post Online - 0 views

    Article Writing & Guestpost You Can Join this Site for Your Article & guest post, Just Easy way to join this site & total free Article site. This site article post to totally free Way. Guest Post & Article Post live to Life time only for Current & this time new User.
 Mark Zaniewski

CSS Restyle of Chicken Kiev - 0 views

    New and improved CSS version. Also found a menu bar template, fiddled with it a bit, and made comments as part of understanding how it works. Attempting to satisfy webprog-2-d and webprog-2-f.
    Very nice! If you stick the code for the menu bar *inside* the "wrap" div, I have a feeling it will work out better. Right now, when you maximize on a big screen, the menu goes a bit wonky. (Don't need to fix for the purposes of this assignment, but just so you know.)
    Thank you! I've been going a little nuts with a few things. :) The menu bar was easy to place in Firefox, but wouldn't position properly at all in IE. I managed to do some fudging, but don't like the result, as I later gave up margins:auto to pin things down. After all that, the two browser renditions still look a little different. Much to learn.
herbert belkin

Online Programming Courses | Learn Programming Online - Learnstreet - 0 views

    LearnStreet is an online education platform for coding languages such as Ruby, Python, and JavaScript (as of January 2013). The program is designed to help users learn fundamental coding skills and apply them to a number of real-world projects.
    online education platform that democratizes coding via a completely new mindset and approach ­ for teaching people how to code.
luke jenning

Step-by-step process for building amazing projects - 0 views

    Great resource for Web Programming newbies! & Apply your programming skills to build fun things like a Bubble Sort, Numeral Converter, Happy Numbers, Bank Teller, Blackjack Game, 99 Bottles Of Beer and much more.!!
DiLieto  Lauren M

Recorded Video Question - 0 views

    Has anyone successfully completed webprog-4-d? This video is my question about that assignment. Hopefully you know the answer!
Nick Caito

Module 1 - 0 views

    here's my work for module 1... it's a three page site, each with a picture and 2 links. hopefully it's all valid xhtml.\none page is an 'about me,' another is a recipe
    Hi, Nick. Need to remember to tag these with the appropriate challenge, or I don't know to check them :). I've added the tags to this one.
Bryan Dumelin

CSS - Recipe Restyle - 0 views

    This bookmark is a combination of 2-d and 2-f: it is my restyled recipe and horizontal menu for the CSS portion of the course. At first, I was a little hesitant / confused about learning the CSS formatting. Once I got used to the concept of the css formatting I found myself wiring code with ease. There was many back and forth between typing and viewing in the browser, but I got the hang of it. The one issue I had was with browser compatibility - the margin: auto; code did not render well in IE7, but had not bugs in firefox. The most difficult potion of the menu was hiding the attributes that the browser assumes should be included with a bulleted list and links hence why a css style sheet comes in handy.
    Very nice. Should make it a habit to title your pages. But well done.
Monica Aversa

Challenge for webprog-2-d: Restyle Recipe Page - 0 views

    Here is a slightly more festive version of my original page for gluten-free pizza crust.
Pat Salvas

Rice Krispie Panda - 0 views

    This is my recipe. We actually made these earlier in the year, but without the frosting. I think that they are prolly in my top-5 most adorable foods I have ever seen.
Katie McLaughlin

My 2:45 pop culture reference - 0 views

    Question asked on movie timeline around 17 minute mark...
  • ...2 more comments...
    For challenge 3-b, I added a link of a video that further explains client-side VS. server-side programming. If you're confused about it (or need a refresher from mod. 1), this should be helpful.
    I like this! Stopping a lecture in between to post my comments is definitely on the cool, geeky side of ICM :D I may steal this idea for my classes, Dr. H!
    This method of drawing out the program steps is one of the best solutions for creating a program. My flow charts are usually not this complicated, but I have found them to be very helpful in creating the solution. It helps determine the switched ans loops required to complete the task - I typically will detail what type of loop i need between steps (where the arrows go). Doing one of these charts actually helped me solve the Fibonacci challenge
    At 02:45 I point out something that perhaps doesn't fall under the category of worthwhile to our lesson, but whatever -- Rosie the Robot (of 'Jetsons' fame) would never need instructions on how to make a PB&J sandwich. She would make it with love, too. Also, she could not make 50,000 because she'd get tired.
Bawa Neha

Lentil Salad - 0 views

    I'm not sure why I can't view my header in Firefox, but it works on my preview. Re-styled recipe page.
    What header? Don't see it in the code either...
Kelly Utt-Grubb

Heavenly Sweet Potato Casserole Restyled - 0 views

    It may be a great recipe, but no one is going to try it if the page doesn't look great.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Nicely done!
    Nicely done!
    Nicely done!
Wright Sashagaye

Jamaican Curry Chicken - 0 views

    My recipe page restyled.
Gomez Evamarie

Recipe Page Makeover - 0 views

    Here it is folks; my recipe page do-over. I wanted to add a background image that I made on photoshop but it wouldn't load/show. Enjoy the page.
Marie Shanahan

Green Smoothie with a side of CSS - 0 views

    I retooled my green smoothie recipe with a cascading style sheet for all elements. I have multiple divs, an image that "floats" to the right, and a fixed background image.
    Well done. Need to keep a keen eye on legibility with background images. But like the direction you moved in.
Zebeck Jillian

Restyled recipe: Mama Z's Sugar Cookies Revised - 0 views

    I retooled my recipe to include an image, links with changing colors and hover effect, font changes, divs, etc. Enjoy!
Deitrick  Erica L

Peach Daquiri - 0 views

    I restyled my recipe using a seperate style sheet.
Sorteberg  Matthew T

Godzilla Bars - 0 views

    Here is my recipe upgraded with some CSS. The only trouble I had was getting images that I created to link to my stylesheet. So instead I just found some images via Google Images and used them as background images. I know it's not the best case, but as I'm learning, I thought it'd be alright just so I can see what happens when...
Lee Howard

Blueberry Muffins - 0 views

    I restyled my recipe for blueberry muffins, giving it a border, colorful headlines and some interest in the type style. I can't believe how difficult this all is!!
    Looks nice - and reminds me of Willy Wonka!
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