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Kristin Steiner

Ten Steps for Better Media Literacy Skills - 7 views

    This article discusses research that has been done regarding the needs of people to obtain media and information literacy skills in order to better many of their experiences in 21st century society. The article states that "knowing how to search for, analyze, and interpret information is a skill that will be used for more than just writing a good research paper: People use media literacy skills for applying for jobs online, getting relevant health information, and sifting through online educational opportunities, for example." Ten recommendations for developing stronger media and information literacy skills are given in the article. Legislative efforts from the federal government to provide funding in support of programs that help to develop these 21st century skills are also discussed.
Libby Turpin

Making Online Discussion Boards Work for Skills-Based Courses - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus - 10 views

    This article explores ways to enhance online communication between students.
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    How to make a disucussion board effective. Divide a large group into smaller study sections. Make certain to post application questions, not fact-based or calculation questions. Apply the questions to the students' life/future.
    The author describes using discussion boards for his accounting course.
    This article highlights some key points about how to successfully integrate online discussions into core subject content. He does this by pairing down the discussion groups much like we are doing in the Web 2.0 course right now ,"When I did discussions with the class as a whole, the students grumbled about having to read repetitive messages. They were much more willing to participate in the study group if there were relatively few messages". He is also looking for an inital post and a follow up post written with correct grammar and spelling.
    In this article, Rob Kelly discusses how he uses online discussion boards to enhance the learning in his classroom. Students end up helping one another, and the conversations go beyond accounting so that students really see the applicability of the subject matter to their future lives. Students who really excel in accounting help students who struggle, and the split classroom discussion helps to make it manageable for all students.
    This article talks about how to make online discussions work for skills-based courses. Using Professor Roger Gee's practice and approach as an example, the author offers examples to guide students in expressing themselves creatively and persuasively, which engages and motivates them. The class is divided into study groups for the discussions. Each discussion begins with a posting by Professor Gee, the discussions are to begin after students have read the material, viewed the PowerPoint, and taken a quiz. Professor Gee encourages students to work within the study groups to help each other.
    This article shows how to let online discussions allow for higher order thinking skills to flourish in a skills-based classroom.
    "Making Online Discussion Boards Work for Skills-Based Courses" is an article written by Rob Kelly and posted in a higher education newsletter. The author describes ways on how online discussions can enhance learning in skills-based online courses. He suggests rather than having students resolve math problems for example, steer students to coming up with an opinion supported by facts they have learned. Students should have the opportunity to have read the lesson, PowerPoints and other related resources before a discussion takes place. The discussions should also give students the opportunity to share opinions and how the material may affect their personal life. Like our class, the author suggest each student to post a reply to the instructor's question and reply to at least one other student's reply. The posting should have good spelling and grammar as if they were in the business world. Another way to enhance learning is to have students work collaboratively and help each other out. The suggestions offered by the author are similar to what we have received in this course. Although the article is written for higher education, I would assume, but I have to also wonder if this is valuable information at the secondary level too?
    This is a first-rate article on how to run an online discussion for a class on a technical subject. The article elucidates the techniques used by an accounting professor at San Diego Messa College. Issues addressed include whether to focus on calculations or opinions, the size of discussion groups, at what point in the lesson plan students should post, and what role the teacher should play in introducing a topic. Professor Gee advocates that posts focus on opinions rather than facts or calculations, since the latter provides an opportunity to spread error. He also discusses dividing a class of 35 into two groups, having students post after they have reviewed a substantial part of the lesson, and the teacher introducing discussion topics and modeling the first comment.
    As a teacher of a 2 year high school accounting program, I enjoyed reading this article about Professor Roger Gee's use of online discussion boards. I introduce my students to several elements of personal finance as it relates to a service business owner's personal finances and wondered how I could engage my students to delve a bit deeper into their own thoughts on their personal finances now and in the future. I will be using Gee's suggestion as it helps students use some critical thinking to plan for their future. Some of the items mentioned actually are part of the "flipped classroom" concept; students already having read the lesson, watched the PowerPoints, and taken the test. Then comes the discussion using the learned skills. I appreciate this information for a skill-based course be it high school or community college. As we articulate with our neighboring community college, and attempt to make our students college-ready, this concept fits the bill.
    Rob Kelly discusses how to he used online discussion boards in a skills based course. This concept could be followed for any type of study group. Given students learn best when they not only teach the information but share and collaborate with others, this idea enhances the learning process.
    I'm the only Accounting teacher and have been teaching for 2 years at the high school level. I feel this article does a great job not just on how discussion boards can help and guide deeper levels of thinking among Accounting students, but provides the opportunity to take baby steps including technology in the classroom and push critical thinking. I can appreciate this article greatly because I believe we all learn through experience and as Gee mentions, some of the students have worked in the field and may be able to offer their peers another insight.
Shelly Landry

Creativity on the Run: 18 Apps that Support the Creative Process | Edutopia - 3 views

    'We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice.' This opening sentence is intriguing yet inspiring to me. As said in the title, this article introduces 18 apps to support students developing creativity at different thinking stages. The writer also suggests some practical strategies which could be incorporated in our daily teaching practice. Nevertheless, what strikes me more is the reminder that we, as a class, school, or community, need to build a culture of trust in the first place to cultivate culture of creativity and innovation.
    What a great article about creativity.  What I loved is that the article states that schools do not need to teach creativity.  Schools need to foster it by providing students a safe place to take risks and providing them tools that make that risk taking possible.  Creativity is about finding solutions to problems using one's own ideas and thinking skills.  Students can do this when given the power and opportunities to do so.
    Like Chris, the opening to this post caught my eye. "We do not need to teach creativity, but rather inspire its daily practice." Ms. Darrow's article captures the importance of creating a school that values it's students, encourages them to take some risks, and lets them practice these skills with abandon. With support and coaching from teachers, students can work through the steps outlined in this article using technology to streamline the process, help them develop real life/career skills, and appeal to their interest in digital media. I like how Darrow labels this process; there are clear steps to increase understanding. Collaboration or group work can use this format as well, group members' jobs are easily created with the resulting structure. It also creates natural places to scaffold the process for individualizing learning in a classroom full of all kinds of learners. Each activity we do in a class may not need all these steps and some may need more, but I plan to keep this article in mind as I tweak my courses this summer.
Natasha Makucha

Savvy Web 2.0 Teens Forge Critical Thinking Skills - 5 views

  • a handful of 14-year-old girls in a pilot study used critical thinking skills independently online. "How teenagers use Web 2.0 tools has huge implications for teaching critical thinking skills," says Ronda,
    • Natasha Makucha
      It makes sense.
  • Students can even collaborate on writing a Wikipedia article on a topic they're studying to see how the process of peer writing and editing works
    • Natasha Makucha
      Great idea!
  • "These conversations and activities can be really important, and can teach students valuable critical skills: how to find information online, how to examine the accuracy and source of information they find online, and how to be not only consumers of information, but active participants in creating it."
    • Natasha Makucha
      Finding information on-line is a learned skill of knowledge. Examining the accuracy and source of information is one of the highest critical thinking skills, which develops with time, experience, and rich schemata.
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  • Not all teens are enthusiastic users of tools such as Facebook.
    • Natasha Makucha
      I agree
  • teens made decisions on who they connected to and what they shared, after exploring options and reflecting on how these decisions would affect their online experience.
    • Natasha Makucha
      Critical thinking right here!
  • "These tools grow and diversify, and researchers need to catch up to what teenagers are doing online," she says.
    • Natasha Makucha
      The teachers are as good as the researches, since we have to keep up with the teens, and the technologies.
  • Social media tools hold great potential for developing important proficiencies that have to do with communicating and expressing ideas and thoughts, conducting research, and accessing and creating knowledge.
    • Natasha Makucha
      The highest points of critical thinking on Blomm's taxonomy!
    Brief article about various ways teens use web 2.0 skills. Takes a look at proper use of tools such as Wikipedia, Facebook, and Youtube.
Sloan Rielly

Teaching Research and Writing Skills: Not Just for Introductory Courses | Faculty Focus - 1 views

    Great article to support how to go about teaching students how to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively.
Matthew Pincus

Thinking skills - magazine article - TES - 0 views

    This article published in TES Magazine explores the idea of teaching thinking in the classroom. The author(s) ask "Is it possible to teach thinking skills?" They say that most experts agree that you can but Philip Adey of the Centre for Advancement of Thinking at King's College London, says that "thinking skills described in the national curriculum are not skills, they are mental processes. You can't teach them directly. But you can create a learning environment that will stimulate their development." I somewhat agree with this assessment however, a teacher can easily provide examples that the student(s) could apply to different scenarios. I'd call that teaching.
Karen Bradford

The Facts on Higher Order Thinking - 4 views

    Article that opens up the Chicken and the Egg discussion when it comes to Higher Order Thinking Skills. "Are beginning courses the best time to teach facts? Must students know the facts before they can think at higher levels? Asked a bit differently, is knowing the facts all that's needed to think at higher levels? Must students practice making connections, integrating facts and applying information, or can they do that automatically (once) they've got the facts?
    Teaching students to think using higher order thinking skills may require teachers to think using higher order thinking skills. This article surely has me pondering the question, "Must students know the facts before they can think at higher levels?"
Christine Kurucz

The Instructor's Challenge: Moving Students beyond Opinions to Critical Thinking - 0 views

    In this article, teachers are urged to push students beyond simply providing personal opinions as answers. By offering better prompts and questions, students need to be pushed into "critical reflection and evaluation" of the topic at hand. Having students move beyond simply Q/A formats, they are more engaged in their learning in terms of both the process and the outcome. Teachers need to provide feedback, challenging prompts, and encourage the discovery process (among others) to improve critical thinking skills. In addition, teachers can post open-ended questions, provide models of what synthesis looks like, and refrain from being the authority on the subject. While this article was not specifically related to Web 2.0 tools, the elements of how to increase critical / higher order thinking skills apply to all of the elements of technology use in the classroom.
Jason Finley

Expanding Career Readiness Through Online Learning - 3 views

    "...actual career readiness requires an even more rigorous blend of academic, technical and employability skills, and the ability to apply these skills in authentic environments." Research and support of benefits of online learning for ALL students
EdTechReview Community

6 Highly Recommended Apps For Teaching Programming And Coding Skills To Children - 0 views

    Here is a list of some of the most highly recommended apps that are appropriate for young learners to learn coding skills.
amy sunke

Educators Explore How to Use GPS for Teaching - 2 views

    This article highlights schools that are integrating gps technology into the classrooms and the linking this to students being connected to the real world along with building critical thinking skills. Joseph Kerski, the curriculum manager in Redlands California, is quoted as saying "From bus routing to airplane navigation to geocaching for recreational purposes, it's one of those technologies that's all around us now" . He goes on to say, "And it's not just the tool. It's about students' using those higher-order thinking skills and thinking critically about their world". An earth science teacher , Jim Kuhl, explains how he pairs up reading and interpreting topographic maps with geocaching. GPS can cost as little as $75 per unit and most data phones have a gps embedded. Example provided was Monroe BOCES Stream Team Project where 10 schools are collecting gps and gis data about the quality of streams feeding Lake Ontario.
Kae Cunningham

Three Trends That Will Shape the Future of Curriculum | MindShift - 2 views

    A great summary of how and why web2.0 technology supports 21st century skills and  and the future of learning.
    This truly is a great summary of 21st century direction. Teaching and learning will consist of digital delivery, it will be interest driven, and Web 2.0 skills will be the focus. I believe that this trend is very accurate and that this shift will, ultimately, improve the motivation for learning of our students. I think the drawback is the teachers who do not wish or are not willing to make the shift. I believe the future of education is exhilarating!
Tara Dillon

Student Presentations: Do They Benefit Those Who Listen? | Faculty Focus - 3 views

    February 21, 2013 By: Maryellen Weimer, PhD in Teaching and Learning Almost everyone agrees that student presentations benefit the presenter in significant ways. By doing presentations, students learn how to speak in front a group, a broadly applicable professional skill. They learn how to prepare material for public presentation, and practice (especially with feedback) improves their speaking skills. (Much of what we want for our students is to work, respect, support, find the good in one another, have fun and use web tools together! Highlighting the peer evaluative piece was one I am doing my best to work on. Great resource!) ~Tara
    Tara, Good find. A nice way to get more students engaged. An interesting, approach to student presentations. The author does a nice job of describing advantages, as well as disadvantages, to requiring students to critique their classmate's presentations. The image of the "comatose" classmates in their seats as yet, another presenter tries to impress the teacher is comical, yet accurate. The students doing the critiques also had a vested interest as it represents a portion of their grade. A significant statistic was that," Seventy-three percent of the students agreed or strongly agreed that completing the evaluations made them pay more attention to the presentations. " A final point of interest is that students were clear in not wanting their classmates critiques to have an impact on their grade. Tom
Mervin Eyler

Analyzing Artifacts - 1 views

    The original link, found in the vhs newsstand, is essentially a bookmark. I post the destination URL here. This site teaches the skill of observation and that of reading for comprehension. I would use it for small group collaborative work at problem solving.

Practice writing in the classroom with Carnigie's MyStory Maker - 2 views

    My Carnigie's story maker is an excellent tool that can be used for teaching creative writing to your students. With this tool, students will be able to create a story in minutes, with animation if desired, and then share their story with somebody else or even create a print out.  My Carnigie Story Maker is extremely user friendly and students can get started within minutes and won't need much training to do so.  Students will be able to get their creative juices flowing as they practice their English Language skills and if you happen to be a Foreign Language teacher, this site would be great for your students as well.
Jeanne Lauer

Solving the Problem of Online Problem Solving - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus - 13 views

    An intriguing article delineating several useful methods to bring online classrooms to life. While text and self-teaching methods were the way of the past, we now have a multitude of means to engage the student both visually and audibly via an incredible assortment of tools and resources just brimming with creative potential.
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    I think that this article makes so much sense. Online classrooms are really evolving with the tools that we have at our disposal as well as our students. Assessments of drawing , discussing, sharing how to skills can now be accomplished with web tools. These tools can really engage students and get them involved in our online classroom.
    This article takes math problem solving to the next level by incorporating a variety of technology devices in order to get students to think through problems.
    Using online math course as the example, this article provides teachers and students with a lot of technology tools to create a rich online learning and problem-solving environment. With these digital tools, students get more engaged in learning and become more creative thinking. It's a good reference for subject teachers.
    This article asks how we teach students the tools to learn how to talk, read, write, and think online. It mentions many of the media literacy tools presented in one of our readings.
Chris Skrzypchak

Teaching Risk-Taking in the College Classroom - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus - 6 views

    Taking a risk means that failure is an option. Many students may see taking a risk as a negative. If we want students to take risks, we must not only create an environment that encourages students to take risks, but makes risk taking seem like the best option.
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    We have fostered this lack of risk taken when every team wins a trophy at the end of the season.
    I wonder why this article didn't discuss the biggest penalty to risk-taking--grades. If we assign a project and tell students how to get an A, why would they take the risk, be creative and possibly fail? When students fail a paper, they should have the ability to re-write, learn fro their mistakes and improve their grade. But time and energy prevents most teachers from doing this.
    This article talks about how to encourage students to take risks in the classroom. These "risks" can range from just questioning to imagining to trying out something new. This is a very important higher order thinking skill that many students have trouble comprehending and acting on because they would rather stick with what they know (or what they think will get them the highest grade). I think the ideas in the article can be applied to high school classrooms as well as college classrooms.
    A great article about helping students be more creative by incorporating risk-taking activities in the classroom. Create an environment where taking risks are rewarded. Also start with small risk-taking activities and build up into more complex ones.
Julie Doughty

Using a Blog to Enhance Student Participation | Faculty Focus - 0 views

    This professor uses blogs to have students discuss readings before they are due.  It supports HOTS because they are connecting the readings to current events as well as evaluating perspectives. Plus the prof. felt she was able to better tailor the class discussions after reading the posts to force students to think more deeply.  Students reported that the blogging helped them understand course content and improve their critical thinking and writing skills.  The prof. had students reflect as a part of their final about how their verbal exchanges on the blog shaped their understanding of the events.  In other words, students explored how they were constructing their knowledge through the blog.  Interestingly, this professor had her students post anonymously to the "class blog".  She believed this encouraged honest and open participation.
Miss OConnor

Tiny Bursts of Learning | Betchablog - 0 views

    This blog discusses the importance of PLNs and counters the PD argument that so often arises when teachers are asked to learn a new skill. It also provides concrete examples of how to use Twitter.
Jason Finley

Three Trends That Will Shape the Future of Curriculum | MindShift - 0 views

    1. Digital Delivery 2. Interest Driven 3. 21st Century Skills Thin article, but good conversation starter. Ideal for use in a text-based protocol.
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