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NIM Facilitator

Greetingsfromtheworld - home - 4 views

    Arjana Blazic's wiki bridges different cultures and continents by allowing educators and students to share their stories and cultures with others. Using tools like Glogster, students from around the world interact with their peers through images, videos, and text.
Shraddha Nayak

Collaborative learning with - 7 views

    The author shares a new collaborative tool,, which can be used by students to create a working portfolio and can be shared, published and owned. Although it is similar to google docs, the author likes it better for its simplicity, the ownership status it provides, its content-focused nature and the control it allows over who can edit it.
    Great tool. And, yes it is easier to use than Google Docs. Of course "easier" means fewer features, but it also means more simplicity. Plus, with a few HTML basics there is more you can do than with G-Docs.
    This is exactly what I am looking for to complement some of my online courses. Items such as safety contracts need signatures and require the tedious use of a scanner or fax machine. This would be a great acessory to make these types of task very simple and personal. Unlike google docs it provides much more controls over many items.

Discovery Education Web2014 : Web 2.0 Tools - 1 views

    The article from the Discovery Education website is relatively new and it points out how Web 2.0 tools are about revolutionary new ways of creating, collaborating, editing and sharing ... and more, these clever apps turn cell phones into smart teaching tools.
Cathy Cheo-Isaacs

Web 2.0- Cool Tools for Schools - 10 views

    A mega-collection of Web 2.0 tools organized by purpose. More than one could ever ask for (or possibly master)
    Wow! what an extensive use of organization at our fingertips! Thank you for finding and sharing
    I have this site already bookmarked in my Diigo account but I have to say that it is one of the most extensive collection of AWESOME web 2.0 tools that I have ever seen. Thank you for sharing it here.
Maria Black

How Teachers collaborate online in school - 8 views

    School district implements common planning time and allows teachers to collaborate using a wike for lesson plans and web links to enhance classroom teaching.
    Thank you for sharing that example of the wiki and teacher sharing. I may discuss this to be a possible option for a professional day for my own dept members as we look to design our own text.
NIM Facilitator

soar2newheights - home - 0 views

    Katie Heissenbuttel created this wiki for her fourth grade classroom. Over the past year, Katie has enjoyed watching her students' discussions develop. Initially, students only answered Katie's questions on the wiki but they soon began to comment and respond to their peers' postings. As you visit the wiki, you'll find student podcasts covering recent news events and individual pages showcasing each student's work. Katie's students are always excited to share their latest projects with their parents and parents really love the page of upcoming homework assignments. It's a great example of how a wiki can transform learning into a community process.
mark olofson

SoftChalk 6 Enhances Educational Content Sharing - 2 views

    Promising tool to help teachers who may not be as tech savvy get content online
Serge Labrecque

Flip Video Cameras in the Classroom - 4 views

    Cindy, the instructional technologist from a school in Northeastern North Carolina sees administrators using the flip camera in creative ways all the time. One principal takes her flip camera on her daily walk-through through her school. When she sees great interaction between students, unique teaching methods, or an overall great experience in a classroom she pulls out her handy camera and records the experience. Then, during faculty meetings and staff development she shares her videos with the staff as great examples of what is and should contiunue to happen in her school.
    This article presents many ways Flip Cams can be used in the classroom. Students and teachers can be very creative using Flip Cams. Suggestions included students sharing their world, digital story telling and others. Creativity can be enhanced Flip Cams.
Thomas Dearborn

Product Review: Toon Boom Animation Software - 1 views

    This article is a review for animation software for the grade school level. While this article is not about HOTS directly it describes an interesting tool that can promote HOTS. Students are well versed in making PowerPoints these days and moving to a more extensive animation platform is the next logical step. The animation process involves HOTS because students must process the information into a format that is more then just memorization and repetition. This tool would promote the skills of analysis, synthesizing, and critical thinking as students take information presented in class and work to share their knowledge through film/animation.
Miss OConnor

32 Ways to Use Google Apps in the Classroom - 5 views

    A shared slideshow that showcases the many uses for Google Apps in education, not just as a teaching tool, but to support productivity as well. It has great suggestions and practice for different level users
Jason Finley » Five lessons from the nation's best online teacher » Print - 3 views

    Not an amazing article. But, it is important to note that four...maybe all five of her "five lessons" are based on communication. "1. Keep the student at the center of every decision that needs to be made. 2. Foster relationships with students and parents, because parents can be a teacher's biggest help. 3. Talk with your students every day by phone. Dove said that the majority of her day is spent talking directly with students to build a one-on-one relationship with each of them. 4. Celebrate every effort and success, no matter how big or small. "Always be positive in your feedback, even if the assignment may not be stellar. The written word is so powerful online, and you always want your students to feel that you are cheering them on and appreciate their hard work," she explained. 5. Build relationships with fellow teachers. Share resources, best practices, and stories to feel less isolated or alone in the home office."
Jason Finley

Proposed Faculty-Student Electronic Communications Policy - 0 views

    I created this as a presentation tool for a school law class a few years ago. Our assignment was to research a current topic and share that with the class. I thought that this would be a way to make it seem relevant and purposeful. I wonder if I were to rewrite this...what would I change?
Donna Boudreau-Hill

Quizlet - Flashcards and Study Games - 2 views

    Free! Flashcards and study games web site to create your own and share.
Shirleyph Chan

How to Use New-Media Tools in Your Classroom | Edutopia - 4 views

    Check out these seven video tips, made by Edutopia bloggers and contributors, on using technology in your classroom. Watch teachers, an administrator and consultant talk about real applications of media tools for students. Content for this project is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License.
    In these 7 brief video clips, educators share how they use specific technology and social-media tools in classrooms, including Twitter,Facebook, Wikis, Digital Cameras, YouTube, Wii and GPS devices.
ruby xu

Google+ … Room for Another Social Network? - 1 views

    Google+, another social networking app, is more for professionals as depicted in the article. People can share and connect through G+ just like the way they do in Facebook. Also, it provides features that Facebook does not have, such as "Hangouts" and "Sparks",etc. It's about connectedness and a good platform to practice our media skills.
Libby Turpin

Making Online Discussion Boards Work for Skills-Based Courses - Faculty Focus | Faculty... - 10 views

    This article explores ways to enhance online communication between students.
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    How to make a disucussion board effective. Divide a large group into smaller study sections. Make certain to post application questions, not fact-based or calculation questions. Apply the questions to the students' life/future.
    The author describes using discussion boards for his accounting course.
    This article highlights some key points about how to successfully integrate online discussions into core subject content. He does this by pairing down the discussion groups much like we are doing in the Web 2.0 course right now ,"When I did discussions with the class as a whole, the students grumbled about having to read repetitive messages. They were much more willing to participate in the study group if there were relatively few messages". He is also looking for an inital post and a follow up post written with correct grammar and spelling.
    In this article, Rob Kelly discusses how he uses online discussion boards to enhance the learning in his classroom. Students end up helping one another, and the conversations go beyond accounting so that students really see the applicability of the subject matter to their future lives. Students who really excel in accounting help students who struggle, and the split classroom discussion helps to make it manageable for all students.
    This article talks about how to make online discussions work for skills-based courses. Using Professor Roger Gee's practice and approach as an example, the author offers examples to guide students in expressing themselves creatively and persuasively, which engages and motivates them. The class is divided into study groups for the discussions. Each discussion begins with a posting by Professor Gee, the discussions are to begin after students have read the material, viewed the PowerPoint, and taken a quiz. Professor Gee encourages students to work within the study groups to help each other.
    This article shows how to let online discussions allow for higher order thinking skills to flourish in a skills-based classroom.
    "Making Online Discussion Boards Work for Skills-Based Courses" is an article written by Rob Kelly and posted in a higher education newsletter. The author describes ways on how online discussions can enhance learning in skills-based online courses. He suggests rather than having students resolve math problems for example, steer students to coming up with an opinion supported by facts they have learned. Students should have the opportunity to have read the lesson, PowerPoints and other related resources before a discussion takes place. The discussions should also give students the opportunity to share opinions and how the material may affect their personal life. Like our class, the author suggest each student to post a reply to the instructor's question and reply to at least one other student's reply. The posting should have good spelling and grammar as if they were in the business world. Another way to enhance learning is to have students work collaboratively and help each other out. The suggestions offered by the author are similar to what we have received in this course. Although the article is written for higher education, I would assume, but I have to also wonder if this is valuable information at the secondary level too?
    This is a first-rate article on how to run an online discussion for a class on a technical subject. The article elucidates the techniques used by an accounting professor at San Diego Messa College. Issues addressed include whether to focus on calculations or opinions, the size of discussion groups, at what point in the lesson plan students should post, and what role the teacher should play in introducing a topic. Professor Gee advocates that posts focus on opinions rather than facts or calculations, since the latter provides an opportunity to spread error. He also discusses dividing a class of 35 into two groups, having students post after they have reviewed a substantial part of the lesson, and the teacher introducing discussion topics and modeling the first comment.
    As a teacher of a 2 year high school accounting program, I enjoyed reading this article about Professor Roger Gee's use of online discussion boards. I introduce my students to several elements of personal finance as it relates to a service business owner's personal finances and wondered how I could engage my students to delve a bit deeper into their own thoughts on their personal finances now and in the future. I will be using Gee's suggestion as it helps students use some critical thinking to plan for their future. Some of the items mentioned actually are part of the "flipped classroom" concept; students already having read the lesson, watched the PowerPoints, and taken the test. Then comes the discussion using the learned skills. I appreciate this information for a skill-based course be it high school or community college. As we articulate with our neighboring community college, and attempt to make our students college-ready, this concept fits the bill.
    Rob Kelly discusses how to he used online discussion boards in a skills based course. This concept could be followed for any type of study group. Given students learn best when they not only teach the information but share and collaborate with others, this idea enhances the learning process.
    I'm the only Accounting teacher and have been teaching for 2 years at the high school level. I feel this article does a great job not just on how discussion boards can help and guide deeper levels of thinking among Accounting students, but provides the opportunity to take baby steps including technology in the classroom and push critical thinking. I can appreciate this article greatly because I believe we all learn through experience and as Gee mentions, some of the students have worked in the field and may be able to offer their peers another insight.
Michele Foley

Digital Citizenship Week - 6 views

    This blog emphasizes the importance of stressing being a "good citizen" when using the Internet with our students. A week was spent with the following learning objective: "A renewed focus on the choices we make and how they affect us, specifically about balance, responsibility and safety." Each day time was spent on some aspect of this objective. As a culminating activity, students were invited to an assembly where the theme was " Digital Citizenship mean..... to me" Students were able to share what they learned throughout the week.
    Michele I had read this article when reviewing them for our assignment. It was great to see all of the topics touched upon, especially about balancing on and off line activities. Love that they stressed being a good digital citizen just as we stress being a good citizen in general. I think we forget to stress some of these points with our students and that they are important in our online life even outside of school. The kids and adults alike.
Linda Williams

Team Teaching: Two Teachers, Three Subjects, One Project - 0 views

    Two teachers collaborating together with Biology, art and technology to create a video on DNA.
    For any teacher that wants to experience what cross disciplinary, project based teaching and learning can be, I recommend the short video, " Team Teaching: Two Teachers, Three subjects, One Project The video explores the opportunities that exist when a traditional physiology topic, blood, is integrated with multimedia. The results are motivating. The viewer experiences art and science coming together under the umbrella of one topic. The team teaching approach is aided by the fact that teachers begin their day an hour before students in order to meet and coordinate the team approach. Students engage in research as they work toward creating multimedia presentations that are placed on display at a local art gallery in order to promote blood donation. This project based approach allows students to share their works with a large audience while creating a community connection with the local blood bank as well as the local art gallery. The teachers guide students through the project and become a resource, rather than only a "holder of knowledge". Students are given real world deadlines and are held accountable by their teachers through online digital portfolios. The exciting part of this project, for teachers interested in attempting this approach to learning, is the opportunity it provides for the teacher to grow outside of their normal curriculum.
Colleen Gianino

Creative Suite 6 Ships; Creative Cloud Coming May 11 -- THE Journal - 2 views

    This is a brief article describing the Adobe Creative Suite update to 6.0. Aside from listing the latest updates, he most interesting part of this article is that Adobe is introducing the Creative Cloud. If you follow the link about the cloud it unveils a whole knew way of creative possibilities. The Creative Cloud is something I want to look into for our classroom. I am wondering if it is an alternative to purchasing hefty licenses every year.
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    This is good news!
    I have a hard time imagining the powerful suite of Adobe apps working well in the cloud. For this cloud service to work, I would imagine one needing a seriously fast and reliable Internet connection. None the less, I am really excited to see if this lives up to the promises. Thanks for sharing.
    I use Photoshop all the time at my school. I'm looking forward to what CS6 has to offer. Want to research more on The Creative Cloud. So far what I know, I like.
Kevin Murphy

MIT launches student-produced educational video initiative - MIT News Office - 2 views

    University students create videos for younger, k12 students to help inspire future computer science students. This is two fold. The process of creating the video also reinforces topics mastered while benefiting society.
    This is amazing on so many levels. Thanks for sharing. For us- great teaching resources, but also a great learning tool for the MIT students.
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