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Newman Lanier

Getting From User Stories to UX | - 0 views

    "Recently I wrote about User Stories and how card based software development can help identify 'clear, brief descriptions of functionality as described from the perspective of a user'. Today I want to look at how User Stories or 'Stories' can impact the user interface (UI) design and user experience (UX) of a software product."
    A good perspective on UX methods from an 'Agile' guy
Newman Lanier

LabLog - How did you get into UX - 0 views

  • At that point I had never heard of user research, but I started wondering why we didn’t talk to our map readers when we were designing new map specs. We spent hours debating the details that we all passionately cared about – for example, icon design or the extent of a map’s coverage – but if you asked, we wouldn’t have been sure if it mattered to anyone else but us.
  • At that point I had never heard of user research, but I started wondering why we didn’t talk to our map readers when we were designing new map specs. We spent hours debating the details that we all passionately cared about – for example, icon design or the extent of a map’s coverage – but if you asked, we wouldn’t have been sure if it mattered to anyone else but us.
    "How did you get into the field of user experience?" is a question we get all the time. While the AnswerLab team members all share a passion for improving the digital world, we each have a different tale of what led us here. We're sharing our stories in a new series of user experience expertise blog posts where the AnswerLab team reveals what feeds our curiosity and what led us to UX research.
    The origin story of a UX superhero!
Newman Lanier

User Experience - Stack Exchange - 0 views

    A UX designer community forum. Brilliant idea
    A stackExchange or StackOverflow message board. Great discussion going on here
Newman Lanier

User Experience Events Calendar | Find UX Events - 0 views

shared by Newman Lanier on 29 Mar 12 - Cached
    this is a snappy little website with directory of UX conferences. Great idea! What can you do there? Answer: Find UX events in your neck of the woods
Newman Lanier

UX Design Versus UI Development :: UXmatters - 1 views

    Another good article by Mike Hughes, IBM fellow and UX'er. Explains the roles of UX vs role of UI
Newman Lanier

UX Lx: User Experience Lisbon - 16 to 18 May 2012 - 0 views

    "3 fantastic days with User Experience Professionals from all over the world. 16 workshops to develop your skills, 10 talks to inspire you and 16 slots open for you to share your experiences. All this coupled with lots of parties and meetups in sunny Lisbon."
Newman Lanier

Jeff Gothelf - Ignite: Lean Startup Video at Pivotal Labs NYC (6/22/2011) - YouTube - 0 views

    Slides advance every 15. Whole talk lasts 5 minutes. Awesome!
    Jeff Gothelf, Director of UX, @jboogie Ignite Talk: "How to 'Do' Lean UX in 5 Easy Steps" -- Ignite is a fast-paced presentation style that gives tech entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned with a room full of drunk entrepreneurs. But there's a catch: presentations are limited to exactly five minutes and twenty slides--and those slides advance automatically every 15 seconds.
Newman Lanier

Lean UX Machine 2011 - 0 views

    UX conference in Isreal!
Newman Lanier

The Craft of UX: What We Can Learn From Bakers' Guilds - 0 views

    by Leanna Gingras
    Wanna learn UX?, perhaps we can learn from a Baker. Guild system can teach us about learning a master trade.
Newman Lanier

52 Weeks of UX - 0 views

shared by Newman Lanier on 30 May 12 - Cached
    A pretty nice (pretty and nice) blog of 52 posts on UX topics. cool idea.
Newman Lanier

Whitney Quesenbery Interview | Useful Usability - 0 views

    "Storytelling for User Experience,"
    Nice interview with a UX writer and practitioner by Craig Tomlin
Newman Lanier

Visual Design and Usability Yellow Brick Road | UX Magazine - 0 views

  • users are not able to learn and trust its behavior and meaning.
    • Newman Lanier
      This is key. Designers gain this trust by not violating the rules they create. Sometimes these rules - or Grammar, as I like to call it - are codified and rigid. Everyone knows them and the designers use them. But, other times, like creating the 'yellow brick road', the designer makes them up and offers it to the user.
  • This allows the color to come to the foreground and dominate the composition with its strength rather than its abundance.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Assign a behavior to type elements and be consistent.
    • Newman Lanier
      'Assign a behavior to type elements' - I'm not exactly clear on this. I understand about limiting number of fonts and text style. I assume behavior is something like - H1s do this. This font is for description. That font is for system messages. And, this font is for the buy process - yellow brick road / Critical path. Correct?
    Yellow brick road' is like highlighting what we call the critical path with color. Check document for notes
Newman Lanier

User Experience (UX) & Web Design Agency - San Diego - San Francisco - 0 views

shared by Newman Lanier on 29 Mar 12 - Cached
    UX design company
Newman Lanier

» Projektowanie interakcji i badania użyteczności na jeden kęs | UXbite - 0 views

shared by Newman Lanier on 01 Apr 12 - Cached
    Polish UX magazine! Sweet... I dont read polish. But I do love Poland!
Newman Lanier

Better Experimental Design for Better User Testing | UX Booth - 0 views

    A nice post explaining how you can screw up a user test. Along with a helpful list of tips!
Newman Lanier

UX designer launches Dark Patterns Awards | News | .net magazine - 1 views

    dark patterns... sounds so awesome.
Newman Lanier

User Experience and Experience Design - 0 views

    A nice summary and definition of UX and Experience Design by Marc Hassenzahl with comments by Don Norman and Eric Riess
Newman Lanier

cxpartners | The myth of the page fold: evidence from user testing - 0 views

    Landing pages and scrolling. Good article and tests about the 'whatnots and whathaveyous' of page scrolling.
Newman Lanier

Design Staff - Improve your startup's surveys and get even better data - 0 views

    "Startups frequently use surveys as a cheap and easy way to get feedback from users. But the resulting data will only be as good as the survey itself. I often see products with surveys that have easy-to-fix mistakes like misleading questions, improper sampling, and skewed rating scales. That's a shame - these teams could be collecting better data and making better decisions if they just paid a bit more attention to survey design."
    You can screw up making a survey. Read this to avoid that.
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