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Newman Lanier

Jeff Gothelf - Ignite: Lean Startup Video at Pivotal Labs NYC (6/22/2011) - YouTube - 0 views

    Slides advance every 15. Whole talk lasts 5 minutes. Awesome!
    Jeff Gothelf, Director of UX, @jboogie Ignite Talk: "How to 'Do' Lean UX in 5 Easy Steps" -- Ignite is a fast-paced presentation style that gives tech entrepreneurs the opportunity to share lessons learned with a room full of drunk entrepreneurs. But there's a catch: presentations are limited to exactly five minutes and twenty slides--and those slides advance automatically every 15 seconds.
Newman Lanier

9 Deadliest Start-up Sins « Steve Blank - 0 views

    "1. Assuming you know what the customer wants First and deadliest of all is a founder's unwavering belief that he or she understands who the customers will be, what they need, and how to sell it to them. Any dispassionate observer would recognize that on Day One, a start-up has no customers, and unless the founder is a true domain expert, he or she can only guess about the customer, problem, and business model. On Day One, a start-up is a faith-based initiative built on guesses. To succeed, founders need to turn these guesses into facts as soon as possible by getting out of the building, asking customers if the hypotheses are correct, and quickly changing those that are wrong."
    Start-ups are getting user-centered FIRST, before going thru all the pain of starting up. I'm pretty sure this is what the whole Lean Start - up , Lean UX is all about.
Newman Lanier

Lean UX Machine 2011 - 0 views

    UX conference in Isreal!
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