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Katie Day

Copyright, Creative Commons, Fair Use - Netvibes by Dianne McKenzie - 1 views

    Resource collection collected for 2011 Librarians Symposium in Shanghai by Dianne McKenzie -- a work in progress.  Mainly based on US copyright law.

Formulating Research Questions with Birds of Feather Collaboration and Writable Surfaces | The Unquiet Librarian - 0 views

    360 whiteboard and now writeable surfaces. try ours out in the KM library
Katie Day

Acclaimed Colombian Institution Has 4,800 Books and 10 Legs - - 0 views

  • Sweating already under the unforgiving sun, he strapped pouches with the word “Biblioburro” painted in blue letters to the donkeys’ backs and loaded them with an eclectic cargo of books destined for people living in the small villages beyond.
  • “I started out with 70 books, and now I have a collection of more than 4,800,” said Mr. Soriano, 36, a primary school teacher who lives in a small house here with his wife and three children, with books piled to the ceilings.
  • A whimsical riff on the bookmobile, Mr. Soriano’s Biblioburro is a small institution: one man and two donkeys. He created it out of the simple belief that the act of taking books to people who do not have them can somehow improve this impoverished region, and perhaps Colombia.
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  • Unlike Mr. García Márquez, who lives in Mexico City, Mr. Soriano has never traveled outside Colombia — but he remains dedicated to bringing its people a touch of the outside world. His project has won acclaim from the nation’s literacy specialists and is the subject of a new documentary by a Colombian filmmaker, Carlos Rendón Zipaguata.
    a Biblioburro -- library by donkey -- in Colombia -- good complement to the book, My Librarian is a Camel
Katie Day

New Tools Workshop wiki - 0 views

    Fabulous collection of online tools -- started by Joyce Valenza, teacher-librarian
Katie Day

UKLA : The UK Literacy Association - 0 views

    "The United Kingdom Literacy Association (UKLA) is a registered charity, which has as its sole object the advancement of education in literacy. UKLA is concerned with literacy education in school and out-of-school settings in all phases of education and members include classroom teachers, teaching assistants, school literacy co-ordinators, LEA literacy consultants, teacher educators, researchers, inspectors, advisors, publishers and librarians."
Katie Day

Pine Tree Poetry - student poetry published - 1 views

  • We’ve created Pine Tree Poetry to interlace students, their peers, parents, teachers and school librarians in a quest for poetry writing excellence. Rarely do students earn kudos or trophies for their writing, but at Pine Tree Poetry, we are dedicated to rewarding the fine writing achievements of students who are 5 – 18. Pine Tree Poetry contributes four important elements to the realm of student poetry. We: 1. Receive, read, evaluate, pick (a few) and publish the best poems written by poets ages 5 – 18. 2. Support schools by awarding thousands of dollars each year for much-needed library materials. Some awards are based upon the number of poems submitted while others are selected at random from among all particiipants. 3. Give a free copy of The Pine Tree Poetry Collection to the library of every school that has one or more students published. 4. Highlight the life lesson that many will write and the best will be chosen. We are not a vanity publishing company! We’re out to change the world one poem at a time and we invite students, parents, librarians, teachers and those who love the written word to join us.
    a website where students can submit poems for publication
Katie Day

Human Anatomy: Human Anatomy for Beginners - 0 views

    Recommended links for students -- from the "Finding Dulcinea - Librarian of the Internet" 
Louise Phinney

How will iPad picture books affect young reader's literacy? | The Digital Media Diet - 0 views

    This post is part of a community effort to discuss literacy issues this week through "Share a Story - Shape a Future" . It's sponsored by a group of "blogging librarians, teachers, parents, illustrators, authors, and literacy passionistas," and represents "a collaborative venue to share ideas and celebrate everything reading has to offer our kids."
Katie Day

News: What Students Don't Know - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • The prevalence of Google in student research is well-documented, but the Illinois researchers found something they did not expect: students were not very good at using Google. They were basically clueless about the logic underlying how the search engine organizes and displays its results. Consequently, the students did not know how to build a search that would return good sources. (For instance, limiting a search to news articles, or querying specific databases such as Google Book Search or Google Scholar.)
  • In other words: Today’s college students might have grown up with the language of the information age, but they do not necessarily know the grammar.
  • Librarians often have to walk that line between giving a person a fish and teaching her how to fish, proverbially speaking, says Thill. And the answer can rightly vary based on how quickly she needs a fish, whether she has the skills and coordination to competently wield a pole, and whether her ultimate goal is to become a master angler.
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  • “It’s not about teaching shortcuts, it’s about teaching them not to take the long way to a goal,” says Elisa Addlesperger, a reference and instruction librarian at DePaul. “They’re taking very long, circuitous routes to their goals.… I think it embitters them and makes them hate learning.” Teaching efficiency is not a compromise of librarianship, adds Jagman; it is a value.
    results of an ethnographic study of college students and their relationship with libraries and level of information literacy...  Quote: "In other words: Today's college students might have grown up with the language of the information age, but they do not necessarily know the grammar."
Katie Day

Sweet Search - 0 views

    "SweetSearch is a Search Engine for Students.  It searches only the 35,000 Web sites that our staff of research experts and librarians and teachers have evaluated and approved when creating the content on findingDulcinea. We constantly evaluate our search results and "fine-tune" them, by increasing the ranking of Web sites from organizations such as the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, PBS and university Web sites.  "
Louise Phinney

Debate on School Libraries in South Africa | Equal Education - 0 views

    One panellist suggested that a library should be regarded as a function, with its resources tying in with the school curriculum and meeting the needs of both staff and learners. The need for integration between the teaching curriculum and a school's library were echoed by other panellists. Much emphasis was placed on the transformative potential of school libraries, with speakers describing libraries as "agents of change" and "hubs of creativity," and librarians as "transformational agents."  
Louise Phinney

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: Teacher-Librarians - 2 views

    Currently there are close to 160 sites listed. There is SO MUCH information out there! 
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