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Sean McHugh

Do Violent Games Lead Kids Astray? - IGN - 0 views

  • dialogue is far removed, however, from the intensely heated conflict that exists at the smaller, more personal scale. On the one hand you have the millions of Americans who play games, whether on a console or a smartphone, and have been raised in a time where such things are ubiquitous. On the other is a (generally older) population whose exposure to games has been limited to the most visible examples of the medium, including billion-dollar series like Call of Duty and notorious time sinks like FarmVille that paint a limited portrait of gaming's full range.
  • "You’re not wrong to be concerned about the time your son spends playing video games," wrote Moody. "But let me ask you this: If there were no video games here, wouldn’t there be some other stimulus that could threaten his time by diverting his attention away from, wait, what did you call it? 'What I feel are much more worthwhile and ultimately rewarding pursuits.’ 
  • fears about video games are understandable. Like anything else, they can become the focal point of unhealthy behavior all too easily, a point Moody is quick to emphasize. As Moody says again and again, though, that’s hardly the fault of video games.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Video games actually encourage problem solving and memory skills in young people. "[Children] have to discover the rules of the game and how to think strategically,"
  • Even video games that can horrify with their grisly depictions of violence have benefits that individuals like ADCP are unaware of due to an unwillingness to engage the material.
  • some studies are finding that video games can help improve people’s quality of life for longer.
  • their results point to the need for more study. They don’t know for sure if it’s the games that improves mental health in seniors, or simply the mental activity they stimulate.
  • Video games are just tools, outlets for people to express themselves in as vast a variety of ways as anything else. They are still relatively new creations, and the unknown can frighten anyone, hence the uproar that’s followed games for years. The same uproar and indignation that followed rock and roll in the '50s and novels in the 19th century.
  • This is why the Violent Content Research Act of 2013 is ultimately a good thing. It will lead to, ideally, a deeper understanding of how we interact with games. For parents, children, players, academics, and everyone else with a vested interest in a gaming future, the most important thing is to maintain perspective.
    "Video games are just tools, outlets for people to express themselves in as vast a variety of ways as anything else. They are still relatively new creations, and the unknown can frighten anyone, hence the uproar that's followed games for years. The same uproar and indignation that followed rock and roll in the '50s and novels in the 19th century. This is why the Violent Content Research Act of 2013 is ultimately a good thing. It will lead to, ideally, a deeper understanding of how we interact with games. For parents, children, players, academics, and everyone else with a vested interest in a gaming future, the most important thing is to maintain perspective."
Keri-Lee Beasley

How Might Video Games Be Good for Us? - 0 views

  • What is it about games that is transcendent? Perhaps it’s the fact that games are optional, they are obstacles that we volunteer to overcome. Games are what we choose to do. They are what we are drawn to when we have a choice about how to spend our time and energy.  Games are freedom.
  • There is something transcendent about playing games that lifts us up and out of the tedium and pain of everyday life.
  • When we ask “Are games good for us?” we should take more seriously the idea that games helps us feel better, in the moment, and that this is important work. Reducing the time we spend experiencing negative emotions and increasing the time we spend experiencing positive emotions is a fundamental good in and of itself. Even if games don’t change anything else in our lives, the power to change how we feel in the moment is a very good thing indeed.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Parents who spend more time playing games with their kids have better relationships with them
  • improve children’s ability to manage difficult emotions
  • Children who spend more time playing videogames score higher on tests of creativity.
  • Gamers of all ages perform better than non-gamers on tests of attention, speed, accuracy, and multi-tasking.
  • Scientists have found a wide variety of cognitive, emotional and social benefits to gaming
  • Is gameplay good for us?
    Based on research not just opinion. What is it about games that is transcendent? Perhaps it's the fact that games are optional, they are obstacles that we volunteer to overcome. Games are what we choose to do. They are what we are drawn to when we have a choice about how to spend our time and energy.  Games are freedom.
    Article with lots of links to research around the subject of games being good for us.
Sean McHugh

Girls and Games: What's the Attraction? | MindShift - 0 views

    Girls and Games: What's the Attraction? Games are increasingly recognized by educators as a way to get kids excited about learning. While the stereotype of a "gamer" may evoke the image of a high school boy holed up in a dark room playing on a console, in reality 62 percent of gamers play with other people either in person or online, and 47 percent of all gamers are girls. Game developers and academics who have been studying the elements that go into making games more attractive to girls found that those very same qualities are also important components of learning. For instance, girls are more drawn to games that require problem solving in context, that are collaborative (played through social media) and that produce what's perceived to be a social good. They also like games that simulate the real word and are particularly drawn to "transmedia" content that draws on characters from books, movies, or toys.
Jeffrey Plaman

Supergiant Games | Bastion - 0 views

    Bastion is the first title from Supergiant Games, an original action role-playing game set in a lush imaginative world, in which players must create and fight for civilization's last refuge as a mysterious narrator marks their every move. Got a question about the game?
Sean McHugh

Daphne Bavelier: Your brain on video games - YouTube - 0 views

    "Daphne Bavelier: Your brain on video games" How do fast-paced video games affect the brain? Step into the lab with cognitive researcher Daphne Bavelier to hear surprising news about how video games, even action-packed shooter games, can help us learn, focus and, fascinatingly, multitask.
Louise Phinney

How Do You Play - 0 views

    instructions for all sorts of games, active games, board games, card games, classroom games, ice breakers etc
Keri-Lee Beasley

Cognitive Benefits of Playing Video Games | Psychology Today - 2 views

    If you are a parent who has been limiting your child's computer play because of the claims you have read of harmful effects, the research summarized here and in my previous posts on video gaming might give you pause.  The bulk of the research suggests that the claims about negative effects of video gaming are largely myths and the positive effects are real.  As children know in their bones, the kinds of mental skills that video games help to develop are among the skills that are increasingly important in today's world.
Sean McHugh

Video game invades classroom, scores education points - 0 views

    "two influential foundations, leading academics, two global testing firms and the video game industry could redefine how schools teach basic skills. Tinkering for the past several months at the Silicon Valley offices of one of the world's largest video game developers, the alliance is pushing to develop materials based on off-the-shelf video games that will get kids ready for "college and career success," a key, largely unmet goal of the USA's education system."
Sean McHugh

A Neurologist Makes the Case for the Video Game Model as a Learning Tool | Edutopia - 0 views

    A Neurologist Makes the Case for the Video Game Model as a Learning Tool The popularity of video games is not the enemy of education, but rather a model for best teaching strategies. Games insert players at their achievable challenge level and reward player effort and practice with acknowledgement of incremental goal progress, not just final product. The fuel for this process is the pleasure experience related to the release of dopamine.
Sean McHugh

Want to cure cancer? There's an app for that - News - Gadgets & Tech - The Independent - 0 views

    A new gaming app is in development that will help scientists to analyse genetic data in the search for cancer cures. Cancer Research UK have teamed up with Google, Facebook and Amazon to develop a game you can play on your mobile that will simultaneously sort through genetic data. "A new gaming app is in development that will help scientists to analyse genetic data in the search for cancer cures. Cancer Research UK have teamed up with Google, Facebook and Amazon to develop a game you can play on your mobile that will simultaneously sort through genetic data.
Sean McHugh

My Son, The Dragon Slayer: The Risks And Rewards Of Growing Up Gaming | WBUR - 0 views

    "What are video games doing? If you have an age-appropriate game that's not too easy or too hard, a video game is teaching a child how to cope with failure, deal with frustration, delay gratification, and often doing it in a social context, where they're learning to negotiate with their friends, working as a team, or 'OK, I beat you, you beat me, how do I handle all of these things?' "
Sean McHugh

SimCityEDU: Using Games for Formative Assessment | MindShift - 0 views

    Gates & McArthur foundation looking to sponsor a version of Sim City for Educational use. 
    "GlassLab is working with commercial game companies, assessment experts, and those versed in digital classrooms to build SimCityEDU, a downloadable game designed for sixth graders. Scheduled to be be released in the fall of 2013, it builds on SimCity's city management theme, but provides specific challenges to players in the subject of STEM. "The big pain point we've heard from teachers is that they cannot entertain their kids to the level that they are being entertained outside of the classroom," said Jessica Lindl, general manager of GlassLab. "They want to be able to create meaningful learning experiences and they just can't compete with the digital tools their kids are accessing all the time.""
Louise Phinney

12 Education Tech Trends to Watch in 2012 | MindShift - 2 views

    GAMING: Game-based learning has been on the cusp of being "the next big thing" for a while now. Perhaps 2012 will be the year. With the flourishing of mobile technologies, with the promise of data and analytics, and with a realization that we can create new and engaging ways to move through lessons, we are likely to see an explosion of educational GAMING apps this year. The big question, of course - with this as with every new ed-tech development: does this actually improve learning? When is a educational game fun? What makes it engaging? What makes it actually educational?
Jeffrey Plaman

EpicWin Turns Your To-Do List into a Role-Playing Game, Available Now - 0 views

    iPhone: If playing a game wins out over crossing items off your to-do list every time, consider EpicWin, a new iPhone app that turns your to-do list into a full-on role-playing game, complete with to-do driven XP and level ups.
Sean McHugh

Digital Literacy Dover: Video Games & Violence... - 0 views

    A DLC blog post sumarrsing the content of 'The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST)' report on video game violence in the UK. A document reviewing official government recommendations to improve children's digital and video game safety.
Sean McHugh

Ten Surprising Truths about Video Games and Learning | MindShift - 1 views

    Ten Surprising Truths about Video Games and Learning What we'd assumed about the importance of brain functions - following rules and logic and calculating - are no longer relevant. There's been a revolution in the learning sciences and the new theories say that human beings learn from experiences - that our brains can store every experience we've had, and that's what informs our learning process. Following that logic, he says, the best kind of learning comes as a result of well-designed experiences. Gee, who spoke at the Learning and the Brain Conference last week, used this theory to launch into research-validated reasons why video games are good for learning. Here are 10 truths, according to Gee."
Keri-Lee Beasley

PEGI Pan European Game Information - Welcome - 0 views

    European game information/rating site. Similar to ESRB. A good place to go to get information on games you are considering purchasing.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Video Game Addiction: Does It Occur? If So, Why? | Psychology Today - 2 views

    Today, worldwide, hundreds of millions of people play video games. The vast majority of those players are perfectly normal people, meaning that nothing newsworthy ever happens to them, but some small percentage of them are killers, some are extraordinarily depressed, some are suicidal; and every day some video gamer somewhere does something terrible or experiences something terrible. All this is also true of the hundreds of millions of people who don't play video games. 
    Article from Psychology Today about whether video game addition occurs.
Keri-Lee Beasley

How Might Video Games Be Good for Us? | Big Questions Online - 0 views

    Fascinating article by Jane McGonigal on How Might Video Games be Good for us. Includes links to research in support of each of her claims. 
Keri-Lee Beasley

MIT Unleashes New Online Game for Math and Science | MindShift - 2 views

    A pretty cool online game for Math & Science. Worth checking out.
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