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Jeffrey Plaman

Educational Leadership:The Transition Years:Positive Digital Footprints - 1 views

  • One of my worst fears as [my children] grow older is that they won't be Googled well. … that when a certain someone (read: admissions officer, employer, potential mate) enters "Tess Richardson" into the search line of the browser, what comes up will be less than impressive. That a quick surf through the top five hits will fail to astound with examples of her creativity, collaborative skills, and change-the-world work. Or, even worse, that no links about her will come up at all. (p. 16)
  • Students who see digital tools as vehicles for collective action around ideas they believe in are less likely to engage in risky behaviors online because they see social media spaces as forums for learning first and entertainment second
  • begin to paint complex digital portraits of themselves by networking with like-minded peers, joining groups committed to studying topics of deep personal interest to them, and creating products that are an accurate expression of who they are and what they believe in.
    Good article illustrating the need for students to develop a positive digital presence.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Discover Your Twitter Character on | - 1 views

    Neat little infographic showing your Twitter Character. Can also compare with someone else 
Katie Day

National Gallery of Art | NGAkids home page - 0 views

    interactive art you can make online.... for kids...
Katie Day

buzztouch -- Free iPhone App Builder | Phone and Android Content management system - 0 views

    "Would you like to develop an iPhone or Android application? If so, it just got much easier with the Buzztouch content management system. Visitors don't need to know any coding, and after creating a Buzztouch account they can get started building their own application. Visitors should look over the "How Buzztouch Works" area to get acclimated to the program and they should also check out the "FAQ" section. This version is compatible with all operating systems and users will need to have access to an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone to test their application's functionality. "
Louise Phinney

A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods - 1 views

    found from link in twitter
Jeffrey Plaman

Team and Community Building Using Mobile Devices « User Generated Education - 0 views

    Lots of activities for team and community building involving digital tools, mobile devices and online spaces.
David Caleb

How to Misuse Technology & Kill 21st Century Thinking - Teaching, Learning, & Education... - 2 views

  • Computer use became routine. New programs were introduced to us weekly, with one request: play with it until you master it.
  • By January of 2007, he had an army of eight year olds who could type sixty words per minute, throw together PowerPoint presentations on environmental issues in a matter of hours, and analyze iPhone unveiling videos like they were nothing
  • Show them that the computer placed in their hands is a tool for communication, collaboration, and creativity. And, most importantly, sit back and watch what students can do when they are left to explore.
Keri-Lee Beasley

Instructional Coaching Scale - Woodruff - 0 views

    Instructional Coaching Scale
Keri-Lee Beasley

YOURLS: Your Own URL Shortener - 2 views

    Allows you to create a short url with your name in it
Keri-Lee Beasley

Let's Change the Conversation About Education (Technology) | Digital Promise - 1 views

  • We know that technology belongs to the classroom. Have you ever asked whether technology belongs in your workplace? Technology is a tool that helps us develop and apply skills we all value – curiosity, problem-solving, persistence, collaboration, information literacy.
    Great article about changing the conversations we have about educational technology
Sean McHugh - 0 views

  • critical thinking is not a skill that can be improved through practice—like a golf swing—nor is it a “general” capability. Instead, it is an abstract description of what humans can do as a result amassing a wealth of underpinning knowledge and skills relevant to the particular context in which thinking is to be deployed
  • young children are capable of thinking critically about subjects they know a great deal about, whereas trained scientists can fail to think critically in areas where they are less knowledgeable
  • not all knowledge is created equal. We need to differentiate between knowledge and information. Much of the information stored on the Internet is pictures of kittens or videos of people singing sea shanties. This can keep increasing exponentially without any need for school children to become acquainted with it
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • we want to create a generation of critical thinkers then we must introduce them to their birthright, giving them the tools to analyze the world by teaching a structured curriculum full of powerful ideas
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