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Kim McCoy-Parker

Starting With Why: The Power of Student-Driven Learning - 0 views

  • She would thrive after being asked: “What do you want to learn?” “What do you want to read?” “What matters to you?” And then taking her answers and the curricular outcomes and designing a learning plan that incorporated all of this, plus embedded technology.
  • So often in education we focus on the wrong things. Test scores. Marks. Awards.
  • We need to start with why
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  • it’s what you do with the content that matters.
  • Memorizing & regurgitating falls miserably short of equipping our students.
  • We’ve made education about manipulation and hoops instead of inspiring our students to pursue learning that matters to them — learning that can help them make a difference in our communities and the world.
  • I believe students are fully competent to be co-creators of their own learning environments. I believe that students can change the world; they are not the future; they are right now. I believe that students need skills that go far beyond the content of most curricula. I believe that students want to learn, but often they lack the environment that sparks the emergence of passionate, life-long learners. I believe that my students have a voice and it should be heard. I believe students can read at their appropriate grade level and still be illiterate. I believe that each of my students has unique talents and interests that should merge with our learning environment at school. I believe my students are not empty vessels waiting to be filled.
  • I believe that my students need to develop metacognitive skills and make their thinking visible. I believe that students are fully capable of differentiating their own learning. I believe my students are creative and can teach me important things. I believe school shouldn’t be a place where young people go to watch older people work hard. I believe, if given the chance and the right support, my students will become more than they ever thought they could be. I believe that once students begin to see their talents and gifts, they will grow in confidence.
  • As a teacher: I believe that my classroom should be a place of joy, engagement, learning and play. I believe that I should be less helpful. I believe that I should ask more questions, and offer fewer answers. I believe that I should model what learning, failing, grit & perseverance look like. I believe that I should take risks, even when I’m afraid. I believe it’s crucial to use content to teach skills. I believe that the most important question I often ask my students is, “What do you need?” I believe that I am not the all-knowing guru, nor do I want to be. I believe I need to be transparent with my learning and who I am. I believe that kids need a life outside of school, so I don’t believe in homework — at least not the rote, meaningless stuff that’s usually assigned.
Kelsey Seuferer

What Is 'Personalized Learning'? Educators Seek Clarity - Education Week - 0 views

  • phrase to refer to efforts to tailor lessons to students of different ability levels
  • chool leaders are struggling to strike a balance between safeguarding sensitive student data and being able to collect and use such data to individualize learning
  • personalized learning strategies work, and in determining how to evaluate the true impact of those strategies on student learning
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  • he default perspective is the student's—not the curriculum, or the teacher,
  • accommodate not only students' academic strengths and weaknesses, but also their interests, and what motivates them to succeed.
  • rather than personalizing a mix of activities that give students a richer and more meaningful educational experience
  • differentiation" of lessons for students of different skill levels, or efforts to help students move at their own pace
  • promote "student agency"—basically, giving students more power through either digital tools or other means, accounting for how they learn best, what motivates them, and their academic goals
  • It] empowers teachers in personalizing learning" and "empowers students through their own exercise of choice."
  • roject-based learning, and more flexibility for students to set their learning paths, among other goals
  • technology played a key role in personalized learning
  • • Affordable Asset Management to Improve Accountability • Bringing World Language Education to
  • • Prepare Your Students for the Smarter
Kim McCoy-Parker

Feedback for Learning:Seven Keys to Effective Feedback - 1 views

  • Formative assessment, consisting of lots of feedback and opportunities to use that feedback, enhances performance and achievement.
  • Basically, feedback is information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal.
  • Effective coaches also know that in complex performance situations, actionable feedback about what went right is as important as feedback about what didn't work.
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  • Effective feedback requires that a person has a goal, takes action to achieve the goal, and receives goal-related information about his or her actions.
  • Information becomes feedback if, and only if, I am trying to cause something and the information tells me whether I am on track or need to change course.
  • Any useful feedback system involves not only a clear goal, but also tangible results related to the goal.
  • in addition to feedback from coaches or other able observers, video or audio recordings can help us perceive things that we may not perceive as we perform; and by extension, such recordings help us learn to look for difficult-to-perceive but vital information. I recommend that all teachers videotape their own classes at least once a month. It was a transformative experience for me when I did it as a beginning teacher. Concepts that had been crystal clear to me when I was teaching seemed opaque and downright confusing on tape—captured also in the many quizzical looks of my students, which I had missed in the moment.
  • Effective feedback is concrete, specific, and useful; it provides actionable information
  • To be useful, feedback must be consistent. Clearly, performers can only adjust their performance successfully if the information fed back to them is stable, accurate, and trustworthy. In education, that means teachers have to be on the same page about what high-quality work is. Teachers need to look at student work together, becoming more consistent over time and formalizing their judgments in highly descriptive rubrics supported by anchor products and performances. By extension, if we want student-to-student feedback to be more helpful, students have to be trained to be consistent the same way we train teachers, using the same exemplars and rubrics
  • Even if feedback is specific and accurate in the eyes of experts or bystanders, it is not of much value if the user cannot understand it or is overwhelmed by it.
  • helpful feedback is goal-referenced; tangible and transparent; actionable; user-friendly (specific and personalized); timely; ongoing; and consistent.
  • A great problem in education, however, is untimely feedback. Vital feedback on key performances often comes days, weeks, or even months after the performance—think of writing and handing in papers or getting back results on standardized tests. As educators, we should work overtime to figure out ways to ensure that students get more timely feedback and opportunities to use it while the attempt and effects are still fresh in their minds.
  • Adjusting our performance depends on not only receiving feedback but also having opportunities to use it.
  • What makes any assessment in education formative is not merely that it precedes summative assessments, but that the performer has opportunities, if results are less than optimal, to reshape the performance to better achieve the goal. In summative assessment, the feedback comes too late; the performance is over.
  • performers are often judged on their ability to adjust in light of feedback. The ability to quickly adapt one's performance is a mark of all great achievers and problem solvers in a wide array of fields. Or, as many little league coaches say, "The problem is not making errors; you will all miss many balls in the field, and that's part of learning. The problem is when you don't learn from the errors."
  • In most cases, the sooner I get feedback, the better.
  • The ability to improve one's result depends on the ability to adjust one's pace in light of ongoing feedback that measures performance against a concrete, long-term goal. But this isn't what most school district "pacing guides" and grades on "formative" tests tell you. They yield a grade against recent objectives taught, not useful feedback against the final performance standards. Instead of informing teachers and students at an interim date whether they are on track to achieve a desired level of student performance by the end of the school year, the guide and the test grade just provide a schedule for the teacher to follow in delivering content and a grade on that content. It's as if at the end of the first lap of the mile race, My daughter's coach simply yelled out, "B+ on that lap!"
  • Score student work in the fall and winter against spring standards, use more pre-and post-assessments to measure progress toward these standards, and do the item analysis to note what each student needs to work on for better future performance.
  • "no time to give and use feedback" actually means "no time to cause learning."
  • research shows that less teaching plus more feedback is the key to achieving greater learning. And there are numerous ways—through technology, peers, and other teachers—that students can get the feedback they need.
Brenda Schumaker

econedlink - Economic and Personal Finances for K-12, interactive resources, online lea... - 0 views

    The Econ Ed Link contains a calendar of important dates in history. It has everything from an interactive calculator to estimate how long it would take someone to become a millionaire, to a variety of other interactive tools for students to use. This website also has a large library of online interactive tools for teaching economics, personal finance and entrepreneurship for grades K-12. The interactive tools include videos and game-like activities that are broken down by subject and grade. This website also maintains a large library of online economic lessons for teachers to access for their students ranging from kindergarten all the way thru 12th grade. The site offers something for educators, students and after school programs. This would be a great resource to use during after school programs to keep the students interested and excited about learning.

Watch Online | Growing Up Online | FRONTLINE | PBS - 0 views

    What it's like for this generation of students to be so immersed in technology...
    Frontline did a program on students spending all of their time online while growing up. Students can connect with so many people with social media. That can be a good and a bad thing. There are a lot of safety issues students need to know about with social media. This program talks about who should talk to students about the safety of social media and what needs to be said.
Kim McCoy-Parker

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Could PBL be the Solution to Education Reform? - 0 views

  • the solution to the education reform that teachers are looking for, could quite possibly be ... Project-Based Learning.
  •  If students are engaged in PBL, they can begin creating an ePortfolio in order to demonstrate their learning and understanding of standards, rather than testing for them.
  • When teachers integrate Project-Based Teaching, they are providing the opportunity for differentiated learning, rather than differentiated instruction.  "Differentiated learning shifts the responsibility for the learning to the learner (where it belongs)"
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  • With PBL, students are empowered to work at their own pace and ability level which provides them with the opportunity to challenge themselves.
  • Students can create a project using any of the Eight Multiple Intelligences.  Below are some suggestions for projects. "Students could meet standards at their own pace, in their own way and learning could be differentiated and aligned to each child’s talents, passions, interests, and abilities"
  • Having students create and share these projects will allow for the deepest understanding of the content.
  • Students will no longer have to "memorize" or try to "remember" the information ... because they will have learned it.  
  • teacher is letting go of control by allowing the students to take ownership of their learning.
Kim McCoy-Parker

Sir Ken Robinson: Why We Need to Reform Education Now - 0 views

  • In 1970, the U.S. had the highest rates of high school graduation in the world, now it has one of the lowest.
  • now around 75 percent, which puts America 23rd out of 28 countries surveyed.
  • They are mentors, coaches, motivators, and lifelong sources of inspiration to their students.
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  • 'drop out'
  • high schools every day, close to 1.5 million a year.
  • According to one estimate, if the numbers of young people leaving school early could be cut by 50 percent, the net gain to the U.S. economy from savings in social programs and gains in additional tax revenues could be around $90 billion a year - that's almost $1 trillion in just over ten years.
  • One of the themes of TEDTalks Education is that current policies are based on a tragic misdiagnosis of the problem. They treat education as an industrial process rather than as a human one. They are driven by a culture of testing and standardization that has narrowed the curriculum and sees students as data points and teachers as functionaries rather than as living breathing people.
  • To improve our schools, we have to humanize them and make education personal to every student and teacher in the system.
  • The key to personalizing education is to invest properly in the professional development of educators. As Bill Gates argues, teachers need mentors too.
  • 7,000
  • Teaching is an art form. Great teachers know they have to cultivate curiosity, passion and creativity in their students.
  • achievement soars when teachers fire the imaginations of their students with a true spirit of inquiry.
  • All students have their own stories, motivations and circumstances and teachers have to connect with them personally.
  • "Everyone has a story," she says. "Everyone has a struggle and everyone needs help along the way."
  • We have millions of young people walking away from education, he says. But "right now, we could save them all," if we're prepared to innovate fundamentally and not just do more of the same.
  • "Every child," she says, "deserves a champion who will never give up on them... and insists they become the best they can possibly be."
  • give them the creative freedom to innovate and do their jobs within a proper framework of public accountability.
  • There are those who say that we can't afford to personalize education to every student. The fact is that we can't afford not to.
heather wendel

Students more likely to graduate at smaller schools- - 0 views

  • New York City teenagers attending small public high schools with about 100 students per grade were more likely to graduate than their counterparts at larger schools
    New York City teenagers attending small public high schools with 100 students per grade were more likely to graduate than their counterparts at larger schools
    Graduating students
Jennifer Roche

Teaching Strategies | Facing History and Ourselves - 0 views

  • Anticipation guides ask students to express an opinion about ideas before they encounter them in a text or unit of study.  Completing anticipation guides prepares students to recognize and connect to these themes as they surface in their learning.  Reviewing anticipation guides at the end of a lesson or unit is one way to help students reflect on how learning new material may have influenced their opinions, perhaps by reinforcing previously held beliefs or by causing ideas to shift. 
  • Character ChartsGraphic organizers, like the sample below, can be used to help students organize information about major and minor characters in a text.  Completed character charts are useful tools for writing essays and studying for tests. They are often used to record information about literacy characters, but can also be adapted to record information about historical figures.
  • Document Analysis TemplatesAnalyzing historical documents requires students to identify the purpose, message and audience of a text. Document Analysis Forms are graphic organizers that guide students through a process of identifying important background information about a document (e.g. author/creator, date created, place, format, etc.) and using this data to determine the bias or perspective of a text.
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    • Jennifer Roche
      This site contains many different strategies that can help the student understand certain information better. A different way to look at things.
Robin Galloway

Digital Learning Day - 1 views

    Digital Learning Day is a nationwide celebration of innovative teaching and learning through digital media and technology that engages students and provides them with a rich, personalized educational experience. On Digital Learning Day, a majority of states, hundreds of school districts, thousands of teachers, and more than a million students will encourage the innovative use of technology by trying something new, showcasing success, kicking off project-based learning, or focusing on how digital tools can help improve student outcomes.
Robin Galloway

National Educational Technology Plan: Your Questions Answered | Edutopia - 2 views

  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • The 124-page document lays out an ambitious agenda for transforming teaching and learning through technology. Much of the plan emphasizes "21st century learning," and competencies that, according to the Department of Education, include critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication.
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  • a world of digital knowledge, "always on"0- learning resources, and online communities for both educators and students
  • At least one Internet-enabled device for every student and educator
  • Use of Creative Commons and open licenses in course content
  • Changes to CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) to open access to the Internet and rethink how filtering works in schools
  • Transform the print-based classroom into a digital learning environment.
  • Encourage online learning
  • As good as the NETP may sound, it may be a bit disconcerting that here we are, two years into the Obama Administration, and we've only just now agreed on the plan for education technology.
  • But a plan, of course, is merely that -- a plan. It remains to be seen if there is either the political willpower or the budget to enact its contents.
    "An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education."
Nikki Lyons

Student Response System - Learn From Your Students - GoSoapBox - 0 views

    "GoSoapBox is a web-based clicker tool used by educators around the world to keep students engaged and gain real-time insight into student comprehension."
kayla kronfeld

The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - 0 views

    This website is more geared to upper level high school students. It seems to be well organized into categories such as camps, wars, and rules.

What Students Really Think About Technology In The Classroom - 0 views

    It is important to implement technology into the classroom and students enjoy it.
Damian See

Five Research-Driven Education Trends At Work in Classrooms | MindShift - 0 views

  • QUESTIONING HOMEWORK The growing movement against homework in the U.S. challenges the notion that the amount of homework a student is asked to do at home is an indication of rigor, and homework opponents argue that the increasing amount of “busy work” is unnecessarily taking up students’ out-of-school-time. They argue that downtime, free play, and family time are just as important to a child’s social and emotional development as what happens in school. Some research has shown that too much homework has “little to no impact” on student test scores. Other research on how brains work challenges the common method of asking students to practice one discreet skill at home. Overall, there’s a push to reevaluate the kinds of work students are being asked to do at home and to ask whether it adds value to their learning. If the work is repetitive or tangential, it may add no real value, and teachers across the country are starting to institute no-homework policies. Even principals are starting to revolt and schools are instituting “no homework” nights or substituting “goals” for homework.
    A good article for ideas to use in the classroom.
Mikayla Hockenberry

Information Literacy: A Neglected Core Competency (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | - 0 views

    • Mikayla Hockenberry
      This sounds a lot like me!  I start out super enthusiastic about a project, but by the time I finish I'm just ready to be done!!!
    • Mikayla Hockenberry
      Satisficing~ that also sounds like me!  I need to work on making the most of my college experience!
  • The ability to find, use, and communicate information effectively and ethically is commonly known as information literacy
  • Students should develop information literacy as a "habit of mind" that enables them to be sophisticated information finders and users by the time they reach college and then the working world.
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  • We know that our current methods are not engaging students to use the skills they need for continuous learning. What can we do to ensure that we graduate information literate students, lifelong learners, and critical thinkers?Additional Resources
  • Additional Resources
  • Additional Resources
  • Information literacy is essential for lifelong learning and empowers individuals and societies
  • College students think of information seeking as a rote process and tend to use the same small set of information resources no matter their question.
  • although they begin the research process engaged and curious, they become frustrated and overwhelmed as it progresses.
  • "satisficing" — finding just enough information that is "good enough" to complete course assignments. They miss opportunities that college education provides for exploration, discovery, and deep learning.
  • The results of the study suggest that many college students view their educational experience as one of "satisficing" — finding just enough information that is "good enough" to complete course assignments. They miss opportunities that college education provides for exploration, discovery, and deep learning.
Magda Galloway

Margo the Macaroni Penguin - YouTube - 1 views

    This informational video was created to support a Penguin thematic unit for second grade students. The video is an example of what students might create to present collaborative research to their peers in a digital storytelling format.
Robin Galloway

Prince George's considers copyright policy that takes ownership of students' work - The... - 0 views

    MD school considers copyright policy that would grant the school board ownership of student work
Raquel Pejchl

Storybird - Artful storytelling - 0 views

    Allows students to combine pictures, drawings, and words to tell a story. Several students can work on the same story.
Cole Kleinwolterink

My View: Flipped classrooms give every student a chance to succeed - Schools of Thought... - 0 views

    "Flipped classrooms give every student a chance to succeed"
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