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Magda Galloway

Technology and Design in the Classroom Video Project-Benny the Beggar - YouTube - 0 views

    The object of the video was to create a story that had the elements who, what, when, where,why, and how and to then turn that story into a video to help teach others.
Nikki Lyons

3 App Smash Video Projects to Challenge Your Students | Edudemic - 0 views

    These are some different ways for teachers to challenge students to create videos using stop-motion and time lapse technology.
Magda Galloway

Margo the Macaroni Penguin - YouTube - 1 views

    This informational video was created to support a Penguin thematic unit for second grade students. The video is an example of what students might create to present collaborative research to their peers in a digital storytelling format.

Animoto - Video Maker, Photo Slideshow Maker | Animoto - 0 views

    Animoto can be a great resource for teachers and students in the classroom! You can take your photos and videos to turn them into cool and fun videos. Such an easy way to create new and amazing projects!
farah kashef

eduCanon - 2 views

    EduCanon is an excellent tool to make your videos (ANY video!) interactive for your students.
Robin Galloway

Dragontape - 0 views

    Mashup YouTube videos
Lois Lindell

This is new! Record a video of iPad's screen in any app « Douchy's Blog - 0 views

    A new app that allows one to create a screen cast video with an iPad
Jenny Olson

elementary math videos - 0 views

    This website has tons of videos on how to teach math! It's great!
Nelson Rokke

Vyew - Share Your View - 2 views

    Vyew allows you to meet and share content in real-time or anytime. Upload images, files, documents and videos into a room. Users can access and contribute at anytime.  This is the best free video conference application I've used; works great for team projects and collaborative efforts!
Daniel Lang

The Practice Round - Video Library - The New York Times - 0 views

    A year with Justin Canha, a young man with autism who is part of an new transition program to ready him for an independent life as an adult.
Nelson Rokke

Social Media, Video Footage, and the Law - 1 views

    ..."a summary overview of issues concerning copyright as it applies to online video, as well as a list of do's and don'ts".
Mason Nichols

Storytelling | Xtranormal - 0 views

    This is great for having kids to video projects if they don't have a video camera.
Kim McCoy-Parker

8 Videos That Prove Math Is Awesome - 1 views

  • eight videos that explore the beauty of math,
    Eight videos exploring the beauty of math.
Aaron Allred

LearnZillion - 0 views

    Website with great tutorial videos for understanding standards in the Common Core.
Magda Galloway

My Dystopian Society: The Commune- Food - YouTube - 1 views

    unietd-example video summer2013
Magda Galloway

Protests: Legacy of Kent State - YouTube - 1 views

    A quick video made for Ed Tech and Design class that shows how wars and the way we protest them have not changed much through the years but that there is hope for change -  concept - voice mail recording
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