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Morgan Kuennen

11 Note-Taking Tips For The Digital Classroom - 0 views

    Does the physical act of writing something down help you to remember it? What is the most effective way to take notes? How does all of this play into a more digital classroom?
    Does the physical act of writing something down help you to remember it? What is the most effective way to take notes? How does all of this play into a more digital classroom?
Wade Laughridge

Top Six Keys to Being a Successful Teacher - 0 views

    What does it take to be a successful teacher?
Mikayla Hockenberry

10 lessons Frozen can teach us about tech, teaching | Ditch That Textbook - 0 views

    The hit Disney movie does a lot more than entertain children (and adults)!  It provides important lessons for teachers today and the use of technology in the classroom
Kim McCoy-Parker

Kids Carbon Footprint Calculator - 1 views

    Kids Carbon Footprint Calculator - does nice job of explaining little ways children can improve their carbon footprint.
Robin Galloway

National Educational Technology Plan: Your Questions Answered | Edutopia - 2 views

  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education.
  • The 124-page document lays out an ambitious agenda for transforming teaching and learning through technology. Much of the plan emphasizes "21st century learning," and competencies that, according to the Department of Education, include critical thinking, complex problem solving, collaboration, and multimedia communication.
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  • a world of digital knowledge, "always on"0- learning resources, and online communities for both educators and students
  • At least one Internet-enabled device for every student and educator
  • Use of Creative Commons and open licenses in course content
  • Changes to CIPA (Children's Internet Protection Act) to open access to the Internet and rethink how filtering works in schools
  • Transform the print-based classroom into a digital learning environment.
  • Encourage online learning
  • As good as the NETP may sound, it may be a bit disconcerting that here we are, two years into the Obama Administration, and we've only just now agreed on the plan for education technology.
  • But a plan, of course, is merely that -- a plan. It remains to be seen if there is either the political willpower or the budget to enact its contents.
    "An Internet-enabled device for every teacher and student in the country. Universal broadband access for homes and schools. Those, along with an embrace of cloud computing, openly-licensed educational materials and open source technologies are part of the new education technology recommendations from the U.S. Department of Education."
Katy Resop Benway

The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags For Education - 1 views

  • Picture it like a magnet that attracts all messages categorized by that topical word or phrase.
  • Don’t hashtag spam
  • Many of the hashtags have “meeting times” where educators agree to “meet and tweet”–that is, send out messages on a topic at a certain time on a certain day. If you do participate at the agreed upon time, you’ll see the tweets stream in live and participate in said conversation (via twitter) in what is nearly real-time. But if you can’t make it, the great part about a hashtag is that it does the sorting for you. You can search for messages assigned to a given hashtag anytime–tomorrow, Sunday night, or during your planning period next week.
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  • Popular Hashtags
    Great list of Twitter Hashtags
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