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Kelsey Seuferer

What Is 'Personalized Learning'? Educators Seek Clarity - Education Week - 0 views

  • phrase to refer to efforts to tailor lessons to students of different ability levels
  • chool leaders are struggling to strike a balance between safeguarding sensitive student data and being able to collect and use such data to individualize learning
  • personalized learning strategies work, and in determining how to evaluate the true impact of those strategies on student learning
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • he default perspective is the student's—not the curriculum, or the teacher,
  • accommodate not only students' academic strengths and weaknesses, but also their interests, and what motivates them to succeed.
  • rather than personalizing a mix of activities that give students a richer and more meaningful educational experience
  • differentiation" of lessons for students of different skill levels, or efforts to help students move at their own pace
  • promote "student agency"—basically, giving students more power through either digital tools or other means, accounting for how they learn best, what motivates them, and their academic goals
  • It] empowers teachers in personalizing learning" and "empowers students through their own exercise of choice."
  • roject-based learning, and more flexibility for students to set their learning paths, among other goals
  • technology played a key role in personalized learning
  • • Affordable Asset Management to Improve Accountability • Bringing World Language Education to
  • • Prepare Your Students for the Smarter
Morgan Kuennen

10 Resources to Promote Personalized Learning - Getting Smart by Tom Vander Ark - #blen... - 0 views

    A couple people called last week looking for advice for state and district leaders on personalized learning. Here's a recap of our conversations.
Kim McCoy-Parker

Sir Ken Robinson: Why We Need to Reform Education Now - 0 views

  • In 1970, the U.S. had the highest rates of high school graduation in the world, now it has one of the lowest.
  • now around 75 percent, which puts America 23rd out of 28 countries surveyed.
  • They are mentors, coaches, motivators, and lifelong sources of inspiration to their students.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • 'drop out'
  • high schools every day, close to 1.5 million a year.
  • According to one estimate, if the numbers of young people leaving school early could be cut by 50 percent, the net gain to the U.S. economy from savings in social programs and gains in additional tax revenues could be around $90 billion a year - that's almost $1 trillion in just over ten years.
  • One of the themes of TEDTalks Education is that current policies are based on a tragic misdiagnosis of the problem. They treat education as an industrial process rather than as a human one. They are driven by a culture of testing and standardization that has narrowed the curriculum and sees students as data points and teachers as functionaries rather than as living breathing people.
  • To improve our schools, we have to humanize them and make education personal to every student and teacher in the system.
  • The key to personalizing education is to invest properly in the professional development of educators. As Bill Gates argues, teachers need mentors too.
  • 7,000
  • Teaching is an art form. Great teachers know they have to cultivate curiosity, passion and creativity in their students.
  • achievement soars when teachers fire the imaginations of their students with a true spirit of inquiry.
  • All students have their own stories, motivations and circumstances and teachers have to connect with them personally.
  • "Everyone has a story," she says. "Everyone has a struggle and everyone needs help along the way."
  • We have millions of young people walking away from education, he says. But "right now, we could save them all," if we're prepared to innovate fundamentally and not just do more of the same.
  • "Every child," she says, "deserves a champion who will never give up on them... and insists they become the best they can possibly be."
  • give them the creative freedom to innovate and do their jobs within a proper framework of public accountability.
  • There are those who say that we can't afford to personalize education to every student. The fact is that we can't afford not to.
Carrie Caffrey

11 Tips for Social Networking Safety « - 0 views

    This blog has 11 tips to keep you safe when using a form of social media. It includes tips about what to post (and not post), as well as tips on how to deal with links so your personal information doesn't get into the wrong persons hands.
Brenda Schumaker

econedlink - Economic and Personal Finances for K-12, interactive resources, online lea... - 0 views

    The Econ Ed Link contains a calendar of important dates in history. It has everything from an interactive calculator to estimate how long it would take someone to become a millionaire, to a variety of other interactive tools for students to use. This website also has a large library of online interactive tools for teaching economics, personal finance and entrepreneurship for grades K-12. The interactive tools include videos and game-like activities that are broken down by subject and grade. This website also maintains a large library of online economic lessons for teachers to access for their students ranging from kindergarten all the way thru 12th grade. The site offers something for educators, students and after school programs. This would be a great resource to use during after school programs to keep the students interested and excited about learning.
Kim McCoy-Parker

Feedback for Learning:Seven Keys to Effective Feedback - 1 views

  • Formative assessment, consisting of lots of feedback and opportunities to use that feedback, enhances performance and achievement.
  • Basically, feedback is information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal.
  • Effective coaches also know that in complex performance situations, actionable feedback about what went right is as important as feedback about what didn't work.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • Effective feedback requires that a person has a goal, takes action to achieve the goal, and receives goal-related information about his or her actions.
  • Information becomes feedback if, and only if, I am trying to cause something and the information tells me whether I am on track or need to change course.
  • Any useful feedback system involves not only a clear goal, but also tangible results related to the goal.
  • in addition to feedback from coaches or other able observers, video or audio recordings can help us perceive things that we may not perceive as we perform; and by extension, such recordings help us learn to look for difficult-to-perceive but vital information. I recommend that all teachers videotape their own classes at least once a month. It was a transformative experience for me when I did it as a beginning teacher. Concepts that had been crystal clear to me when I was teaching seemed opaque and downright confusing on tape—captured also in the many quizzical looks of my students, which I had missed in the moment.
  • Effective feedback is concrete, specific, and useful; it provides actionable information
  • To be useful, feedback must be consistent. Clearly, performers can only adjust their performance successfully if the information fed back to them is stable, accurate, and trustworthy. In education, that means teachers have to be on the same page about what high-quality work is. Teachers need to look at student work together, becoming more consistent over time and formalizing their judgments in highly descriptive rubrics supported by anchor products and performances. By extension, if we want student-to-student feedback to be more helpful, students have to be trained to be consistent the same way we train teachers, using the same exemplars and rubrics
  • Even if feedback is specific and accurate in the eyes of experts or bystanders, it is not of much value if the user cannot understand it or is overwhelmed by it.
  • helpful feedback is goal-referenced; tangible and transparent; actionable; user-friendly (specific and personalized); timely; ongoing; and consistent.
  • A great problem in education, however, is untimely feedback. Vital feedback on key performances often comes days, weeks, or even months after the performance—think of writing and handing in papers or getting back results on standardized tests. As educators, we should work overtime to figure out ways to ensure that students get more timely feedback and opportunities to use it while the attempt and effects are still fresh in their minds.
  • Adjusting our performance depends on not only receiving feedback but also having opportunities to use it.
  • What makes any assessment in education formative is not merely that it precedes summative assessments, but that the performer has opportunities, if results are less than optimal, to reshape the performance to better achieve the goal. In summative assessment, the feedback comes too late; the performance is over.
  • performers are often judged on their ability to adjust in light of feedback. The ability to quickly adapt one's performance is a mark of all great achievers and problem solvers in a wide array of fields. Or, as many little league coaches say, "The problem is not making errors; you will all miss many balls in the field, and that's part of learning. The problem is when you don't learn from the errors."
  • In most cases, the sooner I get feedback, the better.
  • The ability to improve one's result depends on the ability to adjust one's pace in light of ongoing feedback that measures performance against a concrete, long-term goal. But this isn't what most school district "pacing guides" and grades on "formative" tests tell you. They yield a grade against recent objectives taught, not useful feedback against the final performance standards. Instead of informing teachers and students at an interim date whether they are on track to achieve a desired level of student performance by the end of the school year, the guide and the test grade just provide a schedule for the teacher to follow in delivering content and a grade on that content. It's as if at the end of the first lap of the mile race, My daughter's coach simply yelled out, "B+ on that lap!"
  • Score student work in the fall and winter against spring standards, use more pre-and post-assessments to measure progress toward these standards, and do the item analysis to note what each student needs to work on for better future performance.
  • "no time to give and use feedback" actually means "no time to cause learning."
  • research shows that less teaching plus more feedback is the key to achieving greater learning. And there are numerous ways—through technology, peers, and other teachers—that students can get the feedback they need.

Some Interesting Health Facts You Must Know. - 0 views

1. When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate. 2. The human head is one-quarter of our total length at birth but on...

health quiz facts

started by puzznbuzzus on 15 Feb 17 no follow-up yet
Robin Galloway

Digital Learning Day - 1 views

    Digital Learning Day is a nationwide celebration of innovative teaching and learning through digital media and technology that engages students and provides them with a rich, personalized educational experience. On Digital Learning Day, a majority of states, hundreds of school districts, thousands of teachers, and more than a million students will encourage the innovative use of technology by trying something new, showcasing success, kicking off project-based learning, or focusing on how digital tools can help improve student outcomes.
Robin Galloway

Web 2.0 Labs - 1 views

    The mission of Web 2.0 Labs is to continue to cultivate, incubate, and grow existing and future opportunities for educators to work with each other, and to promote the personal and collective value of social media projects.  
Kim McCoy-Parker

5 Questions To Ask Before You Teach Each Class - 1 views

  • Will my present attitude promote a positive learning atmosphere?Are all my thoughts focused on creating an educational experience throughout the class?Do I exemplify the standards of excellence I expect from my students?Am I properly prepared to make the best use of time by highlighting the growth of every student?Have I dismissed my own agenda of personal considerations so that this class will be directed toward serving students in a disciplined format of meaningful learning?
Caleb Baruth

BrainPop - 0 views

    Great resource to get games and activities for upper elementary, and middle school students.
Child Therapy

Friendly And Highly Skilled Therapist - 1 views

My eldest daughter who is now eight years old used to be very confident and lively both at home and in school. But lately, I noticed that she was just quiet though her playmates made unnecessary no...

started by Child Therapy on 29 Oct 12 no follow-up yet
Zachary Peiper

Why iPad Textbooks Are Still Too Expensive for Schools [INFOGRAPHIC] - 5 views

    The title implies digital texts are more expensive, but the article states their functional cost is about the same. A digital version offers far more functionality for the about the same money, not to mention all the other learning resources provided by the iPad it runs on. I received the same infographic the article cites, and the same organization sent me this one two weeks earlier:
  • ...1 more comment...
    Yes, the digital books themselves have the same overall cost overtime as a traditional textbook, however the point the author is trying to make is that with the overhead cost of purchasing an iPad for each student, it costs significantly more per student to have iPad textbooks, than it would with traditional "book" textbooks. The title may be somewhat misleading, however for already cash-strapped districts it is an important question to ponder.
    Including the cost of an iPad in the cost of a digital textbook is like including the cost of the classroom desk on which a traditional textbook would sit. Most schools would not (and should not) invest in iPads solely or even primarily to facilitate digital textbooks. They invest in 1:1 environments for more important reasons (personalized learning, increased engagement, ubiquitous access to information, etc), and many schools are abandoning textbooks altogether. Waverly-Shell Rock middle school diverted its textbook dollars to the purchase of mobile apps for their students. Rapidly changing content results in open content options such as
    If you want a quality seo service please click here. Many people said about seo. But do not understand about seo itself. I will help you. Please contact me on yahoo messenger .. or
Ms. Bueltel

Educational Leadership:Building Classroom Relationships:The Key to Classroom Management - 0 views

  • Appropriate Levels of Dominance
  • Establish Clear Expectations and Consequences
  • Establish Clear Learning Goals
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Exhibit Assertive Behavior
  • Appropriate Levels of Cooperation
  • Provide Flexible Learning Goals
  • Take a Personal Interest in Students
  • Use Equitable and Positive Classroom Behaviors
  • Awareness of High-Needs Students
  • Don't Leave Relationships to Chance
    Looking at different approaches to keeping your classroom under control while providing the best learning environment. 
Erika Murphy

10 Major Technology Trends in Education -- THE Journal - 0 views

    • Erika Murphy
      Bullet points are great classroom hints!
  • 1. Personal Access to Mobile Device
  • 2. Internet Connectivity
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • 3. Use of Video for Classwork and Homework
  • 4. Mobile Devices for Schoolwork
  • 8. Gaming is Growing, and the Gender Gap is Closed
  • 9. Social Media in Schools

Alat Pembesar Payudara | Jual Vacum Pembesar Payudara - 1 views

    Contact Person : Hotline : 0812 262 44 333 Sms Center : 0812 262 44 333 PIN BBM : 24CF A780 Alat Pembesar Payudara - Vacum Pembesar Payudara - Alat Pembesar Payudara Alami - Cara Cepat Membesarkan Susu - Tabung Sport - Jual Vakum Payudara Wanita - Vakum Pembesar Payudara Wanita.
Robin Galloway

iCLIPART for Schools - Millions of downloadable royalty-free clipart images, photos, we... - 5 views

  • You may use iCLIPART content in your school and/or personal projects (excluding those prohibited uses listed below).
    • Robin Galloway
      The terms of use document provided on the Iowa AEA Online web site is more specific to include web sites as an example. 
    If you want a quality seo service please click here. Many people said about seo. But do not understand about seo itself. I will help you. Please contact me on yahoo messenger .. or

5 Unique Uses of Twitter in the Classroom - US News - 0 views

    • hayeskat
      Great tips on using twitter to create your own personal brand
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