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Nicholas Meyers

Curriculet - 5 views

    This tool allows you to build in questions and comments into a reading that the students can access outside of the classroom. The students can communicate within the readings to respond to questions to help check understanding and comprehension of assignments.
    This sound like an interesting tool. Do you know if this works only with readings that are provided through this site or can teachers also integrate articles, or textbook excerpts?
Ann Banegas

Foreign Language Vocabulary, Grammar, and Readings - 0 views

  • is an online language learning resource available in numerous languages ranging from English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese, to Korean. This illustrated vocabulary guide contains sound-integrated exercises at three levels -- beginner, intermediate, and advanced, and allows for independent practice at the learner's own pace. These practice exercises are appropriate for elementary and middle school students and this resource would be well suited on a teacher webpage. Thematic topics vary by language but generally include numbers, parts of the body, clothing, food, animals, weather, home, and school. There is an option menu on each screen for listening, speaking, and reading practice, as well as a quiz for students to check their comprehension. Some languages also feature a Grammar and Readings section for more advanced learners.
Barbara Lindsey

ADMC HD Common Year Writing Graphs - 3 views

  • Read this two-page step-by-step guide to writing about graphs, or download in Word, or PDF
  • Class Grades
  • Compare two line graphs: the number of farms in the US and the number of farm workers, 1910-2000. See a suggested answer and short reading with questions on industrialised farming (pdf, 134 kb, includes key).
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Televisions and Computers, Selected Countries.
  • Introduction with Model Answer
    This site provides comprehensive resources to learn how to read and write about graphs and charts. Especially useful for EDTC 615 students.
Kelley Webb

Lingro - The coolest dictionary known to hombre - 0 views

    Lingro is an online dictionary tool that allows users to link any URL address or uploaded document and have all words be linked to the available dictionaries in 11 languages. Once the URL address or document is linked to the Lingro dictionaries every word becomes "clickable" and linked to the program's dictionary to view either a definition in English or a translation in the other languages. This site can be used by World Language teachers and students in a variety of ways to encourage reading comprehension in L2. For teachers use, Lingro can be used for created guided practice activities with L2 readings, such as in an online newspaper or uploaded document. The teacher guides students through the target vocabulary to be learned and promote the discussion of its context use and correct translation. For student use, vocabulary lists can be created with the click of a button which can later be reviewed as flashcards or word lists with examples of use in contextual sentences. This tool aids learners with a quick reference for the meaning of words without having to interrupt a lesson or reading exercise for lengthy amounts of time.

Storybird - Artful storytelling - 0 views

    Storybird is a visual storytelling community. A global hub of readers, writers, and artists of all ages. Students and teachers can make, read, and share short, visual stories with an easy-to-use tool. Teachers and students can select artwork, drag and organize photos, and add your own text to create beautiful digital stories. These creations can then be published on the web with adjustable privacy settings and with the option to allow comments, which is perfect for teachers to encourage student collaboration. In addition, there is the option to create a classroom account. You can sign up for free or consider an upgrade to a paid account. World Language teachers can create stories for their students to read and share online. Students can also read or create short visual stories to share with their teacher and their peers.
Heide DeMorris

Second Grader Shows How She Uses Evernote For Fluency - Edudemic - 0 views

    A young second grader uses evernote to record herself reading aloud and reflects on her progress and sets goals for improvement.  Something we could use in the WL classroom - students can use the app on their phones as well.  
Maria Nuzzo

A new culture of learning: Cultivating the imagination for a world of constant chage - 1 views

    This is a link to Douglas' book on a new culture of learning. I only read the first chapter and thought that it was a good follow up to one of the video's discussion points, formal vs.informal learning. I do not know how it is that the entire book is available to read online, but it is.
Larissa Arist

20 Embarrassing Facts about Foreign Language Learning in the U.S. - Online Colleges - 1 views

    Worth a read...and useful to share with parents, administrators and students.
Charlotte King

Google Custom Search - 0 views

shared by Charlotte King on 07 Apr 13 - No Cached
    Excellent site for building reading comprehension - word chart, cause/effect, story
Larissa Arist

lingro: The coolest dictionary known to hombre! - 3 views

    A translation tool for students when they are reading target language websites
Barbara Lindsey

31 resources for teaching the language of graphs, plus one website that allows you to m... - 2 views

    A slew of resources to help learners of all ages learn how to read and report on charts and graphs.
Barbara Lindsey

Preparing for the IELTS test with Holmesglen Institute of TAFE - 2 views

    Sample tasks with answers that focus on how to read and write about charts and graphs. Great resource for students in EDTC 615.
Nicholas Meyers

Transform your students into critical thinkers - Actively Learn - 2 views

    Actively Learn allows you to assign reading assignments and place assessments in the assignment also.
Nicholas Meyers

Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many | Edutopia - 1 views

    Reading about why we should integrate technology in the classroom and what the benefits to using technology in the classroom are.
Heide DeMorris

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: Developing Your Digital Study Skills - 0 views

    This blog is for English Language Teachers, but the ideas can be used for any language - I could take the same idea he gives for Scrible and use it on another language site and have students respond to the readings.  
Heide DeMorris

Nik's Daily English Activities - 0 views

    Build your English vocabulary while reading the news.  
Larissa Arist

LE PROJET - Site de ecouterlirelemonde ! - 1 views

    Join the Francophone Global Read Aloud Project. Find out more information here.
Nicholas Meyers

Using Infographics in the ELT classroom | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC - 1 views

    This reading provides a simple how to for using infographics in the classroom environment as a teaching tool.
amergin2005 - 0 views

    Start a WordPress blog or create a free website in seconds. Choose from over 200 free, customizable themes. Free support from awesome humans. I think language students - from beginner to advanced - can improve reading and writing skills through blog usage. Adding multimedia elements can help inspire creativity, encourage digital literacy, etc.
Sabine Whitney

Cali Clever - Lernspass fuer Kinder - 3 views

    This is a nice site for the beginning language learner. The students have the opportunity to explore the states, politics, sports and more. A great component of the site is that the students can read the information and can have the info read to him/her
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