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Home/ English 102 - Spring 2009/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by S Heywood

Contents contributed and discussions participated by S Heywood


"Values associated with Marijuana Use among College Students." - 0 views

    This article explains the effects of marijuana and how its effects both men and women. Marijuana seems to effect men and women differently and tends to have long term addicting effects. Also it explains the effects of marijuana during sex and other effects it has on people in certain situations. With these in mind they conduct a study that entail the negative and positive effects of marijuana. This is a helpful article because it helps me better understand the different effects marijuana has on curtain people. With this in mind I know how I can use it in my research paper. Furthermore this information can help me better understand marijuana and its effects on men and women in different situations. To help me understand the statistical aspect of this research I can use it to comprehend the uses and abuses of marijuana

"Rising marijuana use on campus reflects overall trend." - 0 views

    This article from the Harvard school of medicine talks about the rise of marijuana use among college students. They explain that from 1993 to 2000 the number has increased from 12.9 to 15.7 percent. This is a issue and many students have shown that this does not affect their grades. This survey was put out to show the rise in use among college students. Also there are many factors that imply the rise in use among college students. With this information it shows the rise in marijuana use among college students. Many students are turning to marijuana use rather than alcohol use during the weeks. This is a good alternative because it gives some input on how and why some students would choose marijuana over alcohol. This is solid back up information because it shows the increase in marijuana use and gives some statistical information to back it all up. This give some good numbers to support my research paper.

. "Binge Drinking Among Undergraduate College Students in the United States: Implicatio... - 0 views

    This article talks about binge drinking and alcohol use and its effects on students. They describe how binge drinkers are more likely to smoke cigarettes and engage in marijuana, cocaine and other illicit drug use. Also this article talks about alcohol use and its negative effects on students and its effect on rapes, suicides and motor vehicle accidents. This article also explains the correlation between alcohol and drug use and abuse. With this in mind these effects with help me better understand alcohol abuse. This is great insight on negative effect of alcohol. There are the negative effects of marijuana but compared to the impaired non judgmental effects of alcohol the two do not compare. This is a great article because it helps me better understand the correlation between these drugs. Also it gives me more statistical information on how I should present facts and numbers.

"Trends in Marijuana and Other Illicit Drug Use Among College Students: Results From 4 ... - 0 views

    This article talks about marijuana and other drugs use and rise among college students. There is a sample of 119 schools that consist of different demographics. There is different samples that take into account social usage of the drug and other illicit uses of the drug among college students. This was sample taken to monitor the use of marijuana and other drugs among college students. Rates are higher in public institutions compared to private institutions. This is good insight on the uses of marijuana and how it relates to different college and demographics in collegiate atmospheres. These surveys will help support my statistical information needed to present better understanding of this information. With this in mind there are other things that I will be using in my research to back up the information in my paper. With a well rounded institution like Harvard I understand how the insight will perform in my paper.

"Marijuana and Tobacco: A Major Connection?." - 0 views

    This article gives insight on the association of marijuana and tobacco use. This is a major connection between these two because of the social similarities. They talk about the risks associated with smoking tobacco and marijuana and how with alcohol use these risks increase. With marijuana use on the rise many health related problems associated with cigarettes and alcohol are increasing. With statistical data taken this alcohol and tobacco problems are increasing yearly. This article give me some important insight on the relation of tobacco and marijuana use. There are many relations with alcohol consumption and tobacco use but marijuana and tobacco use are also very closely related. Tobacco use among Whites in regards to race is much higher than it is with Blacks and Hispanics. This is some important statistical information closely related to my topic. Tobacco and marijuana use are closely related.

"News and Announcements." Journal of Alcohol & Drug Education - 0 views

    This journal examines the use of alcohol and drug use among college students. They also take into account excessive use of alcohol and why students drink due to social interactions. They also examine race and its factor of alcohol and marijuana use. Alcohol use is among the highest among Whites followed by Hispanics and than Blacks. They also examine the effects of alcohol and its negative effects on college students. This journal also takes into account gender and economic standing. This journal provides some interesting insight on alcohol and drug use and abuse. With this in mind there is a better understanding of why college students use alcohol excessively. Also there are some good statistics with information on alcohol and drug use among students with respect to race and gender. This article affirms some legitimate information supporting alcohol use among college students. This journal also has some prestigious Universities with different statistical information that gives me broader information on use and abuse of drugs.

"Misperceptions of the Prevalence of Marijuana Use Among College Students: Athletes and... - 0 views

    This article access the prevalence of marijuana use among college athletes and non-athlete students. They found that marijuana use is higher among non athletes rather than athletes. Also they article finds that students that have used marijuana are more likely to think that the prevalence of use is high on their college campus. The statistics drawn and shown are used to support that the usage of marijuana among curtain college students. This article can help further information of marijuana use among college students. They talk about the use and prevalence of use among college students. There is statistical information also taken that can be more supportive to my paper. This information can better further my argument and show the usage and prevalence of use among college students.

"Risk for Marijuana-Related Problems among College Students: An Application of Zero-Inf... - 0 views

    This article takes into account 292 college students and discusses social norms and other negative effects of marijuana. They take into account social-environmental and biopsy logical factors of use. Also they talk about risk factor associated with different uses of the drug. There is also some statistical information that accesses they amount and number of college students that use or have used marijuana. This is a very supportive article because it give me some insight on the risk of marijuana and marijuana related problems. There is some good statistical information relating to the 292 college students. The stats state that 46% of college students have claimed to have smoked marijuana. With this article it can help support some of my statistical information from my survey I have put out.

. "Patterns of Alcohol and Marijuana Use at School." - 0 views

    This article takes into account 1123 high school students and access their use and abuse of alcohol and marijuana. They take into account the accessibility of drugs among students. Race does play a role showing higher accessibility and use among Hispanic students compared to white students. Many drugs are used and obtained on campus' and many students are unaware of this issue. This article gives me more insight on alcohol and drug use. This helps me obtain more broad information of policies and usage of drugs among high school and college students. This article with present information of the attitudes and frequency of drug and alcohol use among students. With this information I have much better insight on the ways and uses of college students during school.

untitled"Patterns of cannabis use and positive and negative experiences of use amongst ... - 0 views

    This article describes a study taken of 176 college students to evaluate their patterns of marijuana use as well as its positive and negative effects. Its results found two types of users those that smoked casually and rarely bought product and those that smoked on a regular daily basis. There were both positive and negative effects reported but there were far greater positive reports than negative. The study also described indicators of dependence as well as the tendency of more regular problematic users to combine marijuana use with tobacco and alcohol. This article is helpful because it gives insight to the opinions of those people that actually use the drug being called into question. It addresses both positive and negative effects of use that gives readers a well rounded amount of information on both sides of the argument. It also sheds light how most people that smoke marijuana are at higher risk of using alcohol and tobacco.

"College drug use, binge drinking rise." - 0 views

    There are many colleges students that engage in illegal alcohol and drug consumption. There had been a rise un marijuana and other illicit drugs used. Many colleges students claim they drunk and do drugs to relax. In 2005 the number of college students claiming to smoke marijuana climbed to 4%. This huge number of students helps support the rise in drug use on college campus. This is becoming a problem among college students. This article is the best one I have found it talk about the rise of drug use among college students. It talks about statistical data and the percentages of use among college students. This is more statistical data that just show that there is more needed to be done with college students and drinking these days. With this in mind I will out these into my article and use them accordingly.


    This article measures the use of alcohol marijuana and cocaine among college students. This article talks about excess uses of these drugs and their effects on negative behavior. This survey was taken and it asked students how many times they used alcohol, marijuana or cocaine and how it affected their behavior socially. Demographics and social class plays roles in the different users in college. This article is great for me because it helps me better understand usage and its social behavioral effects on college students. This gives me information of the prevalence of marijuana use among college students and the rates of use. This is statistical data of 1,400 students helps me use and understand the information in my paper. With this information I can compare it to other articles and surveys taken.

"Early Alcohol Initiation Increases Risk Related to Drinking Among College Students." - 0 views

    This article discusses early alcohol use and abuse among college students. They use surveys and other questioners to access use and abuse among college students. They discuss how early use of alcohol makes students more prone to alcoholism. They use statistical data collected by these surveys. Drug and alcohol use among college students is on the rise. This is a great article for me because I can use this statistical information against alcohol use and it more negative effects rather than marijuana negative effects. There is a lot more interesting statistical data I can use to show evidence of marijuana usage compared to alcohol use. Alcohol use compared to marijuana are a lot different alcohol in the long run is a lot worse for humans. Marijuana is a lot more laid back drug with no dependence.

"Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use Among First-Year U.S. College - 0 views

    There are many misused drugs among College students. This analysis evaluates uses out these drugs in a 210 day study in which they trace how much first use and their trends of use. They then compare the uses to other non-students and other rages of age groups. They talk about the health risks associated with these patterns. This article can give me some good insight of trends of other college students. They can give me more precise measurements of trends instead of my survey which can be warped at any time. The health risks can help me with an argument towards different drugs that can be worse than others. Also some statistics like the number of college students using drugs can also help with my research paper.

"No smoke in their ayes." - 0 views

    Focuses on a bill sponsored by Canadian Alliance Member of Parliament Keith Martin regarding the decriminalization of marijuana. This is the actual bill that shows what the deal is with the bill itself. This was present to the California supreme court. This is great for my research because this is an actual bill. This helps with the support and maybe legalization my marijuana. This evidence can be used to show the reader what some states may adapt to their own bills and laws similar to California's bill.

"Poll finds increasing support for legalizing marijuana." - 0 views

    A poll conducted by Zogby International on the issue of legalizing marijuana in the U.S. The comparison of percentage of Americans agreeing for legalization of marijuana from 1972 compared to the present day has changed. Many people have changed their idea and stance on legalization of marijuana. Today peoples stances have changed about marijuana legalization. In the past many felt that marijuana was a big deal but today many people's stances have changed. Many feel that marijuana should be legalized for medical use and sometimes all together.

Poll finds support for marijuana initiative." - 0 views

    This article presents survey results on the support of Nevada residents support the legalization of marijuana. A large percentage of people opposing the legalization but many still don't support. There are fierce debates over the issue in the state of Nevada. This gives me more support for the legalization of marijuana in states throughout the US. Nevada is another state that can support the legalization of marijuana throughout the US. The gives clear cut support in my essay and show that throughout the US states are ratifying laws to accommodate legalization of marijuana.

"Reefer Rx: Marijuana as medicine." - 0 views

    Consideration for smoking marijuana for medical purposes in the U.S. Types of groups which pushed for the legalization of marijuana for all purposes. Cases reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court concerning medical marijuana and legalization. There are benefits to the legalization of marijuana dealing with economic and social problems. Harvard has gave supporting evidence for marijuana and health issues. Marijuana is a proven pain reliever. Also it help cancer patients maintain appetites, this is another supporting reason for medical marijuana legalization.

"No Surrender." - 0 views

    This article discusses the prospect of a drug control policy that includes regulated legalization. Claims that marijuana's medical efficacy is no longer in dispute and the idea that legalization will eliminate marijuana use among young people. Concern about abandoning those who could be treated for their addiction does not sit well with conservative values. This article talks about solving a major drug problem with just legalization. People refute that legalization of marijuana will help socially and economically but they are wrong. This articles gives me strong support on the benefits of legalization of marijuana.

"Montana approves medical marijuana use; Alaska rejects legalization of drug." - 0 views

    The article reports on the new arrival the for use of medical marijuana, for things such as chronic pain and nausea. Like the other 10 states in the U.S. marijuana would only be available to patients through a doctor's prescription. States such as Alaska have dismissed the law but were the first state to legalize marijuana possession for persons over 21. This article is evidence that America is slowly reforming marijuana laws but very slowly. This shows that many states need to rethink medical marijuana policies. I can use this in my paper for support of states and their social take on legalization of medical marijuana.
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