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Constructivist Learning - 1 views

  • Constructivism is an epistemological belief about what "knowing" is and how one "come to know."
  • rejects the notions
  • Constructivism, with focus on social nature of cognition, suggests an approach that
  • ...66 more annotations...
  • learners the
  • learners the
  • learners the
  • opportunity for concrete, contextually meaningful experience through which they can search for patterns, raise their own questions, and construct their own models.
  • engage in activity, discourse, and reflection
  • take on more ownership of the ideas, and to pursue autonomy, mutual reciprocity of social relations, and empowerment to be the goals.
  • "knowledge proceeds neither solely from the experience of objects nor from an innate programming
  • but from successive constructions."
  • and the effect of social interaction, language, and culture on learning.
  • This movement occurs in the so-called "zone of proximal development" as a result of social interaction.
  • disappointed with the overwhelming control of environment over human behavior that is represented in behaviorism.
  • recognized two
  • internalization
  • basic processes operating continuously at every level of human activity
  • internalization and externalization
  • complex mental function is first an interaction between people
  • becomes a process within individuals
  • This transformation involves the mastery of external means of thinking and learning to use symbols to control and regulate one's thinking.
  • the claim is that mental processes can be understood only if we understand the tools and signs that mediate them
  • the gesture of pointing could not have been established as a sign without the reaction of the other person.
  • Bruner's key concepts
  • mode of representing past events through appropriate motor responses
  • which enables
  • perceiver to "summarize events by organization of percepts and of images
  • symbol system which represents things by design features that can be arbitrary and remote, e.g. language
  • Bruner's influence on instruction
  • Translating material into children's modes of thought:
  • enable learners to develop cognitive growth: questioning, prompting
  • discovery as" all forms of obtaining knowledge for oneself by the use of one's own mind
  • Interpersonal interaction
  • Discovery learning:
  • Spiral Curriculum:
  • promote concept discovery, the teacher presents the set of instances that will best help learners to develop an appropriate model of the concept.
  • cognitive constructivists
  • sociocultural constructivists
  • focusing on the individual cognitive construction of mental structures;
  • emphasizing the social interaction and cultural practice on the construction of knowledge
  • Promote discovery in the exercise of problem solving
  • Variables in instruction: nature of knowledge, nature of the knower, and nature of the knowledge-getting process
  • Feedback must be provided in a mode that is both meaningful and within the information-processing capacity of the learner.
  • Intrinsic pleasure of discovery promote a sense of self-reward
  • Knowledge cannot exist independently from the knower;
  • Learning is viewed as self-regulatory process
  • Cognitive constructivists focus on the active mental construction struggling with the conflict between existing personal models of the world, and incoming information in the environment.
  • Sociocultural constructivists emphasis
  • in which learners construct their models of reality as a meaning-making undertaking with culturally developed tools and symbols
  • and negotiate such meaning thorough cooperative social activity, discourse and debate (
  • Learners are active in making sense of things instead of responding to stimuli.
  • learners " make tentative interpretations of experience
  • requires invention and self-organization
  • Errors need to be perceived as a result of learners' conceptions and therefore not minimized or avoided.
  • the learners are responsible for defending, proving, justifying, and communicating their ideas to the classroom community.
  • humans seek to organize and generalize across experiences
  • According to TIP's
  • Theory Into Practice
  • Spiral organization:
  • Going beyond the information given:
  • Readiness:
  • learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.
  • learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.
  • learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.
  • that learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.
  • Instruction must be structured so that it can be easily grasped by the student
  • learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.
  • learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.
  • Bruner's major theoretical framework is that learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge.

Teaching Visual Spatial Learners - Time4Learning - 0 views

  • The truth of education is that most of traditional schooling methods are based on auditory-sequential instruction. This is unfortunate for visual-spatial students, who can begin to feel "dumb" in a regular classroom. In actuality, visual-spatial children are often highly gifted, but their classroom work may not adequately reflect their intelligence. Or, commonly, V-S kids will have incredibly high grades in subjects that appeal to their visual learning style, but might struggle to keep even passing grades in subjects such as phonics and math computation, where visual skills are seldom accessed. They also suffer exceedingly under the drill and review method of teaching. While continued practice and repetition is highly beneficial for auditory-sequential learners, visual-spatial students find it to be completely unnecessary. Once a V-S learner has mastered a concept, the learning is permanent, and does not need to be reviewed. Any type of review that highlights a visual-spatial learner's mistakes can be especially damaging to their self-esteem.
  • Although much of the traditional school environment is designed with the auditory-sequential learner in mind, there are things that teachers or parents can do to make learning more accessible for visual-spatial learners. The most obvious of these is the copious use of visual aids in learning. Any auditory instruction needs to be accompanied by something that the student can see with their eyes, or manipulate with their hands. Visual-spatial learners also usually grasp reading more easily if they are taught using the sight, or whole-word method, rather than with phonics. Pre-tests are another good idea for V-S learners, so that you do not waste time teaching them what they already have mastered. When possible, instead of writing out their work, allow them to represent their learning in visual and creative ways. Creativity is key for a visual-spatial learner.
  • The computer is an indispensible tool for a visual-spatial learner.
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  • The computer takes some of this pressure off by allowing the keyboard to do some of the work. Visual-spatial learners also enjoy the computer because of its visual impact. In fact, both the computer and the internet were inventions by people who were very likely visual-spatial learners themselves!

Visual Learners | Online Learning Tips - 0 views

  • Visual learners learn best through their eyes.
  • If you find yourself doing a search for videos and podcasts then you should focus on tuning your skills in the auditory direction
  • Visual learners learn best through their eyes. In a traditional classroom they prefer to sit where they can best see what is going on in order to have an advantage when reading a teacher’s body language, studying charts and graphs, watching video, following visual presentations such as PowerPoint, observing demonstrations, and so on.  When learning online visual learners benefit from the ability to replay simulations or videos, trace an outline on the screen, note color coding, interpret pictures, and interact with a wide variety of interactive visual media.
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  • There are some tactics a visual learner can employ to maximize learning. These learning methods can include: constructing graphic organizers to represent information that may have been presented orally studying diagrams outlining notes locating sites or placing symbols on a map watching videos, demonstrations, simulations, and reenactments color coding notes drawing pictures to represent events writing summaries direct copying of notes and vocabulary using flashcards
  • Auditory learners attain information best through their ears. In a traditional classroom they tend to sit away from noisy distractions, where they can hear best the teacher or other instructional media such as video, recorded books, poems, or songs. 
  • They have an advantage in listening to lectures or relating to auditory cues.  When learning online auditory learners benefit from being able to replay recordings of lectures, videos, and other auditory sources of information. 
  • Tactile learners, sometimes referred to as kinesthetic learners, learn best through their hands. In a traditional classroom they prefer to be able to move around, touch objects, conduct physical experiments, perform reenactments, and change their physical proximity with learning materials.  When learning online tactile learners do not have a distinct advantage, but may recall spelling via the muscle memory of keyboarding.

Teaching Math To Visual Learners - 0 views

  • hey much prefer to learn from whole-to-part,
  • it is important to bring attention to all the ways math is relevant to everyday life
  • Bring your visual learner along shopping with you and be sure to have him or her help you figure out how much money you will need for your purchases. Letting them have a piggy bank, and counting the money often will also be helpful. Math is plentifully available in cooking together, clipping coupons, saving for a special toy, and even in building with blocks or cutting play-dough into fractional parts. Math can be almost everywhere when you are looking for it.
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  • Color, color, color!
  • Make a picture.
  • Use multimedia software when available.
  • Manipulatives are key.
  • using color to differentiate between addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems can be very helpful. In learning sequential step problems, highlighting each step in a different color can also overcome this natural difficulty.
  • What To Avoid With Visual Learners
  • Rote memorization and drill will not only be mostly impossible for your visual learner, but will also sap his natural love of learning.
  • Visual learners also tend to “visualize” time passing, so timed quizzes and tests put almost tangible pressure on them, causing unnecessary anxiety
  • not always be able to “show their work.”
  • , be prepared for a visual learner to
  • It is important to help them to understand that their visual learning style is not a disadvantage, but simply a different way of acquiring knowledge
    visual learners: what they are; how they learn; things to avoid; techniques for teaching math to them

Learning Styles and Children | Funderstanding - 0 views

  • 20 to 30 percent of learners remember through hearing, 40 percent retain information visually, and the rest either have higher memory retention after writing something down or through real-life activities.
  • There are three learning styles – visual, auditory, and kinesthetic and tactile.
  • Visual Learners Visual learners like having information presented to them in an eye-catching way, have strong visualization skills, and to see the “big picture.” Enjoy a fun activity with visual learners encouraging their language and reading skills. Tie the activity into the child’s homework by using vocabulary or spelling words for an upcoming test. Help the child create a list of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns to use for the activity. If they have a list of vocabulary or spelling words they need to memorize for school, they can be added to the list. Kids can select a color for each type of word and then write them onto flashcards using the coordinating color for each word group (green for nouns). Have the child place the cards in stacks according to color/type. Discuss with the child that they will be creating a visual language story using the words by placing them into sentences and a finished story. This encourages visual learners to see the big picture and understand the final outcome of the activity. Once the child has begun forming sentences, he can arrange them to form a story, working until all the words have been used. Tap into his auditory and kinesthetic/tactile learning, and his active processors, by having him read the story out loud while acting it out.

Visual Learners - Learning Styles and Visual Learners - 0 views

  • Visual learners learn best by seeing what they are being taught.
  • diagrams, mind maps, word webs, visuals, and other forms of graphic organizers will help visual learners get the most from your instruction. Teach students to use highlighters when going through their notes and to create flashcards when studying for tests and learning information.
    look at visual learning,definition,styles,and strategies. Also links to other articles on the subject.
3More - 0 views

    • Katie Labbe
      highlight not working... " most students in science classes are visual learners"
    • Katie Labbe
      "teachers tend to favor their own learning styles"
    Visual Learners assignment

University of Utah Tips for Visual Learners - 1 views

    • Joseph Shalala
      These tips are written to students, teachers can also benefit and integrate these suggestions into each lesson.

The visual (spatial) learning style - 0 views

    This is a site on learning styles.
    The learning style of visual learners
    Thanks for the site!

Webspiration Classroom Document - 0 views

    My webspiration on visual learners

Learn about lord of the flies on - 0 views

    Visual learners. Web graph. Search engine. 

Make Your Images Interactive - ThingLink - 1 views

    A great tool for visual learners that embeds music videos and text.

Annenberg Learner - 0 views

    This website provides endless multimedia tools and videos for the social studies classroom.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - 0 views

shared by Nick Martin on 10 Feb 14 - Cached
    One of the best websites for hands-on learning in mathematics. Students can choose from countless manipulatives. Cool site for kinesthetic learners!!

Chrome Smashing: Creating the Inconceivable | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Similarly, smashing multiple apps can lead to extraordinary learning artifacts, so why not apply it to Chromebooks? In four steps, we have the potential to create and share something entirely new.
  • As teachers, we should look to incorporate smashes because we want our students to demonstrate their understanding, to reflect on a process and to envision creating a learning artifact that was previously inconceivable. We want students to take ownership of their learning process, develop technology fluency (2), and identify the best possible means to "show what they know." When there are no limitations to what can be created with the available tools, then there are no limitations to how students can demonstrate their growth as learners.
  • Essentially, our goal as educators is to help our students develop into creators and innovators. When we know that smashing is a possibility and introduce this potential to our students, we not only empower them to take ownership of their learning process, but also teach them to go beyond the initial obstacles in order to problem solve for better learning and expression.

EBSCOhost: Avoiding Math Taboos: Effective Math Strategies for Visual-Spatial Learners... - 0 views

    • Tyler Pacifico
      While auditory-sequential learners may do well with content that requires steps, the deep understanding of the material is vacant.
  • al-Spatial
    • Tyler Pacifico
      This is assuming that homework and material presented is done in a specific manner.
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