Tips on Facebook, crowd sourcing and Twitter for journalists « Save the Media - 0 views
Crowd sourcing: If you have no idea what crowd sourcing is or how it could work for journalists, you must read this post on Beat Blogging. The post gives simple examples where journalists are asking readers for story ideas or for their opinions. For example, the post showcases a Sacramento Bee reporter using his blog to crowd source opinions on what it’s like to be back after being furloughed because of California state budget constraints. We used to just call this good reporting.
Tweeting news: If you’re skeptical of the value of Twitter to news organizations, read this post. It explains how the news of the fatal plane crash this week in Buffalo spread through Twitter with frequent updates. Twitter gives a blow by blow witness description of the crash that you couldn’t get from a traditional news source until much later. Why wouldn’t newspapers want to be able to break news in this immediate way?
MICROSHARING | Pistachio - 0 views
Twitter is a collection of remarks
Microsharing reduces the emotional and intellectual distance between people and helps them become more engaged, connected, effective and collaborative
As increasingly larger communities engage, rich streams of information generated become resources in their own right. Data can be queried, followed, stored, researched and referenced to provide critical insight, knowledge and tracking of market opinion. The resulting datasets enable early discovery of latent problems, innovation capture, real time tracking of product awareness, breaking news, ad campaign effectiveness and dozens of other business applications not yet widely understood.
Twitter is for microblogging - 0 views
Twitter's Analytical Business Plan - - 0 views
the fact that users are texting more substantive observations and opinions in real time, and the company has a valuable information database it can sell to businesses
"We can measure the tweets," he says. "We're trying to figure out what are the appropriate metrics around engagement and how to convey those."
Twitter Has Jumped The Shark - 0 views
Twitter and Medicine | Doctor Tells "Why I Started Microblogging on Twitter" - 0 views
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Twitter for Nonprofits: Waste of Time... - 0 views
I really respect Chris Brogan's opinion and he seems to be a 24/7 Twitter user and has blogged a few posts about how it can be useful. Twitter as Gate Jumper Twitter as Community Builder Five Ways To Use Twitter for Good
Amplicate - Making Your Opinion Count - 10 views
You've Got to Have (150) Friends - - 8 views
In the real world, according to research by myself and others, we devote 40 percent of our limited social time each week to the five most important people we know, who represent just 3 percent of our social world and a trivially small proportion of all the people alive today.
Understanding the Psychology of Twitter | Psychology Today Blogs | Part I - 0 views
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