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Amethyst Hehman

d#7 hw#1 - 1 views

    This site gives you examples, to steps, to info on why it's important.
Austin Kremer

D#7 Hm#1 Documentation website - 1 views

    This website has a great graph showing different types of sources and appropriate places to use then. I find that the simpleness of the website is what makes it effective as a learning tool.
Daniel Throckmorton

D#2, HW#7 - How to Effectively write a tutorial | Richworks - 1 views

  • Tutorials are meant to teach people something new
  • Plan each step carefully
  • most succinct way possible
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • balance the length of the tutorial with the amount of valid information transmitted
  • In order to keep the readers engaged in the tutorial, it is very important that you show them what you will be achieving by the end of the tutorial
  • What you are trying to explain in 5 to 10 lines can be neatly illustrated in just an image. Try to use as many images as possible
  • Use them wherever necessary and use them wisely
  • Take screenshots of every step you perform and document your every move
  • images with varying widths create some sort of a negative impression on your tutorial
  • explain why you are doing it and what are the advantages in doing so
  • In this tutorial, we will be learning to create
Rebecca Anderson

D#2 HW#2 - 0 views

    Although chapter 2 was more about documents this blog shares good points about how to make your website stand about from the others which directly relates to the subject matter in chapter 2.
Shannon Ridgeway

Does Your Design Flow? | Van SEO Design - 2 views

  • Flow is the way your eye moves or is led through a composition. While most of us will naturally move from one element to another in our own fashion, a designer can control to some extent where the eye moves next.
  • Verbal Flow – the path taken when reading text on the page Visual Flow – the path taken when looking at images and graphics on the page
  • To make copy easier to read you can: Develop a consistent typographic style across your site – Be consistent with your use of font size, face, and color Choose a font for your copy that is easy to read – Your copy is not the place for a fancy font Remember the principle of proximity – Place headings close to the text they refer to, captions close to images. Organize your text elements so it’s clear what goes with what Watch the width of columns – Don’t make columns to wide or too narrow as each hinders reading Develop a vertical rhythm in your type – Use consistent line heights and vertical margins and paddings
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Again a consistent typographic style and a grid-based layout help maintain the pattern and strengthen the flow of your site.
  • Many images have a direction. An arrow, a hand pointing, a face looking in one direction. Your eye will speed up or slow down depending on the direction it was moving when it fell on the image.
  • Use the direction of images to control the the speed and direction of flow Create barriers when you want to reverse the eyes direction Create open paths to allow easy movement through your design Use contrasting colors and shapes to pull the eye
  • Assuming a left to right reading direction as in English, the natural visual flow for people will be a backwards “S” pattern. You can alter that natural pattern with the images you use, where you place those images, and how images, graphics, and text are mixed on the page.
  • Through good flow you can lead the eye from element to element
    A page on teaching what design flow is and how it works. Teaches you how to keep the reader's eye and make them follow the 'flow'.
  • ...7 more comments...
    This website gives great advice on how to show flow in a website.
    Interesting take on flow in design. Definitely worth reading. I like the information and felt that this could be very helpful in creating pages.
    This is a great website that illustrates how important flow is design. It was my favorite of all the pages I visited It gives a great definition of design flow, as well as the 2 kinds of flow (takes examples straight out of Basics of Design). It then goes on and explains how to improve your verbal and visual flow in your work.
    This in-depth website shows how to improve your website using the flow to create a more readable page.
    D#7, HW#1-- This is a great website when discussing visual and verbal flow like the book with Chapter 7. Firstly, it explains what visual flow and verbal flow exactly are so that you know where you're starting off, which I really enjoy in a website. Then, the website gives you visual examples of how to improve your current design or document.
    This website is good because it gives you a scenario of something you can relate to then it gives you an explanation of both visual and verbal. Then it gives you suggestions on how to improve your work that has to do with visual and verbal flow .
    Flow is the way the audience's eyes move through out the design. Its a lead from one element to another. Verbal flow is more like a path that leads you to the next reading text on a separate page. This article is really helpful way to improve "Flow" and provides examples for flow. 
    This is a good website to help you understand what flow is and the different types of flow. It talks about verbal flow and visual flow. It also goes on to explain how to improve your verbal flow and your visual flow.
    This webpage incorporates more details about many key aspects of flow that were also mentioned in chapter seven. There are tips to improving visual and verbal flow within a page and also how to add flow across an entire site involving many pages.
toni tassell

D#8HW#3 - Manovich's Article - 0 views

shared by toni tassell on 16 Jun 11 - Cached
    Neet website that shows where people stop on a web page by noting where mouse goes. Try the demo.
Daniel Flores

D#1 HW#13 - 0 views

    This section addresses the fundamental themes of page layout and design:
Alex Portela

How to write instructions [TechScribe software documentation] - 0 views

    • Alex Portela
      This is also a good tip. Don't over do instructions. It already causes intimidation. Make it easy for the readers.
    Describes in quick detail steps in writing instrucions. It also give other instructions in technical writing as well.
    This gives a great basic example for how to write instructions
Hector Garcia

D#3HW#1: Good Designs Have Strong Contrast | I'd Rather Be Writing - 0 views

  • Most effective type layouts take advantage of more than one of the contrasting possibilities.
  • We already understand the principle of contrast in many other aspects of our lives, such as how we dress.
  • My point is this: if we take our natural sensibility for contrast that we automatically employ in dress, and then apply it to layout and design, we’ll naturally make documents that have greater appeal.
    This nice page has info from a book I've had recommended on amazon for technical writing class, and is written by a novice like me.

D#10 HW#5 - 0 views

  • Scientists and engineers routinely have the need to express themselves clearly, concisely and persuasively in applying for grants, publishing papers, reporting to their supervisors, communicating with their colleagues, etc.; in experimental science, formal reports are the primary means by which experimentalists communicate the results of their work to the scientific community.
  • condensed, compact and brief presentation
  • The report should be no more than 800 words, (3 pages of double spaced type) and 2 pages of graphs and/or diagrams.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 1.) Title: This should be short, but precise, and convey the point of the report. It could be either a statement or a question. For example, a title like "Voltage-current relationship of a transistor" is good, as is "Does the transistor obey Ohm's Law?". But simply "The transistor" is too vague and is not a good title. 2.) Abstract: The abstract summarizes, in a couple of sentences, the content of the report. It provides a brief (5-10 lines) outline of what the report is about; it should include a statement of what it is you measured and its value (Warning! -- students often make abstracts too long -- note that an abstract is not an introduction.) 3.) Introduction: The role of this section is to state why the work reported is useful, where it fits in the bigger picture of the field (or of science in general), and to discuss briefly the theoretical hypotheses which are to be tested (e.g. for the Absolute Zero experiment, state the meaning of absolute zero and how it is to be measured, mention the equation PV = nRT and discuss its verification, and under what circumstances you expect it to be valid). 4.) Experimental Method: Describe the apparatus and procedure used in the experiment. Remember that a picture (or simple diagram) is often worth a thousand words! Enough details should be provided for the reader to have a clear idea of what was done. But be careful to not swamp the reader with insignificant or useless facts. 5.) Results and Discussion: In this section, you present and interpret the data you have obtained. If at all possible, avoid tables of data. Graphs are usually a much clearer way to present data (make sure axes are labeled, and error bars are shown!). Please make sure the graphs and diagrams have concise figure captions explaining what they are about! Do not show the details of error calculations. The derivation of any formulae you use is not required, but should be referenced. Explain how your data corroborates (or does not corroborate) the hypotheses being tested, and compare, where possible, with other work. Also, estimate the magnitude of systematic errors which you feel might influence your results (e.g. In the Absolute Zero experiment, how big is the temperature correction? Does this alter your results significantly?). 6.) Conclusion: In a few lines, sum up the results of your experiment. Do your data agree (within experimental error) with theory? If not, can you explain why? Remember that the conclusion is a summary; do not say anything in the conclusion which you have not already discussed more fully earlier in the text. 7.) References: In this section of the report list all of the documents that you refer to in your report. We recommend numbering the references sequentially in the text, in their order of appearance, and listing them in the same order in the references section. One possible reference format is used by the Canadian Journal of Physics. That is: for JOURNALS: Author(s), Journal Title, Volume (year) page number for BOOKS: Author(s), Book Title, Publisher, city of publication, year of publication, page (or range of relevant pages).  
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