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    O programa Opinião Pernambuco, da TV Universitária Recife, abordou a questão da luta pelo direito ao território das comunidades tradicionais pesqueiras no dia 27 de junho de 2013. Participaram do programa a integrante do Movimento de Pescadores e Pescadoras Artesanais (MPP), Maria das Neves, a secretária executiva do Conselho Pastoral dos Pescadores (CPP), Maria José Pacheco, e o pesquisador da Fundação Joaquim Nabuco (Fundaj), Tarcísio Quinamo, Coordenador do IV Seminario Pesca Artesanal e Sustentabilidade Socioambiental .

Os Common-pool resources e o debate sobre Direitos de Propriedade para as Reservas Ext... - 1 views

    Apresentação de Liandra (Valéria de Vinhas e Jutta Gutberlet) na X Encontro da EcoEco - Voitória.

REDES - Revista hispana para a analise de redes sociais - 0 views

    Uma das possibilidades de analise das comunidades tradicionais pesqueiras é o recurso da metodologia das redes sociais. A Revista REDES revela a versatilidade dessa metodologia e Hugo Ballesteros na sua tese de doutorado utiliza-a no estudo do furtivismo na Galicia.


    Entrevista com Eleonice Sacramento integrante do Movimento dos Pescadores e Pescadoras Artesanais em 02/10/2013 enviada por Liandra, juntamente com uma serie de editais para a exploração aquícola em aguas continentais. A entrevista revela a apreensão das novas diretrizes governamentais, evidenciado os conflitos entre distintos agentes e propostas de institucionalzação do acesso aos recursos pesqueiros em areas ocupadas por populções tradicionias, a exemplo de pesquisadores artesanais.

WILEN, The Economics of Territorial Use Rights Fisheries, Or TURFs - 1 views

    • iheringalcoforado
      A Economia dos TURFs (territoiral Use Rights Fisheries) é introduzia pelo autores como uma correção de algumas limitações das ITQs (Individual Transferable Quotes), objeto da Tesina de Hugo Ballestero, orientando de Gonzalo Rodriguez. Em função disso vamos solicitar ao Hugo que nos envie um poster ponto na sua inteireza as premissas e as vantagens e as desvantagens das ITQs

BEITL, Cockles in Cstody - The Role of Common Property Arrangements in the Ecological S... - 0 views

    "This paper investigates how common property institutional arrangementscontribute to sustainable mangrove sheries in coastal Ecuador, ocusing onthe shery or the mangrove cockle (  Anadara tuberculosa and  A. similis ), abivalve mollusk harvested rom the roots o mangrove trees and o particularsocial, economic, and cultural importance or the communities that dependon it. Specically, this study examines the emergence o new civil societyinstitutions within the historical context o extensive mangrove deorestationor the expansion o shrimp arming, policy changes in the late 1990s thatrecognized "ancestral" rights o local communities to mangrove resources, andhow custodias, community-managed mangrove concessions, aect the cockleshery. Findings rom interviews with shell collectors and analysis o catch-per-unit-eort (CPUE) indicate that mangrove concessions as common propertyregimes promote community empowerment, local autonomy over resources,mangrove conservation and recovery, higher cockle catch shares, and larger shellsizes, but the benets are not evenly distributed. Associations without custodias and independent cockle collectors eel urther marginalized by the loss o gathering grounds, potentially defecting problems o overexploitation to "open-access" areas, in which mangrove sheries are weakly managed by the State.Using Ostrom's Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) ramework, theexplicit link between social and ecological systems is studied at dierent levels,examining the relationship between collective action and the environment throughquantitative approaches at the shery level and qualitative analysis at the level"

JANSSEN, Resilience and Adaptation in the Governance of Social-ecological - 0 views

    "During the last decade there has been increased attention to the study o social-ecological systems (SESs). Social-ecological systems link social and ecologicalsystems (Berkes and Folke 1998). The inherently transdisciplinary eld o SES-scholars has ocused on resilience o SESs and ways to govern resilience o SESs.Resilience is dened as the ability o a system to withstand perturbations andremain within the same stability regime (Holling 1973). Governance o SESsocuses on enhancing the ability o the system to remain within the desired stabilityregime, or to create opportunities to move toward a desired stability regime. Forexample, suppression o orest res lead to the accumulation o uel (the trees thatare not burned) creating conditions or later res o such intensity that the soiland seed banks are damaged. This may prevent the orest system rom recoveringrom such a re. A more appropriate policy is to use small controlled burn tomaintain the resilience o the orest system.The study o SESs was initiated by ecologists who became interested inthe social dimensions o ecosystem management (Berkes and Folke 1998). Butincreasingly we see social scientists adopting an SES approach, taking into accountmore explicit ecological dynamics o resource systems than earlier social scienceresearch. The work o Ostrom (1990) originally ocused on the dimensions o thesocial system o a common resource. In recent work the study o the commons isapproached rom an SES perspective where natural resources and social systemshave equal representation and equal detailed analysis (Anderies et al. 2004;Ostrom 2007,2009).In this special issue a series o papers has been collected to urther the rontiero the study o the governance o social-ecological systems."

LIANDRA, Os Common-Pool Resources e o Debate Sobre de Propriedade Para as Reservas Extr... - 0 views

    "Os Common-pool resources e o debate sobre Direitosde Propriedade para as Reservas Extrativistas Marinhas no Brasil"

Intercultural Capacity Deficits - Contested Geographies of Coexstence in Natural Resour... - 0 views

    Richard Hovitt e seu companheiros colocam o conflito de interesses no âmbito dos sistemas interclultural de gestão dos recursos naturais na Australia e Malaysia. Eles exploram as maneiras pelas quais o " ontological pluralism and the interplay of socio-cultural, political-economic and biophysical influences shape NRM systems", uma problemática muito próxima aos nossos territórios pesqueiros. O objetivo dos autores é ampliar " discursive space in which to reframe the challenges of capacity building in the rapidly changing spaces of intercultural NRM systems." Para nós a relevância do texto deve-se em boa parte porque eles "...synthesizes the conceptual arguments of field research to conclude that capacity deficits of dominant institutions, processes and knowledge systems drive many systemic failures in land and sea management affecting Indigenous peoples. We advocate urgent action to build intercultural competence and new capacities and competencies in those institutions." Enfim, segundo eles, " The paper reframes intercultural NRM in terms of coexistence an and invites wider debate about these 'new geographies of coexistence' in intercultural NRM systems"

Transition from common to private coasts: Consequences of privatizationof the coastal c... - 0 views

    O ponto de partida do artigo é a constatação que "Privatization is often viewed to provide positive stimulus for the economy that can lead to the better-ment of society", o que se pode complementar, com a constatação de E Ostrom, segundo a qual, em algumas situações o regime privado se coloca como uma panancéia. Naste mesma linha, os autores chamam atenção que que qando " the appropriate governance systems are not functionally in place, the unwanted effects of privatization can have deleterious consequences." "This paper highlights the conse-quences of undesirable privatization and the emergent unwanted privatization tendencies of the coastal commons, particularly in the developing countries such as the Philippines. The lack of coherent policies,standards, and weak enforcement of policies in leasing the coastal commons (e.g. various unregulatedaqua culture) in the Philippines in particular, have resulted to alarming displacement, deprivation and marginalization of fishing and farming communities and have degraded many coastal zone areas. Os autores tratam do usos multiplos do solo, In addition, poorly planned coastal tourism and housing development projects in the foreshore areas,inappropriate reclamation of coastal areas, illegal usurpation of indigenous peoples rights over ancestral domain areas, and conversion of fishing and fish farming zones into ecotourism zones further aggravated this scenario. Equitable access to resources is of paramount importance to afford concerned stakeholders greater participation in terms of developing greater capacity for coastal communities to engage and demand for improved coastal governance e an important facet of public dministration often identifiedas one of the challenges in managing the commons. Co-management with an Ecosystem-Based Management approach as core operational mechanism provides opportunities to enhance policy formulation and implementation, secure community safety nets, and facilitate the crea

Aquaculture conference: To the Next 40 Years of Sustainable Global Aquaculture - 0 views

    This conference will not only celebrate the last 40 years of outstanding science accomplishments in aquaculture it will identify the top science challenges for the next generation of global aquaculture. The conference will be essential for helping assist in a generational change to new leaders for the next science accomplishments needed to double global aquaculture production. You should attend if you are at the cutting edge of science understanding genetics, diseases, feeds, ecological interactions, and sustainable systems. Topics List Aquaculture hatcheries: Science advances and future research needs Combining marker assisted selection with classic selection programs Transdisciplinary research needs for the expansion of aquaculture in rural economies Raw materials and feed ingredients needed for the future of aquaculture Interactions of aquaculture and the environment Research institutions and research strategies in aquaculture 3rd -7th November 2013 Palacio de Congresos de Canarias, Las Palmas, Gran Canaria

Revisão Teórica das Cotas Transferíveis Individuais ( Individual Transferable... - 0 views

    POSTER extraido da Tezina (dissertação) de Victor Hugo Martinez Ballesteros e que será exposto durante a realização da Oficina ITQs, TURFs e Territórios Pesqueiros.

Derecho de Uso Territorial Como Instrumento para el Manejo Pesquerias - Antecedentes - 0 views

    Os slides da apresentação do Prof. Alberto Calderon na Oficina TURFs & Territórios Pesqueiros realizada no X Econtro Nacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Ecológica

Integrating Transparency, Public Participation, and Accountability into Protected Area ... - 0 views

    This presentation will: Discuss challenges faced in protected area management in the Caribbean Explore why a rights-based approach to conservation is critical Address transparency of government and corporate actors in relation to the use of natural resources in protected areas Address rights of the public to participate in protected area management Address accountability of government actions to stated policy goals Present case studies about the Portland Bight Protected Area in Jamaica , la Reserva de Biosfera Jaragua-Bahoruco-Enriquillo in Dominican Republic, and Caracol Bay in Haiti

Institutions, incentives and the future of fisheries - 0 views

    A partir do problema da exploraçao predatoria dos recursos pesqueiros (Commons ) , Hilborn et al (2005) chamam a atençao sobre a importancia das instituçoes ( formais e informais) e dos incentivos gerados a partir das estruturas institucionais para solucionar problemas em pesca. Artigo fundamental nas discuçoes do grupo de pesca.


    Apresentação do Prof. Gonzalo Rodriguez a ser feita na Oficina TURFs e os Territórios Pesqueiros, realizada como parte co x Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Economia Ecológica.


    Fisheries collapse can be prevented by expanding the reach of accords among artisanal fishermenand exclusive marine reserves to include a system of environmental services payments and self-monitoring for avoided overfishing, especially in critical reproductive periods. The case of theArraial do Cabo Marine Extractive Reserve in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is explored, identifying theinstitutional features of an appropriate set of contracts in this direction. Extending the concept of environmental service payments (PES) to fisheries is a logical approach in Brazil, where thefederal government already makes regular compensatory payments to fishermen during the "defeso" period of highest reproductive activity. Unfortuna tely, this system is fraught with free-ridership since there is little effective monitoring and in many fishing areas, limited collectiveresource management restraint. PES for the Arraial do Cabo RESEX goes beyond a strictly fishingorientation to include the closely linked marine tourism sector. In studies to gauge the importanceto fishermen, local residents and tourists of the marine reserve and its environmental attributes,tourists were found more likely to express willingness to contribute toward the RESEX‟ protection, at a higher per visit amount than were either fishermen or their neighbors. Payments bytourists would complement funds obtained from compensation and royalties from conflictingactivities such as port operations and petroleum exploration, together with value-added taxrevenues (ICMS-Ecológico) to finance the structuring of the RESEX management capacity toeffectively monitor and control overfishing and external incursions

BERGOSSI, VINHAS et al Compensation for environmental services from artisanal... - 1 views

    Artisanal fisheries are of great importance in Brazil, as they are responsible for more than 50% of national fish production. This importance, associated with the necessity of conserving marine environments threatened by multiple competing uses, leads us to propose mechanisms for co-management of fisheries by users and public authorities. This proposal takes into account: a) local conflicts between artisanal and industrial fishers; b) local rules overthe use of fishing areas established by artisanal fishers; c) the advent of protectedareas that close ac-cess to some fishing areas used by artisanal fisheries; and d) co-management options being explored betweengovernment and fishers. This study suggests policy and technical alternatives under consideration to managethe artisanal fisheries of southeastern Brazil with a focus on Ilha Grande bay in Rio de Janeiro. In our casestudy, based on field research conducted in 2009, we show that artisanal fishers are squeezed into a marinespace between protected areas and industrial fishing. We suggest that a combination of fishing agreements(FAs),based on experience in Amazonian fisheries and extractive reserves,and payment for environmental ser-vices(PES),based onforest and related ate rresource experience,could improve management and livelihoods for local artisanal fisheries by stimulatin gandre warding fsher swho participate in conservation efforts.The two instruments (FAs and PES) are the subject of considerable research and practical experience.Their integration in an instrument mix represents a contribution from transdisciplinary fields of human ecology and ecological economics.

Is Fish Health Food or Poison?Farmed Fish and the MaterialProduction of Un/Healthy Nature - 0 views

    Entre os TURFs tratados na Oficina TURFs & TERRITÓRIOS PESQUEIROS o Prof. Gonzalo Rodiriguez se deterá nos TURFs associados a aquiculutura, cuja atividade gera externalidades negativas intrasetoriasee intrersetoriais. No artigo de Becky Mansfield em anexo o foco é nas extenalidades intersetoriais e trata das implicações para a saude do consumidores dos produtos resultante do deslocamento da produção do ambiente natural para o ambiente artificial da aquicultura.
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