My Top 10 Ways To Use Evernote | Aviva Dunsiger - 0 views
5. Use it for student self-reflection. This year, I have started using my iPad to record some guided reading sessions. The AudioMemos app on the iPad allows you to upload recordings to Evernote. This has been great, as I’ve uploaded recordings of students reading and talking about reading, and I’ve let these students listen to the recordings in these Notebooks. These students are then reflecting on their decoding skills and their reading comprehension skills too. Hearing themselves read and hearing themselves talk about reading has really helped these students become better readers!
9. Use it to store and organize photographs for formative assessment. I think that photographs can show you a lot about what students know, and I often take photographs in the classroom to show student learning. These photographs can be uploaded to a Notebook, and I can then look at them, see what the students already know and what they still need to learn, and adjust my teaching accordingly. This has definitely helped make me a better teacher!
4. Use it for sharing data with teachers or administrators.
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LeadCast Blog on Co-Teaching - 9 views
Diane Lauer forwarded this to me - sent to her by Roger Quintanilla. Great that so many departments are researching!
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When searching around on the parent site for this blog "Leadscape", I found some great PD modules with resources through the Professional Learning tab. No time to look through yet but there is a wealth of info!!
I briefly looked over the Inclusive Education for Equity module. Very interesting. This is a whole systems change.
Dear Valley USD documents page - 8 views
I can't find anything at this link that talks in more detail about the mapping process. Does anyone have any information????
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We also took a small video of the process in Deer Valley - we can bring it and share with the group.
Thanks for the direction, don't know how I missed it.
Special Education Research - 1 views
Peer-Assisted Learning Strategies (PALS)PALS was developed at Vanderbilt University to supplement classroom instruction. This multi-site randomized controlled study examines the level of teacher assistance needed to support research-validated reading intervention for promoting development in children from kindergarten through fourth grade.For further information contact Professors Doug Fuchs or Lynn Fuchs.Project AccessAccess focuses its research on peer support strategies for inclusive schools including research on the use of peer support programs to facilitate the inclusion of secondary age students with severe disabilities and autism into regular education classrooms.For further information contact Professor Craig Kennedy.
The Effects of Strategy and Self-Regulation Instruction on Students' Writing Performance and Behavior: A Preventative Approach (Project WRITE)This is a research grant funded by the Institute of Educational Sciences to study the effects of writing interventions for second grade students with difficulties in writing and behavioral performance.For further information contact Professor Kathleen Lane.
Project Write - 0 views
The writing strategies presented on this website are used with the Self-Regulated Strategies Development (SRSD) approach. SRSD is an evidence-based approach to teaching students self-regulation strategies while simultaneously teaching them content or subject strategies. Our focus has been on helping students who struggle with writing learn to use powerful self-regulation and writing strategies and improve their attitudes toward writing and themselves as writers.
you will find information and links to an overview of SRSD instruction and our lesson plans and materials. We explain the strategies, some accommodations that can be made when teaching students, and emphasize the importance of you, the teacher, adapting the strategies to meet your students’ needs and your teaching style. There are also links to the different support materials that accompany the lessons.
The writing strategies presented on this website are used with the Self-Regulated Strategies Development (SRSD) approach. SRSD is an evidence-based approach to teaching students self-regulation strategies while simultaneously teaching them content or subject strategies. Our focus has been on helping students who struggle with writing learn to use powerful self-regulation and writing strategies and improve their attitudes toward writing and themselves as writers
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