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Home/ Groups/ Uganda-USA Fall 2010
Karen Keifer-Boyd

All work together at - 9 views

VoiceThread seems had some problems a few days ago, so that's why all the student uploaded VoiceThread were gone. It seems they restored it. Marietta's recording is still available and probably oth...

Transcultural Dialogue Art

Jeffrey Repko

New VoiceThread links - 29 views Sorry it took a day or two but here is group fives collaboration

Transcultural Ugandan voicethread

Marietta Bieberfeld

Voicethread by Alice, Marietta, and Melissa - 18 views

started by Marietta Bieberfeld on 12 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
Karen Keifer-Boyd

From Kabiito Richard - 9 views

Hi Karen, We could not meet on Wednesday as we had earlier planned with the students at MTSIFA. Instead, we met today and we sent our works via email to your email box so that you may post it to ...

Transcultural Dialogue Art Ugandan participants

started by Karen Keifer-Boyd on 11 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
Karen Keifer-Boyd

All 5 Collaborative Artworks are posted in VoiceThread at http://explorations.sva.psu.e... - 22 views The URL above includes the collaborative artworks from all 5 groups developed from the dialogue as content. Group 1, please po...

Transcultural Dialogue Art Ugandan USA voicethread

started by Karen Keifer-Boyd on 10 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
Kimberly Kerchusky

Group 3 - 18 views

Chelsea McMahon

Group #5 - 11 views

started by Chelsea McMahon on 10 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
Erica Parsons

Group 2 Artwork - 25 views

my blog

Melissa Clouser

Group #1 Collaborative Artwork - 15 views

Melissa Clouser, Marietta Bieberfeld, Alice Bach,,

started by Melissa Clouser on 03 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
Karen Keifer-Boyd

Groups for Collaborative Art about Issue that Arose in Dialogue - 21 views

Email as a group (reply all, or use DIIGO with a new topic) to develop your collaborative artwork with your group based on the contents of the dialogue and issues raised in that dialogue, and the i...

groups Transcultural Dialogue Art USA Ugandan participants

started by Karen Keifer-Boyd on 02 Dec 10 no follow-up yet
Angela Kwacz

My thoughts and impressions about the famous U S A and art in general. - 20 views

Tusasirane, The way you word things is beautiful in my opinion. While it is true that some Americans are racist there are also many people that are able to look beyond the color of ones skin and ...

Karen Keifer-Boyd

Continuing the Dialogue in Artwork--Shared beginning Nov. 30th - 19 views

This is very exciting to see the Transcultural Dialogue begin. In the Penn State art education class last night we discussed the perceptions and questions posted by MTSIFA art students. The Penn St...

Dialogue Transcultural Art USA Ugandan participants

started by Karen Keifer-Boyd on 19 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
Erica Parsons

Melissa, Marietta, and Alie - 12 views

Part 1: A--- Student posted a website to Diigo relevant to Ugandan culture and provided a sticky note with thoughtful/inquisitive explanation about their initial perception about Uganda in a timely...

Jillian Lefebvre

Ugandan Group Contact - 29 views

I moved my blog to wordpress and today when I logged on I had a response from a student in uganda answering my questions!

Ugandan participants Transcultural Dialogue

Kimberly Kerchusky

Angela, Kim, Kathleen, and Tiffany - 13 views

Dialogue: Part 1: Finished completely, posted timely, questions are thoughtful and engaging. Selected relevant websites that demonstrate the culture of Uganda. Bookmarked page and provided ration...

Chelsea McMahon

Chelsea, Michelle, Lacey - 4 views

Dialogue Part 1: blog questions & responses 4 pts- Posted a website timely to the Diigo group. Selected a website that displays an idea or understanding about the culture of Uganda. Provided a ra...

started by Chelsea McMahon on 09 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
Karen Keifer-Boyd

RUBRICS for the Transcultural Dialogues Project - 14 views

Considering your teaching philosophy and insights gained about creativity, collaboration, remix aesthetics, and multiple perspectives, in groups of 4, discuss and then post on DIIGO (click "start n...

Transcultural Dialogue rubrics assessment

started by Karen Keifer-Boyd on 04 Nov 10 no follow-up yet
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