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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Donald Burkins

Donald Burkins

A Split Screen Strategy: Creating the Capacity for Teachers to Innovate | Education Evo... - 0 views

    "A Minnesota teacher took initiative to reimagine what "school" could be. His students seem engaged, and are performing highly. But can his innovation spread in our current education system? Will it even survive? (13 minutes) A Split Screen Strategy Creating the Capacity for Teachers to Innovate"
    Differentiating, individualizing the learning experience - one teacher's experiences.
Donald Burkins

Free Online Learning Tools - Marshall Jones - Home - 5 views

    "Making sense of the ever changing landscape of the Internet can be challenging. Making good decisions about selecting tools and materials for use in learning can be even more challenging. This website was built to help people manage some of these challenges. "
    And another.
Donald Burkins

Free Educational Resources Online - Nathan Smith -Home - 3 views

    "There are so many wonderful resources that teachers can freely use on the internet! If you are looking for educational content, you'll find it there. If you are looking to connect with other educators, mentors, communities - you can easily find them. If you need a tool to help you accomplish as task, you can find it. This site's purpose is to get you pointed toward some of these marvelous educational treasures."
    A pleasing annotated array of links to free learning/educational online resources
Donald Burkins

7 Essential Principles of Innovative Learning | MindShift - 4 views

    1. Learners have to be at the center of what happens in the classroom 2. Learning is a social practice and can't happen alone 3. Emotions are an integra part of learning 4. Learners are different 5. Students need to be stretched, but not too much 6. Assessment should be for learning, not of learning 7. Learning needs to be connected across disciplines. cf. the Jenaplan School, Germany
Donald Burkins

Pro-Voucher Tea Party Group Admits It Wants To 'Shut Down Public Schools And Have Priva... - 1 views

    "Adams says the current voucher program "discriminates" against wealthier students by providing public subsidies only to inner-city children in allegedly failing schools."
Donald Burkins

How To Embed Practically Anything On Your Blog or Website - 1 views

    "If you want the hands-down, easiest way to embed practically anything on your blog or website, have we got a tool for you!"
Donald Burkins

bloomsapps - 4 views

    "Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students. With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! "
Donald Burkins

Whats the Most Beautiful Thing You Know About . . .? - 2 views

    " In order to look at each student through fresh and positive eyes, we read aloud the book What's the Most Beautiful Thing You Know About Horses? (1998) by Richard Van Camp. Van Camp is a member of the Dogrib nation of the Northwest Territories of Canada, and an emerging voice in the Native American literary movement. He wrote this children's book in order to understand horses, since his people are not horse people and he's always been curious to learn more about them. The format of his book is simple: he asks different people, "What's the most beautiful thing you know about horses?" He receives responses such as: "The most beautiful thing about horses is that they always find their way home" and "I love their breath. You can feel their breath move through their chest. They stare at you as they breathe. Their soul comes right out.""
Donald Burkins

How to Present While People are Twittering - Pistachio - 0 views

    Back channel benefits and challenges; how presenting and "listening" are changing
Donald Burkins

Intro : Imagination: Creating the Future of Education & Work - 0 views

    This project was directed by Rita J. King and Joshua Fouts, who work with an extensive network of experts on all aspects of the transformation of education and the future of work. Put these findings into practice The co-directors of this project, Rita J. King and Joshua Fouts, offer consulting sessions for practitioners of the new global culture and economy at all levels. Whether you need to learn how to use Twitter, build a complex simulation environment or create an innovator's community of practice in your classroom, school, district, state, nation or world, we can work with you to achieve that goal. If your group is interested in exploring these subjects or booking consultation sessions, contact us at:
Donald Burkins

Documentary Films | Watch Free Documentaries Online | SnagFilms - 2 views

    SnagFilms site
Donald Burkins

The Evolution of Classroom Technology - Edudemic - 1 views

    from "horn books" on
Donald Burkins

The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science | Mother Jones - 2 views

    Festinger, neuroscience - reason vs rationalization, science or lawyering?
    A cautionary reminder about (the limits of) the power of reasoning.
Donald Burkins

Anytime Anywhere Learning: Four mistakes educators make when integrating technology int... - 2 views

    Purpose and educational function first! Technology route to getting there (or tech enhancement of the journey) after! A point always worth repeating!
Donald Burkins

Participatory Learning Home - 1 views

    "CoSN's Participatory Learning in Schools: Policy & Leadership initiative (formerly known as Web 2.0 in Schools) is based on the recognition that Web 2.0 tools provide powerful learning resources for our children and thus prepare them for the world beyond the classroom. The purpose of this initiative, which is sponsored by The Digital Media and Learning Initiative from The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation is to assist schools to adapt to this new reality. "
Donald Burkins

Homebrew And How The Apple Came To Be - 0 views

    "HOMEBREW AND HOW THE APPLE CAME TO BE by Stephen Wozniak Stephen Wozniak is the designer of the Apple II computer and cofounder of Apple Computer Inc. Without computer clubs there would probably be no Apple computers. Our club in the Silicon Valley, the Homebrew Computer Club, was among the first of its kind. It was in early 1975, and a lot of tech-type people would gather and trade integrated circuits back and forth. You could have called it Chips and Dips. We had similar interests and we were there to help other people, but we weren't official and we weren't formal. Our leader, Lee Felsenstein, who later designed the Osborne computer, would get up at every meeting and announce the convening of "the Homebrew Computer Club which does not exist" and everyone would applaud happily. The theme of the club was "Give to help others." Each session began with a "mapping period," when people would get up one by one and speak about some item of interest, a rumor, and have a discussion. Somebody would say, "I've got a new part," or somebody else would say he had some new data or ask if anybody had a certain kind of teletype. During the "random access period" that followed, you would wander outside and find people trading devices or information and helping each other. "
Donald Burkins

American Education in 2030 | Hoover Institution - 3 views

    "In these essays, members of the Hoover Institution's Task Force on K-12 education, joined by several keen-eyed observers, blend prediction with prescription to paint a vivid picture of American primary and secondary education in 2030. What follows is necessarily speculative, and readers may judge portions to be wishful thinking or politically naïve. But none of it is fanciful-we're not writing fiction here-and all of it, in the authors' views, is desirable. That is to say, the changes outlined here would yield a more responsive, efficient, effective, nimble, and productive K-12 education system than we have today."
Donald Burkins

Full Show | Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century | PBS Video - 1 views

    Program: Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century Episode: Full Show Featuring the foremost thought leaders, innovators and practitioners in the field, Digital Media is a startling preview of a 21st Century education revolution. Duration: (52:55) Premiere Date: 02/13/2011 Episode Expires: Fri 13 Feb 2015 TV Rating: NR
Donald Burkins

A Better Way to Manage Your To-Do List - Peter Bregman - Harvard Business Review - 0 views

    "the power of when and where" - turning intention into action - "when tomorrow"?
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