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Lauri Brady

USA Science & Engineering Festival - 1 views

    "The Inaugural USA Science & Engineering Festival, hosted by Lockheed Martin, will be the country's first national science festival and will descend on the Washington, D.C. area in the Fall of 2010. The Festival promises to be the ultimate multi-cultural, multi-generational and multi-disciplinary celebration of science in the United States. The culmination of the Festival will be a two-day Expo in the nation's capital that will give over 500 science & engineering organizations from all over the United States the opportunity to present themselves with a hands-on, fun science activity to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers."
Marge Runkle

Lab Out Loud | Science for the classroom and beyond - 2 views

    Lab Out Loud is a podcast, hosted by two science teachers, that discusses science news and science education by interviewing leading scientists, researchers, science writers and other important figures in the field.
Michelle Krill

The Quirkles | Exploring Phonics Through Science - Science Experiments for Kids - 0 views

    The Quirkles® are 26 imaginary scientists that help children everyday, all over the world, develop a love and appreciation for science. They offer a fresh new way to integrate literacy and science at school, for educational programs, or at home. Vocabulary builders, two related science experiments, and a character education lesson are also included in each of the 26 alphabet-series books.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Discovery Education | Siemens Science Day - 2 views

    "This K-6 program is designed to promote science literacy in elementary schools through free hands-on science activities and supporting videos. Access fun activities and enter to win a school-wide science assembly! "
Marge Runkle

Free K12 School Resources - 0 views

    Free k12 school resources on math, history, social studies, science, living things, space, reading, writing, art and music for k12 students and teachers. Math Basic arithmetic, measurement, shapes, counting number, money, and word problems. Science & Technology Computers, technology, physics, chemistry and engineering for Kindergarten Kids, K-1, and K-2 students. Living Things Free educational resources on living things includes animals, the human body, plants and safety. Art & Music Arts and Music includes art history, music, painting, drawing, theatre and dance. Social Studies social studies includes geography, famous people, holidays and world cultures. Earth Science Geology, oceanography, weather, nature and the environment for kindergarten kids, K-1, and K-2 students. Reading & Writing Language arts includes reading, writing, grammar, poetry, alphabet, and online stories. History America history, world history, and ancient history. U.S. History & Culture Education resources on America includes United States history, government, geography and culture. Space The universe, solar system, stars and space exploration.
Aly Kenee

Case Study Collection - National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science - 2 views

    Collection of case studies in science -- great resource for science teachers looking for relevant real-world data.
    Collection of case studies in science -- great resource for science teachers looking for relevant real-world data.
Marge Runkle

The Next Generation Science Standards | Next Generation Science Standards - 1 views

    This was passed on by the SAS Science group.
Marge Runkle

The National Science Digital Library - 1 views

    National Science Foundation's online library of resources and collections for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and research. A digital library is a coherent, organized collection of resources, usually accessible via the Internet. A digital library may appear to be a single entity, but often links to other libraries or information services in an effort to present a unified view of a topic or collection to the end user. Despite the strong connotation with printed resources that the term library carries, digital libraries usual contain far more than electronic versions of textual documents, and can include any type of information that is "born digital" or can be converted into an electronic format.
Aly Kenee

websiteswikisandblogs - Science Links - 0 views

    Lots and lots of links to science resources
    Lots and lots of links to science resources
Donald Burkins

The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science | Mother Jones - 2 views

    Festinger, neuroscience - reason vs rationalization, science or lawyering?
    A cautionary reminder about (the limits of) the power of reasoning.
John Sengia

Science NetLinks - 2 views

    Resources for science including web sites, lesson ideas, articles, and online tools. Very nicely organized. Includes a This Day in Science feature.
Lauri Brady

Welcome to X-Stream Science - 2 views

shared by Lauri Brady on 15 Nov 10 - Cached
    Created through a grant from the Department of Education, we have teamed up to produce terrific videos bringing Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) principals to life in a fun educational experience. These videos are targeted to middle school students. The first X-Stream Science episodes along with lesson plans for students and teachers are available to view and download on this web site at no cost."
Aly Kenee

Science Netlinks: Lesson Index - 0 views

    A huge collection of science lesson ideas organized by grade level.
    A huge collection of science lesson ideas organized by grade level.
Marge Runkle

Science NetLinks: Resources for Teaching Science - 0 views

    Science NetLinks is part of Thinkfinity, a partnership between the Verizon Foundation and 11 premier educational organizations. The Thinkfinity partners include the AAAS, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Council on Economic Education, the National Geographic Society, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the International Reading Association, the National Council of Teachers of English, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, and the Literacy Network.
karen sipe

YouTube - FamilyScienceQuest's Channel - 1 views

    This YouTube channel features fun science experiments for families. Families nationwide can take advantage of the information presented on this dedicated YouTube channel, featuring simple, fun science experiments that parents can conduct at home with their children__such as making colors explode in a puddle of milk, creating sidewalk chalk, and making a cloud.
karen sipe

Some Very Good iPad Apps for Science Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    This link has a collection of Science Apps all are Free.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

ipl2: Information You Can Trust - 1 views

    In January 2010, the website "ipl2: information you can trust" was launched, merging the collections of resources from the Internet Public Library (IPL) and the Librarians' Internet Index (LII) websites. The site is hosted by Drexel University's College of Information Science & Technology, and a consortium of colleges and universities with programs in information science are involved in developing and maintaining the ipl2.
Michelle Krill

3M Science of Everyday Life - Discovery Education - 1 views

    Check out these free resources including virtual labs on the 3M/Discovery Education Science of Everyday Life
Lauri Brady

iPad App Teaches Students Key Skill for Success in Math, Science, Engineering - 0 views

    "Engineers at the University of California, San Diego, have developed an iPad app that helps students learn spatial visualization, an essential skill for doing well in science, math and engineering. They have been testing the app during a high school summer program at the Jacobs School of Engineering at UC San Diego, as well as on undergraduate students at the school."
    Although the app is not released yet, they do have a form to sign up for news releases and updates on its progress.
Kristen Henning

StudyJams - Scholastic - 0 views

    a fantastic collection of over 200 learning resource collections. Study Jams are videos, slide shows, and step by step explanations for science and math that will have your students discovering everything from invertebrates to the water cycle and the rule of divisibility. Each Jam includes a teaching video/step-by-step/slide show, key vocabulary, and a test yourself section where they can practice what they have just learned. Each Jam also suggests related jams where students can expand their learning and dig deeper on a subject.
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