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Ann Baum (Johnston)

27 Ways To Be A 21st Century Teacher | Edudemic - 1 views

    So there are 27 ways to be a 21st century teacher. I thought just being alive in this century makes one so.
Donald Burkins

Full Show | Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century | PBS Video - 1 views

    Program: Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century Episode: Full Show Featuring the foremost thought leaders, innovators and practitioners in the field, Digital Media is a startling preview of a 21st Century education revolution. Duration: (52:55) Premiere Date: 02/13/2011 Episode Expires: Fri 13 Feb 2015 TV Rating: NR
Marge Runkle

Leadership Views: Education in the 21st Century - 0 views

    As the use of computing and networking technologies in schools grows, educators increasingly incorporate online tools and resources into their curricula-some even replace traditional classroom interactions with "virtual" courses that take place entirely online. At the same time, administrators are concerned with helping students develop 21st century skills while bridging the digital divide between students and adults. To address emerging trends in education, Project Tomorrow, a national education nonprofit group and Blackboard have joined together to bring you Education in the 21st Century, a series of reports that include data from the SpeakUp Survey, which shed light on issues related to learning and leading in K-12 education.
Lauri Brady

Catalina Foothills School District - 1 views

    "CFSD Rubrics for 21st Century Skills: Catalina Foothills School District has developed a series of rubrics to assess students in real time. The rubrics evaluate the following 21st century skills: critical & creative thinking, self-direction, communication, systems thinking, cultural competence, teamwork, and leadership."
karen sipe

TimeGlider: How It Works - 1 views

    "TimeGlider is a data-driven interactive timeline application built on the (Adobe) Flash platform. You can "grab" the timeline and drag it left and right, and zoom in and out to view centuries at a time or just hours. TimeGlider allows you to create event-spans so that you can see durations and how they overlap. Being web-based, TimeGlider lets you collaborate and share easily. You can create timelines about the last year of your family, the last century of world events, or about pre-historical (bce/bc) times. Currently, one can zoom out to a scope of millenia:"
Marge Runkle

Are Schools Preparing Students for 21st Century Learning? - 1 views

    There's a "disconnect" between school administrators and parents. While more than half of America's school principal's said they think they're "doing a good job" preparing students for the 21st century, only a third of parents of middle school and high school students agreed, according to research released by Project Tomorrow and Blackboard.
karen sipe

| Powerful Learning Practice - 1 views

    Powerful Learning Practice Professional Development for 21st Century educators. This site looks interesting. It is a free site and appears to provide a variety of professional learning opportunities for teachers that they can take back to their classroom and immediately implement.
Vicki Barr

Site Map -- Lectures on Twentieth Century Europe -- The History Guide - 0 views

    20th century europe
Michelle Krill

Focus: The Forgotten 21st Century Skill - 0 views

    "...If the focus of an educational system is student learning, as most mission statements claim, then leaders must compare the reality of their employment of technology with their stated intention."
Marge Runkle

Free STEM And PBL Resources From Discovery Education and Siemens « 21 st Cent... - 1 views

    What an appropriate time to celebrate the NSTA Conference with a tribute to an awesome collection of STEM resources! For those not familiar with STEM education, imagine the power in combining Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math into a program that brings cross curricular understanding with real world application. Those familiar with Daniel Pink even understand the importance of a fine arts contribution to STEM. Now combine the outstanding and first rate resources of Siemens Corporation and Discovery Education. Welcome to a posting that highlights a great web site based on STEM, PBL, and 21st Century education! Don't miss any part of this posting, including the conclusion which includes what may be the best free professional development opportunity for STEM educators this summer! As always feel free to follow me on twitter at (@mjgormans) and I will be sure to follow you back and we can learn from one another! You are also invited to visit my 21centuryedtech Wiki! Please enjoy and share this post with others! Have a great week! - Mike
Carol Mortensen

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 30 Web Sites to Teach You About Technology ... - 1 views

  • t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
    t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
Ann Baum (Johnston)

21st Century Literacies - 2 views

    NCTE's definition of 21st Century Literacies
Ann Baum (Johnston)

Keystone Kids » Attention 5th and 6th Grade Classrooms - 2 views

    "Upgrade the typical book report with a digital spin! Integrate reading, writing, and 21st century literacy skills into an interactive and engaging project. Participating teachers will be helping students meet the demands of the Common Core, which include requirements for students to present ideas with "multimedia components (e.g., graphics, sound) and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes.""
Marge Runkle

21st Century Teacher - 0 views

    Nice video at the bottom of the page. Take a look!
Michelle Krill

Buck Institute for Education | Project Based Learning - 1 views

    "n Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. While allowing for some degree of student "voice and choice," rigorous projects are carefully planned, managed, and assessed to help students learn key academic content, practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking), and..."
Michelle Krill

The LoTi Connection - 0 views

    The LoTi implementation model offers a systems approach to improved student achievement using 21st Century teaching. The model is comprised of four stages ~ Assess, Plan, Implement, Sustain
Marge Runkle

techntuit / FrontPage - 0 views

    This Website is designed as an inquiry-oriented format which will provide you the viewer with information on Web 2.0 digital tools that will enable you to create 21st century learning environments. The creator of this portal hopes that the results of this project will inspire many educators to create social networks of learning for classrooms across the globe. Whether you're a teacher or student new to the topic of Web 2.0 or an experienced educator looking for Web 2.0 materials, I hope that you will find something here to meet your needs.
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