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Michelle Krill

ISTE Classroom Observation Tool - 0 views

    The ISTE Classroom Observation Tool (ICOT®) is a FREE online tool that provides a set of questions to guide classroom observations of a number of key components of technology integration.
Michelle Krill

nets-implementation » Videos of NETS*S in Action - 0 views

    These videos provide excerpts of lessons that demonstrate the effective integration of technology in the classroom learning environment and highlight strategies that contribute to student learning that can lead to mastery of the NETS*S.
Michelle Krill

ATand21stCenturySkills » home - 0 views

    This hands-on workshop will focus on understanding popular Web 2.0 tools, how these tools are being used in the classroom, and how a variety of assistive technologies can be integrated with Web 2.0 tools to allow all students to become effective users of these tools. Gain knowledge and skills related to the uses of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom and experience using a variety of assistive technologies to foster the use of Web 2.0 tools in your classroom.
Marge Runkle

Foreign Language Vocabulary, Grammar, and Readings - - 0 views

    A collaborative project to develop interactive, sound-integrated language learning resources.
Marge Runkle

The 5 - home - 0 views

    Want the 411 on Web 2.0 tools? Need help getting started with the Read/Write Web? The 5 can help! Each category features the answers to five basic questions providing information educators should know about a variety of technology integration tools, focusing particularly on Web 2.0 resources. Links to the tools and additional resources are also included.
Sandra Benedict

YouTube - TEDxDenverEd- Brian Crosby- Back to the Future - 0 views

    Great example of tech integration--grade 4.
karen sipe

Welcome to NBC Learn- Finishing The Dream: Learning From The Civil Rights Era - 2 views

    NBC Learn has launched this website called Finishing the Dream. It chronicles the h istory of the civil rights movement. It includes more then 100 stories from NBC News archives. Materials include documentaries on significan events over the course of 60 years, including the Montgomery bus boycott; the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.; the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas; the Freedom Riders; and more. The content provides the opportunity for community leaders, teachers, and students to discuss the impact of the civil rights movement and to consider related modern issues that affect people today.
Marge Runkle

Animated Explanations - Explain with animation - 0 views

    A website full of animated movies, interactive tutorials and instructional videos, all free for you to view and to embed in your website. Simply select an animated explanation and follow the instructions to integrate it in your site.
Michelle Krill

Museu da Pessoa.Net - 1 views

    "The Museum of the Person - a virtual museum aimed at providing each and every individual with the opportunity to integrate his or her history into a network of social memory."
Marge Runkle

Screenpresso - 1 views

    Simply capture part of the screen or a specific window with the same shortcut. Simple. Don't bother to save screenshots on your drive, Screenpresso does for you. Practical Drag and drop screenshots from history directly to your favorite email editor. Webmails like GMail are also taken into account! Swift. Crop, spotlight an area or comment parts of captured image. Efficient. Can't fit it on the screen ? Make a unique image thanks to the stitching mechanism. Smart. Add effects Look like a pro. Add drop shadow, round corners and reflection and more. Sleek. Need to export images or create thumbnails at specific size, one click. Easy share screenshots on Twitter thanks to Twitpic integration.
Michelle Krill

yolink - 1 views

    "Find exactly what you're looking for, only faster. yolink's FREE browser add-on tool takes search to the next level. By scanning web pages, search results, e-books and more, yolink brings you just the information you need in only seconds. Sorry Control+F. Your days are numbered. " Scans and organizes web searches, integrates with #GoogleDocs #EasyBib #Diigo
Marge Runkle

Soundation - 4 views

    Whether you are an amateur or a pro you will be able to satisfy all your needs with Soundation Studio - a powerful online sequencer with 11 real time effects, 3 synthesizers, a drum machine and a fully integrated Sound Shop.
Marge Runkle

A New Way to Make PowerPoints Interactive | Teacher Reboot Camp - 4 views

    Microsoft Mouse Mischief is a free software download for PCs that integrates into Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and 2010 to allow educators to insert questions, polls, and drawing activity slides into lessons for participation for up to 25 students.
Donald Burkins

Nancy Teaches: August 10 for 10 - NancyTeaches' List - 0 views

    "I am passionate about Reader's Workshop and use picture books in every mini lesson. Along with teaching comprehension strategies (activating prior knowledge, making connections, visualizing, etc.) I integrate the use of them with story elements (character, plot, setting, and theme.) Below is my top 10. "
Donald Burkins

Homebrew And How The Apple Came To Be - 0 views

    "HOMEBREW AND HOW THE APPLE CAME TO BE by Stephen Wozniak Stephen Wozniak is the designer of the Apple II computer and cofounder of Apple Computer Inc. Without computer clubs there would probably be no Apple computers. Our club in the Silicon Valley, the Homebrew Computer Club, was among the first of its kind. It was in early 1975, and a lot of tech-type people would gather and trade integrated circuits back and forth. You could have called it Chips and Dips. We had similar interests and we were there to help other people, but we weren't official and we weren't formal. Our leader, Lee Felsenstein, who later designed the Osborne computer, would get up at every meeting and announce the convening of "the Homebrew Computer Club which does not exist" and everyone would applaud happily. The theme of the club was "Give to help others." Each session began with a "mapping period," when people would get up one by one and speak about some item of interest, a rumor, and have a discussion. Somebody would say, "I've got a new part," or somebody else would say he had some new data or ask if anybody had a certain kind of teletype. During the "random access period" that followed, you would wander outside and find people trading devices or information and helping each other. "
karen sipe

SHOUT: Explore. Connect. Act. - 0 views

    Micrtosoft Corp and the Smithsonian Institution, and Taking ITGlobal will help teachers integrate project-based learning in their classrooms by having students team up with their peers around the globe to solve real-world environmental challenges.
Michelle Krill

AbiWord - 2 views

    "AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft® Word. It is suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks. AbiWord allows you to collaborate with multiple people on one document at the same time. It is tightly integrated with the web service, which lets you store documents online, allows easy document sharing with your friends, and performs format conversions on the fly."
Carol Mortensen

A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 30 Web Sites to Teach You About Technology ... - 1 views

  • t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
    t's the 21st century and I'm sure your school district has been embracing technology. With budget cuts, however, can your school keep up with the need for new and updated computers? I work in Bergen County (N.J.) where we have the highest property taxes in the nation, and yet this fall I'm not sure whether or not our media center will see more computers for our students. (Thank you, Governor Christie) I know of districts where every student has their own laptop. Not where I am. Still, I try to use what we have to prepare our students for when they graduate and go out into the world. No matter what they will do in their career, whether it's an auto mechanic or a lawyer, they will need these digital skills. If you are still wary about technology, it is time to jump into the water. We don't want you and your students left behind.
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