Thousands of educators participated in efforts to refresh the NETS. ISTE thought it would be valuable to tap that enthusiasm, experience, and knowledge again to develop implementation resources for the NETS*S! This page is dedicated to educators who want to develop and share exemplary lesson plans.
ISTE is posting pdfs of the lesson plans that you submit by grade level. Please use the navigation bar to view submitted lesson plans.
NEW! Educators are beginning to submit NETS-aligned lesson plans. They are pdfs in the Grade Level pages. See below for instructions for submitting your own lessons!
"ISTE is proud to introduce the white paper, Technology, Coaching, and Community: Power Partners for Improved Professional Development in Primary and Secondary Education."
BlastFollow enables you to follow Twitter users who share your interests en masse. This is accomplished by searching for users who have tweeted with a particular hashtag recently. For example, if you are interested in ISTE 2010 conference, you may want to search for users whose tweets have included the hashtag "#ISTE10". This would be useful if you are using Twitter in your classroom for students to follow a particular class thread.
The ISTE Classroom Observation Tool (ICOT®) is a FREE online tool that provides a set of questions to guide classroom observations of a number of key components of technology integration.
create, promote, and sustain a dynamic, digital-age learning culture that
provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students.
Educational Administrators:
"This Wiki is a compilation of interactive resources and lesson plan ideas that can be used by K-12 teachers when addressing 21st Century and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS*S) serve as the framework for this Wiki."
Via @kjarrett -- This is ISTE's list of criteria by which to judge the effectiveness of a training program for potential technology integrators. This could be used to assess tech coaches for how well they are addressing the demands of NET*S at the building or district level.
Via @kjarrett -- This is ISTE's list of criteria by which to judge the effectiveness of a training program for potential technology integrators. This could be used to assess tech coaches for how well they are addressing the demands of NET*S at the building or district level.
Finding excellent websites requires hours of surfing through okay and not-so-good stuff. This page allows you to benefit from my hours of surfing over ten years.
These videos provide excerpts of lessons that demonstrate the effective integration of technology in the classroom learning environment and highlight strategies that contribute to student learning that can lead to mastery of the NETS*S.