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Home/ ThoughtVectors2014/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by andhearsonars

Contents contributed and discussions participated by andhearsonars


What happened to the expert curator? | Guardian Professional - 0 views

  • Within these contexts, the act of arranging objects, images or sounds into an order that may or may not have meaning has proliferated throughout the creative and cultural industries. The curator is now a producer: you might curate your Flickr feed, your mates playing records at a bar or an exhibition in your own apartment – a trend showcased by the Serpentine Gallery's co-director Hans Ulrich Obrist, a master orator of what he calls a "global dialogue… in space and time".
  • A space has now opened up – both physically and online – where anyone can give curating a go.
  • What, then, if we're looking in the wrong place for qualified, ground-breaking curators? Perhaps they are no longer in museums, galleries or cultural institutions, but instead in front of a screen – sociable and connected. Curating in the age of the internet is the act of responding to social and technological developments: their usability, instability and the various networks of communication in which they are presented online.
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  • Dealing with networks means that nothing is stable, everything is constantly moving in response to massive amounts of data
  • "Broadly accounting for any act where a person organises visual content on the internet in a way that creates meaning through the differences and similarities of their collected images."
  • relatively meaningless
  • 'digital curating'
  • "curating is now linguistically deluded beyond the point of return to an artistic context
  • people are creating meaning themselves – online, inside, outside

Pinterest, Tumblr and the Trouble With 'Curation' - - 0 views

  • evoke in the viewer a certain feeling, atmosphere or mood
  • Not just on Pinterest, but also in the form of dopamine-boosting street-fashion blogs and cryptically named Tumblr blogs devoted to the wordless and explanation-free juxtaposition of, say, cupcakes and teapots and shoes with shots of starched shirts and J.F.K.
  • artfully arranged pictures of other people’s stuff?
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • “curation,”
  • rarefied and highly specialized skill, would all of a sudden go viral
  • Not because I don’t like magazines. In many ways, I like them better. But they’re too grounded in space and time, too organized and linear, too collaborative and professional to deliver the synaptic frisson available from the stream-of-consciousness image blog.
  • A friend of a friend calls his addiction to sites like these “avenues for procrastination,” but I think there’s something else involved. Like other forms of pastiche — the mix tape, the playlist, the mash-up — these sites force you to engage and derive meaning or at least significance or at the very least pleasure from a random grouping of pictures. Why not dive into an alternative world full of beauty and novelty and emotion and the hard-to-put-your-finger-on feeling that there’s something more, somewhere, where you’re not chained to your laptop, half dead from monotony, frustration and boredom
  • the sudden rise of the mood board as mood regulator, a kind of low-dose visual lithium
  • So maybe we are like the rats, and what we’re seeking while idly yet compulsively cruising Pinterest is really just the reliably unpredictable jumble of emotions that their wistful, quirky juxtapositions evoke. Maybe that is our rectangularity.
  • This is, I think, what these sites evoke: the feeling of being addicted to longing for something; specifically being addicted to the feeling that something is missing or incomplete. The point is not the thing that is being longed for, but the feeling of longing for the thing.
  • In other words, your average Pinterest board or inspiration Tumblr basically functions as a longing machine.
  • They target aspects of our lives that “are incomplete or imperfect”; involve “overly positive, idealized, utopian imaginations of these missing aspects”; focus on “incompleteness on the one hand and fantasies about ideal, alternative realities on the other hand”
  • frivolous and feminine
  • People don’t post stuff because they wish they owned it, but because they think they are it, and they long to be understood, which is different.
  • In fact, the company discourages people from posting images they have created themselves, preferring that they venture out into the wilds of the Internet looking for beautiful things to bring back to the cave.
  • “Curation” does imply something far more deliberate than these inspiration blogs, whose very point is to put the viewer into an aesthetic reverie unencumbered by thought or analysis. These sites are not meant (as curation is) to make us more conscious, but less so.
  • But products are no longer the point. The feeling is the point. And now we can create that feeling for ourselves, then pass it around like a photo album of the life we think we were meant to have but don’t, the people we think we should be but aren’t.

Pinterest vs. Other Social Media Giants [Infographic] - SocialTimes - 0 views

  • Women are clearly the pioneers, making up 80 percent of Pinterest’s user base. They’re also well-educated, with 60 percent having attended some college, while 25 percent have a bachelor’s degree or higher. Many of them live in the Midwest, with an average household income between $25,000 and $75,000 a year.

Curators of databases: circulating images, managing attention and making value on socia... - 0 views

  • relationships between cultural spaces, the image-making practices of smartphone users and social media platforms.
  • curatorial
  • In addition to targeted advertising, value is created by leveraging a continuous circulation of meaning and attention
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • They are a significant site in the development of a mode of media driven not only by ideological or representational forms of control, but also by the effort to manage participation and social space in order to harness and modulate an ongoing circulation of meaning, attention and data.
  • monitor and respond
  • This activity involves the affective labour of structuring image-based relationships between people, places and practices
  • persuade them with specific messages
  • On the social and mobile web, images are more than just representations of people, events and places. They also capture attention, and generate data and networks. An image is a device that holds in place a network of associations and affects in time and place, that can be tracked and responded to.
  • structuring feeling
  • In this article, I propose that conceptualising how value is made on social media involves examining how the analytic capacities of platforms are interrelated with the flows of images created by smartphone users within material cultural spaces.
  • Hashtags, tags, likes, comments and shares are 'manual' devices users employ to position images within a larger flow. Algorithms are 'automated' devices that determine how images circulate within a network based on a set of rules.
  • Users often know that posting certain kinds of content at certain times or places will attain more or less interaction from peers in their network. Efforts users make to position content--for instance, by tagging or liking an image--create data that algorithms use to manage the circulation of content in general by recognising patterns of interaction over time.

MD Consult - Pin It to Win It: Using Pinterest to Promote Your Niche Services - Journal... - 0 views

  • and now that Pinterest has taken off, it's clear that people are drawn to an image—an image is what gets them in to learn more about an idea, product, or service,”
  • “Every registered dietitian (RD) has a different specialty, a different job, a different nutrition philosophy, and Pinterest is a good way to curate your values and expertise—and by doing that you can create a niche.”
  • The primary thing to keep in mind is that a key function of Pinterest is to drive users to your website or blog where they can learn more about your expertise as a food and nutrition practitioner. In fact, Pinterest reportedly drives more web traffic to other sites than Google+, LinkedIn, and YouTube combined.
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  • you can take your interests and use them to explain more about you and what you have to offer
  • In other words, she might pin an appetizing image of a gluten-free dish on a Pinterest board, and a user will click on the picture taking them to her website, which features information about her services such as food and nutrition writing, corporate consulting, foodservice consultation, and nutrition counseling and lifestyle coaching—particularly for people with celiac disease and food allergies.

Pinterest - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Usage
  • personalized media platform
  • The website has proven especially popular among women.
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  • Pinboards can be used by educators to plan lessons. Teachers can pin sites for later referral. Students can pin and organize sources and collaborate on projects
  • Pinterest does not generate its own content; rather, it draws from many resources around the web and compiles them in one convenient location for users. By transferring information from restricted access to a more open public sphere, information transaction costs have decreased drastically.
  • By only being shown items users are comfortable with, users are unexposed to foreign ideas. Many users are unaware of the personalization.
    [Only concerned with the "Usage" section]

Pinterest as a learning tool: Do the two compute? | ZDNet - 0 views

  • bookmarking
  • similar to the blog-roll site Tumblr but on a more organised and structured platform, and focused purely on visual content
  • visual appeal

School Systems Blog - Four Ways to Use Pinterest in Education - 1 views

  • Pins are also shared and searchable, which makes Pinterest a wonderful resource for visual information.
  • specific theme
  • original source, where you may find more inspiration
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  • organizing
  • social networking
  • collaborate
  • set up boards that allow multiple people to pin
  • categorizing
  • tutorials
  • write a note to yourself about the pin so you will remember exactly why you chose it
  • organize resources for presentations, projects, essays
  • visual journal
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