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Cathy Oxley

MyFootprintSD What kind of mark are you leaving? - 12 views

    "In a digital world, the question is not whether you will leave a mark. The question is, "What kind of mark are you leaving?"" The content of MyFootprintSD is designed to make students cognizant of their digital footprint. In that way, it helps students be aware of what is safe and what is risky when using the web or other digital communication tools. In working through it, students will grow aware of how far these kinds of tools spread into their lives and how large the effects of their use can be (for better or for worse). Lessons and activities are explained here for educators but directions are included on the students' portion of the website as well. Elementary, Middle school, and high school
beth gourley

The Library in the New Age - The New York Review of Books - 0 views

  • four fundamental changes in information technology since humans learned to speak.
  • around 4000 BC, humans learned to write.
  • the invention of writing was the most important technological breakthrough in the history of humanity
  • ...62 more annotations...
  • second technological shift when the codex replaced the scroll sometime soon after the beginning of the Christian era. By the third century AD, the codex—that is, books with pages that you turn as opposed to scrolls that you roll
  • eventually included differentiated words (that is, words separated by spaces
  • other reader's aids
  • codex, in turn, was transformed by the invention of printing with movable type in the 1450s.
  • technology of printing did not change for nearly four centuries, but the reading public grew larger and larger, thanks to improvements in literacy, education, and access to the printed word.
  • fourth great change, electronic communication
  • movable type to the Internet, 524 years;
  • writing to the codex, 4,300 years;
  • codex to movable type, 1,150 years;
  • would argue that the new information technology should force us to rethink the notion of information itself.
  • Internet to search engines, nineteen years
  • search engines to Google's algorithmic relevance ranking, seven years;
  • continued at such a rate as to seem both unstoppable and incomprehensible.
  • continuity I have in mind has to do with the nature of information itself or, to put it differently, the inherent instability of texts.
  • every age was an age of information, each in its own way, and that information has always been unstable.
    • beth gourley
  • pace of change seems breathtaking:
  • news has always been an artifact and that it never corresponded exactly to what actually happened.
  • News is not what happened but a story about what happened.
  • aving learned to write news, I now distrust newspapers as a source of information, and I am often surprised by historians who take them as primary sources for knowing what really happened
  • newspapers should be read for information about how contemporaries construed events, rather than for reliable knowledge of events
  • We live in a time of unprecedented accessibility to information that is increasingly unreliable. Or do we?
  • as messages that are constantly being reshaped in the process of transmission
  • Instead of firmly fixed documents, we must deal with multiple, mutable texts. By studying them skeptically on our computer screens, we can learn how to read our daily newspaper more effectively—and even how to appreciate old books.
  • Unbelievers used to dismiss Henry Clay Folger's determination to accumulate copies of the First Folio edition of Shakespeare as the mania of a crank.
  • When Folger's collection grew beyond three dozen copies, his friends scoffed at him as Forty Folio Folger.
  • eighteen of the thirty-six plays in the First Folio had never before been printed
  • only two were reprinted without change from earlier quarto editions
  • extual stability never existed in the pre-Internet eras.
  • Piracy was so pervasive in early modern Europe that best-sellers could not be blockbusters as they are today
  • They abridged, expanded, and reworked texts as they pleased, without worrying about the authors' intentions.
  • question in perspective by discussing two views of the library, which I would describe as grand illusions—grand and partly true.
  • o put it positively, there is something to be said for both visions, the library as a citadel and the Internet as open space.
  • We have come to the problems posed by Google Book Search.
  • Google proposal seemed to offer a way to make all book learning available to all people, or at least those privileged enough to have access to the World Wide Web
  • will open up possibilities for research involving vast quantities of data, which could never be mastered without digitization
  • Electronic Enlightenment, a project sponsored by the Voltaire Foundation of Oxford
  • scholars will be able to trace references to individuals, books, and ideas throughout the entire network of correspondence that undergirded the Enlightenment
  • notably American Memory sponsored by the Library of Congress[1] and the Valley of the Shadow created at the University of Virginia[2] —have demonstrated the feasibility and usefulness of databases on this scale
  • will make research libraries obsolete
  • 2. Although Google pursued an intelligent strategy by signing up five great libraries, their combined holdings will not come close to exhausting the stock of books in the United States.
  • 1. According to the most utopian claim of the Googlers, Google can put virtually all printed books on-line.
  • If Google missed this book, and other books like it, the researcher who relied on Google would never be able to locate certain works of great importance.
  • On the contrary, Google will make them more important than ever. To support this view, I would like to organize my argument around eight points.
  • For books under copyright, however, Google will probably display only a few lines at a time, which it claims is legal under fair use.
  • 3. Although it is to be hoped that the publishers, authors, and Google will settle their dispute, it is difficult to see how copyright will cease to pose a problem.
  • But nothing suggests that it will take account of the standards prescribed by bibliographers, such as the first edition to appear in print or the edition that corresponds most closely to the expressed intention of the author.
  • Google defines its mission as the communication of information—right now, today; it does not commit itself to conserving texts indefinitely.
  • it has not yet ventured into special collections, where the rarest works are to be found. And of course the totality of world literature—all the books in all the languages of the world—lies far beyond Google's capacity to digitize
  • Electronic enterprises come and go. Research libraries last for centuries. Better to fortify them than to declare them obsolete
  • 5. Google will make mistakes.
  • Once we believed that microfilm would solve the problem of preserving texts. Now we know better.
  • 6. As in the case of microfilm, there is no guarantee that Google's copies will last.
  • all texts "born digital" belong to an endangered species
  • 7. Google plans to digitize many versions of each book, taking whatever it gets as the copies appear, assembly-line fashion, from the shelves; but will it make all of them available?
  • 4. Companies decline rapidly in the fast-changing environment of electronic technology.
  • No single copy of an eighteenth-century best-seller will do justice to the endless variety of editions. Serious scholars will have to study and compare many editions, in the original versions, not in the digitized reproductions that Google will sort out according to criteria that probably will have nothing to do with bibliographical scholarship.
  • 8. Even if the digitized image on the computer screen is accurate, it will fail to capture crucial aspects of a book.
  • ts physical aspects provide clues about its existence as an element in a social and economic system; and if it contains margin notes, it can reveal a great deal about its place in the intellectual life of its readers.
  • Rare book rooms are a vital part of research libraries, the part that is most inaccessible to Google. But libraries also provide places for ordinary readers to immerse themselves in books,
  • Meanwhile, I say: shore up the library.
  • I also say: long live Google, but don't count on it living long enough to replace that venerable building with the Corinthian columns.
  • he research library still deserves to stand at the center of the campus, preserving the past and accumulating energy for the future.
    The library as citadel and as the open internet both play an important and distinguishable role.
Anthony Beal

Pearltrees - 11 views

    "Easily organize what you've found on the web. The simple and intuitive interface makes sorting your interests, your passions and your ideas easy. Pearltrees allows you to give a precise meaning to the content you've archived making retrieval and reuse a pleasure. You can also instantly share the content you've organized. In Pearltrees, everything is public. All other users can see what you've organized and you can see everything that others have collected. This lets you easily find users with common interests and when you do, you can team up with them and curate a topic together. Pearltrees also lets you discover a web organized by others. Do you like discovering a city with a friend who already lives there? With Pearltrees, you can enjoy a similar though digital experience and learn about a new topic, a newsworthy issue or anything else that captures your attention, all curated by other people just like you."

What about unemployment - 0 views

    What about unemployment is the exist question in the heart of every job seeker to the government of his country. Very first we should be known what is the exact meaning of unemployment ? unemployment's exact meaning is the less number of jobs in front of the job seekers quantity.
Deborah Welsh

Tweens, teens adept at hiding internet activities from parents, McAfee report reveals - 0 views

    Do parents really know what their children are doing online? (Have parents ever really known what their children are doing?)  The McAfee report reveals the importance of maintaining the conversation between parents and children. 

Pause Google: 8 Alternative Search Engines To Find What Google Can't - 39 views

    "Yes, if you really want to go into those little hidden lanes of the web you need to keep a roster of alternative search engines close by. Here's a roll call of some search engines which can grab for you what even Google can't."
Cathy Oxley

Meet The Classroom Of The Future : NPR Ed : NPR - 14 views

    "Algorithms choose which students sit together. Algorithms measure what the children know and how well they know it. They choose what problems the children should work on and provide teachers with the next lesson to teach. This combination of human capital and technology is called "blended learning."

Good at gardening, hopeless at engineering * Inside Story - 7 views

    Less than twenty years after the Karmel reforms one of their architects looked back in dismay at what had been wrought. "We created a situation unique in the dem­ocratic world," Jean Blackburn pointed out in 1991. "It is very important to realise this. There were no rules about student selection and exclusion, no fee limitations, no shared governance, no public education accountability, no common curriculum requirements below the upper secondary level... We have now become a kind of wonder at which people [in other countries] gape. The reaction is always, 'What an extraordinary situation.'"
Martha Hickson

The Art of Booktalking - YouTube - 33 views

    Jennifer Bromman-Bender, librarian at Lincoln-Way West High School (New Lenox, IL) and author of several books on booktalking, including R&L's Booktalking Nonfiction: 200 Sure-Fire Winners for Middle and High School Readers (2013), spoke about how to present nonfiction books to middle- and high-school students. She also gave a presentation of some of her most popular booktalks. Katie Mediatore Stover of the Kansas City (MO) Public Library (and author of several ALA Editions RA titles) was up next, with a ton of practical advice on how to booktalk informally-while in the stacks, or out in the community. She also discussed how to pull out the best elements of a book in order to sell it to a reader. Kaite incorporated a lot of RA tips (talking about tone, mood, warning the reader what to expect) on how to do what she calls a "bookmercial." Becky Spratford, author of ALA Edition's Readers Advisory Guide to Horror (2012) and librarian at the Berwyn (IL) Public Library, gave advice on how to get your staff comfortable with booktalking, and why booktalking is so important. Becky then finished up with a selection of her favorite horror books for booktalking.
Martha Hickson

Project Information Literacy: Preliminary Trends About Recent Graduates' Lifelong Learn... - 19 views

    "What lifelong learning needs do recent graduates have once they finish college? What information sources and systems do they use for continued learning? During fall 2014, the PIL research team surveyed 1,651 recent graduates from 10 US colleges and universities. Read the survey trends report with preliminary findings from our study (10 pages, PDF, 229KB). "Preliminary Trends about Recent Graduates' Lifelong Learning Needs and Practices," Alison J. Head, Project Information Literacy Research Summary, February 17, 2015."
Anne Weaver

Scholastic's New Report Examines Kids’ Attitudes on Reading | School Library Journal - 26 views

    The "Kids & Family Reading Report, 5th Edition" survey from Scholastic launched on January 8 with findings, including what kids are reading for fun, the makings of a frequent reader, and what kids want to read.
Martha Hickson - 35 views

    What Kids are Reading and Why It Matters 2015
Cathy Oxley

Protecting Your Identity: What everyone needs to know - 21 views

    "The Australian government has published this booklet to help you protect your identity. It includes a number of quick and easy tips you can use to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft. You will also find suggestions about what you should do if your identity has been stolen."

School library strategic plans | Brad Tyrrell - 0 views

  • without a strategic plan for a department, you cannot implement new initiatives successfully, nor can you plan changes or institute changes in thinking. Without a strategic plan, movement forward will always feel forced, slow and lacks critical conversations that must take place with all members of staff in order to have team “buy in”. In the formation of the strategic plan, it is the one time that all staff have input and can “own” the direction of the department as a whole.
  • As a library we are a strategic arm of the school, even if we are not mentioned directly, and if we are not mentioned directly, then that’s our fault for not doing enough to be important to the school plan.
  • Library strategic plan based on the goals of the school strategic plan
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • If you have a Library strategic plan that you wrote with your staff, but never talk to other departments about then how do you expect them to have “buy in”?
  • sent it to other Libraries or your personal learning network (PLN), then how do you know what you are missing that is critical Library functions?
  • no corresponding operational plan then you have not thought about how you are going to archive your goals in the strategic plan
  • if you do not review the plan with all your staff and see how far you have moved, then its just a bit of paper that makes you feel better and is not an item that you have action as a team.
  • ask everyone to write one goal based on the overarching goals setout in the School Strategic Plan. These are big picture statements.
  • highlight the main goals of the school strategic plan
  • 1. Tell your team that you are going to need them to review and read the school strategic plan.
  • Each individual sent these through to the Head of Library who combined and sent these to everyone removing who wrote what.
  • this was the main opportunity for all staff to have a chance to contribute to the strategic plan and the direction of the library for the next three years.
  • As the Head of Library I undertook the role of reading each goal and combining some goals together to ensure they incorporated the essence of each team members thinking.
  • From these I started to break out these goals into articulated statements that specifically looked at the library and what this meant day-to-day.
  • the strategic mission statement needs to be written which sums up the overarching goal of the plan
  • Once completed you need to send these goals out to the team for comment and any aspects that need clarification.
  • Once the fundamentals have been articulated in the goals and then corresponding support statement as Head of Library I need to present these back to the Curriculum Leadership group for comment. In addition a meeting with individual departments needs to be conducted to hear what they require from the Library going forward over the next three years.
  • The plan is then reworked and specific items for each department are highlighted in a separate document.
Carla Shinn

What Kids Are Reading In School and Out - 16 views

    "Walk into any bookstore or library, and you'll find shelves and shelves of hugely popular novels and book series for kids. But research shows that as young readers get older, they are not moving to more complex books. High-schoolers are reading books written for younger kids, and teachers aren't assigning difficult classics as much as they once did."
Susan Harari

Informational text from University of Maine - 0 views

    Information on criteria for judging Correll Book Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Informational Text - What is Informational Text?
Diana Rendina

You Say "Library", I Say "Learning Commons": What's the Big Diff? | Knowledge Quest - 0 views

  • When you look at your space, does it… motivate learners? promote learning? support collaborative and formal practice? provide a personalized and inclusive environment? adapt to the changing needs of the school community?
  • lexible use, with everything on wheels to easily create smaller group work areas for social learning with lots of different seating options, including special desks that can raise up for students who prefer to stand while working.
  • creating a relevant learning space is not just about investing in expensive technologies
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • “students are drawn to spaces that are open, inviting and stimulating: spaces where they become fully engaged in the conversation and in the excitement of sharing new ideas”(JISC).
    What you call your space doesn't matter as much as whether or not your space is flexible, relevant and supports the needs of your students.
beth gourley

"Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?" - 0 views

  • Social media is the latest buzzword
  • Web2.0 means different things to different people
  • Web2.0 was about the perpetual beta
  • ...49 more annotations...
  • For users, Web2.0 was all about reorganizing web-based practices around Friends
  • typically labeled social networkING sites were never really about networking for most users. They were about socializing inside of pre-existing networks.
  • Friendster was designed as to be an online dating site.
  • MySpace aimed to attract all of those being ejected from Friendster
  • Facebook had launched as a Harvard-only site before expanding to other elite institutions
  • And only in 2006, did they open to all.
  • in the 2006-2007 school year, a split amongst American teens occurred
  • college-bound kids from wealthier or upwardly mobile backgrounds flocked to Facebook
  • urban or less economically privileged backgrounds rejected the transition and opted to stay with MySpace
  • At this stage, over 35% of American adults have a profile on a social network site
  • the single most important factor in determining whether or not a person will adopt one of these sites is whether or not it is the place where their friends hangout.
  • do you know anything about the cluster dynamics of the users
  • all fine and well if everyone can get access to the same platform, but when that's not the case, new problems emerge.
  • showcases the ways in which some tools are used differently by different groups.
  • For American teenagers, social network sites became a social hangout space, not unlike the malls
  • Adults, far more than teens, are using Facebook for its intended purpose as a social utility. For example, it is a tool for communicating with the past.
  • dynamic more visible than in the recent "25 Things" phenomena.
  • Adults are crafting them to show-off to people from the past and connect the dots between different audiences as a way of coping with the awkwardness of collapsed contexts.
  • Twitter is all the rage, but are kids using it? For the most part, no.
  • many are leveraging Twitter to be part of a broad dialogue
  • We design social media for an intended audience but aren't always prepared for network effects or the different use cases that emerge when people decide to repurpose their technology.
  • One of the key challenges is learning how to adapt to an environment in which these properties and dynamics play a key role. This is a systems problem.
  • you are probably even aware of how inaccurate the public portrait of risk is
  • I want to discuss five properties of social media and three dynamics. These are the crux of what makes the phenomena we're seeing so different from unmediated phenomena.
  • 1. Persistence.
  • The bits-wise nature of social media means that a great deal of content produced through social media is persistent by default.
  • You can copy and paste a conversation from one medium to another, adding to the persistent nature of it
  • 2. Replicability.
  • much easier to alter what's been said than to confirm that it's an accurate portrayal of the original conversation.
  • 3. Searchability.
  • Search changes the landscape, making information available at our fingertips
  • 4. Scalability.
  • Conversations that were intended for just a friend or two might spiral out of control and scale to the entire school
  • 5. (de)locatability.
  • This paradox means that we are simultaneously more and less connected to physical space.
  • Those five properties are intertwined, but their implications have to do with the ways in which they alter social dynamics.
  • 1. Invisible Audiences.
  • lurkers who are present at the moment
  • visitors who access our content at a later date or in a different environment
  • having to present ourselves and communicate without fully understanding the potential or actual audience
  • 2. Collapsed Contexts
  • Social media brings all of these contexts crashing into one another and it's often difficult to figure out what's appropriate, let alone what can be understood.
  • 3. Blurring of Public and Private
  • As we are already starting to see, this creates all new questions about context and privacy, about our relationship to space and to the people around us.
  • The key lesson from the rise of social media for you is that a great deal of software is best built as a coordinated dance between you and the users.
  • Social media is not new. M
    Important summary of how social media works for youth and adults, and how five properties and three dynamics have a systematic affect that we all must deal with.
    Diigo in education
Liz Gilbert

Freedom to Read - 8 views

  • Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border. Books are removed from the shelves in Canadian libraries, schools and bookstores every day. Free speech on the Internet is under attack. Few of these stories make headlines, but they affect the right of Canadians to decide for themselves what they choose to read.
    "Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border. Books are removed from the shelves in Canadian libraries, schools and bookstores every day. Free speech on the Internet is under attack. Few of these stories make headlines, but they affect the right of Canadians to decide for themselves what they choose to read."
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