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Ellen Robinette

How to Use Pinterest for Your Library - 38 views

    Great article from VOYA by a YA librarian
Cathy Oxley

Students hate group assignments | The Australian - 15 views

    "My biggest tip for surviving group tasks is to appoint a group leader, just one, who will evenly distribute tasks. Aim to meet as a group face to face at least once a week for a minimum one hour, allowing for ideas and concepts to flow between the group without the restrictions and limitations of the online world."
Martha Hickson - 6 views

    EasyBib social media citations handouts
beth gourley

"Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?" - 0 views

  • Social media is the latest buzzword
  • Web2.0 means different things to different people
  • Web2.0 was about the perpetual beta
  • ...49 more annotations...
  • For users, Web2.0 was all about reorganizing web-based practices around Friends
  • typically labeled social networkING sites were never really about networking for most users. They were about socializing inside of pre-existing networks.
  • Friendster was designed as to be an online dating site.
  • MySpace aimed to attract all of those being ejected from Friendster
  • Facebook had launched as a Harvard-only site before expanding to other elite institutions
  • And only in 2006, did they open to all.
  • in the 2006-2007 school year, a split amongst American teens occurred
  • college-bound kids from wealthier or upwardly mobile backgrounds flocked to Facebook
  • urban or less economically privileged backgrounds rejected the transition and opted to stay with MySpace
  • At this stage, over 35% of American adults have a profile on a social network site
  • the single most important factor in determining whether or not a person will adopt one of these sites is whether or not it is the place where their friends hangout.
  • do you know anything about the cluster dynamics of the users
  • all fine and well if everyone can get access to the same platform, but when that's not the case, new problems emerge.
  • showcases the ways in which some tools are used differently by different groups.
  • For American teenagers, social network sites became a social hangout space, not unlike the malls
  • Adults, far more than teens, are using Facebook for its intended purpose as a social utility. For example, it is a tool for communicating with the past.
  • dynamic more visible than in the recent "25 Things" phenomena.
  • Adults are crafting them to show-off to people from the past and connect the dots between different audiences as a way of coping with the awkwardness of collapsed contexts.
  • Twitter is all the rage, but are kids using it? For the most part, no.
  • many are leveraging Twitter to be part of a broad dialogue
  • We design social media for an intended audience but aren't always prepared for network effects or the different use cases that emerge when people decide to repurpose their technology.
  • One of the key challenges is learning how to adapt to an environment in which these properties and dynamics play a key role. This is a systems problem.
  • you are probably even aware of how inaccurate the public portrait of risk is
  • I want to discuss five properties of social media and three dynamics. These are the crux of what makes the phenomena we're seeing so different from unmediated phenomena.
  • 1. Persistence.
  • The bits-wise nature of social media means that a great deal of content produced through social media is persistent by default.
  • You can copy and paste a conversation from one medium to another, adding to the persistent nature of it
  • 2. Replicability.
  • much easier to alter what's been said than to confirm that it's an accurate portrayal of the original conversation.
  • 3. Searchability.
  • Search changes the landscape, making information available at our fingertips
  • 4. Scalability.
  • Conversations that were intended for just a friend or two might spiral out of control and scale to the entire school
  • 5. (de)locatability.
  • This paradox means that we are simultaneously more and less connected to physical space.
  • Those five properties are intertwined, but their implications have to do with the ways in which they alter social dynamics.
  • 1. Invisible Audiences.
  • lurkers who are present at the moment
  • visitors who access our content at a later date or in a different environment
  • having to present ourselves and communicate without fully understanding the potential or actual audience
  • 2. Collapsed Contexts
  • Social media brings all of these contexts crashing into one another and it's often difficult to figure out what's appropriate, let alone what can be understood.
  • 3. Blurring of Public and Private
  • As we are already starting to see, this creates all new questions about context and privacy, about our relationship to space and to the people around us.
  • The key lesson from the rise of social media for you is that a great deal of software is best built as a coordinated dance between you and the users.
  • Social media is not new. M
    Important summary of how social media works for youth and adults, and how five properties and three dynamics have a systematic affect that we all must deal with.
    Diigo in education
Donna Baumbach

The Best Sites For Creating Personalized "Newspapers" Online - 26 views

    | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
Donna Baumbach

"Viva La Social Media Revolución" - 4 views

    CASL Gwyneth Jones Webinar - June 2011 Archived webinar
Donna Baumbach

ZOMOBO - the real-time encyclopedia - 14 views

    enter a topic title and instantly get related digital contents from multiple sources (e.g. Wikipedia, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Books, Newspapers, Magazines) all at once.
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