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Indignez vous! by Stephane Hessel - the text « Sapte Stele / Seven Stars - 1 views

  • The end is not far away
  • The public interest must prevail over the interest individual, the fair sharing of the wealth created by the world of work override the power of  money.
  • “The press freedom, its  honor and independence againt the power of the State, the power of money and foreign influences.” That is what turns further orders on the press in 1944. Yet that is what is now in danger. The Resistance was calling for “an effective opportunity for all French children to benefit from the most developed education”, without discrimination, yet the reforms proposed in 2008 go against this project. Young teachers, which actions I support, were up to refuse to apply them and they saw their wages cut as a punishment. They were outraged, have “disobeyed” and found these reforms too far from the ideal of the republican school, too much in the service of Page 3 the money society and not enough developing the creative and critical thinking. It is just the base of the social conquests of the Resistance which is now in question (2)
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • The gap between the poorest and richest has never been so important, and the race for money, the competition has never been so encouraged.
  • We, veterans of resistance movements and fighting forces of Liberated France, we call the younger generations to stand up, to transmit the heritage of the Resistance and its ideals.
  • When I try to understand what caused fascism, what caused the invasion by it and by Vichy, I tell myself that the wealthy, with their selfishness, have been terribly afraid of the Bolshevik revolution. They have been guided by their fears
  • Proust
  • Walter Benjamin
  • I tell young people: Look for a bit, you’ll find.
  • The worst attitude is indifference, saying “I can not do anything, I’m doing my job.
  • I had the chance after Liberation of being involved in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations, 10 December 1948 in Paris at the Palais de Chaillot.
  • René Cassin was  the one whom we owe the term “universal rights Page 7 and not” international “as suggested by our Anglo-Saxon friends.
  • It is obvious that to be effective today, we must act in a network, take advantage of all means of modern communication.
  • Alas, history gives little examples of people who learn from their own history.
  • Guillaume Apollinaire: “That hope is violent ” not politics
    Selve teksten (på engelsk) fra Hessel, først udkommet i okt. 2010.

Where Do Banks Get Their Money? Fractional Reserve Banking | Discuss Economics Blog - 0 views

  • No one seems to have pointed out that the original example given is actually wrong. (I've stumbled on this looking for something else, but had to comment.) The second balance sheet should still show $1000 as both the total assets and liabilities. The "deposit creation multiplier" idea referred to is the theoretical maximum aggregate balance sheet of the banking sector, if there is more than one bank and they all lend to each other and only each other. Its double counting, but that's allowed in the calculation of M4 money supply, but isn't allowed on any particular bank balance sheet (which is why the example is so wrong).
    • rune66
      Jeg forstår ikke helt, hvad han siger, man han lyder som om han har check på det, og han siger, at eksemplet er forkert.
  • promisory notes
  • promisory notes
    • rune66
      Og hvad i alverden er så det?
    Det her med, at penge bliver skabt ud af den blå luft, er tilsyneladende noget nogle sætter lig med fractional reserve banking. Problemet er når mellemregningerne bliver sprunget, for faktuelt er det ikke præcist, og banken SKAL altså have pengene på bogen.

Colorful Rag: Critique of Paul Grignon's 'Money as debt II: Promises unleashed' - 0 views

    Kritik af kritikken. Det bliver rimelig hard core økonomi-snak, som jeg ikke forstår alt af.

G.O.P. Monetary Madness - - 0 views

  • As an ardent supporter of Ron Paul, I must acknowledge Paul Krugman's point about getting inflation wrong, at least in the years since the crash. He is right that there were many outspoken critics of monetary expansion at the time, including Paul and Schiff, who predicted massive inflation around the corner. But there are two further points to be made about Austrian Economics in general.First, there were at the time and continue to be Austrians who correctly anticipated the strong deflationary pressures we actually ended up facing. Mike Shedlock, for example, is concerned much more with contracting aggregate credit than expanding monetary base.Second, Austrians are unanimous on a much bigger point: that we are still in the middle of this crisis. We reject any suggestion that a recovery is underway or that any underlying structural problems have actually been resolved. As such, we have yet to confront the worst consequences of the crisis and once we do, some of the outcomes Paul and Schiff predict could come into play.Austrians also agree that while the monetary expansion may not have yet caused massive inflation, it has managed to keep incumbent banks in power. Money printing is thus seen as maintaining the status quo. Rather than the mighty banks falling and being replaced by smaller, fairer banks, they remain entrenched. This populist angst towards money printing - as a tool of the establishment - currently holds more sway than concern about rampant inflation.
    Lidt mere fra samme snak.

Krugman attacks Ron Paul, Austrian Economics - 0 views

  • A lot of it was spent on bailing out US banks and that money is still there, as well as money funnelled into well connected corporations within the US. Already in the UK inflation is going out of control because of QE in this country, why should the US expect to be any different? What will happen when the US’s banks begin lending those trillions they are sitting on?
    • rune66
      Godt spørgsmål.
  • prefer ron paul /austrian economics view of life, but if you take on fiat debts worth trillions… you can’t solve the problem by cutting spending and having people suffer for this, this is not right, this type of debt should be canceled first (at least most of it)
    • rune66
      Én fra "Den anden lejr" (i modsætning til f.eks. Ole B.), som også argumenterer for gældseftergivelse.
    Paul Krugman oprindelig i Politiken. Jeg bed mærke i det, fordi han nævnte guldstandarden og den østrigske skole.

Money Myths Episode 2 - Cure for the Credit Crunch - 1 views

  • The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing
    • rune66
      Det er måske en væsentlig mere præcis måde at formulere det på. Det er ikke den enkelte bank, men hele systemet, der gør det.
    • rune66
      Det er dog stadigvæk FRB, der er tale om, og det er ikke noget den enkelte bank kontrollerer.

Our History - 1 views

    "The Cheese Board Collective is a business wholly owned by its members. For tax and liability purposes it has been incorporated, with each collective member an equal shareholder and member of the board of directors. Upon joining each member is given ten sharess worth $100/share. When a member leaves these shares are sold back to the corporation. All members are paid an equal hourly wage. Profits go to buy new equipment, raise wages, or are placed into our retirement fund. Moneys placed into this fund are distributed based on hours worked."

All of the World's Money and Markets in One Visualization (2017 Update) - 1 views

    Fantastisk visualisering - og skræmmende. Det er en visualisering af verdens tomhed.

Nobody Understands Debt - - 0 views

  • The Krugman Solution: "Take the line of credit and fix the house. Yes, your monthly costs will go up a bit, but once the house is fixed you can cut back slightly on non-essentials, get a raise or a different job where you'll make some extra money. and eventually pay off the line of credit."
    Krugmans syn på gæld. Selvom det er interessant, at gæld ikke behøver at være et problem, så er det svært med USA's nuværende situation at tro på, at de vil være i stand til yderligere velstandsforøgelse. Det ser tvært imod ud til at gå den modsatte vej.

Pengene? De kommer som sendt fra himlen | Information - 0 views

  • I rapporten Where does money come from? fra den britiske tænketank New Economics Foundation kritiseres den foretrukne fortælling fra bankerne om indlånet som begivenheden, der muliggør udlånene og pengeskabelsen. Det er typisk omvendt, påpeger tænketanken og andre med den. Som den tidligere bankøkonom, viceafdelingschef i Den Internationale Valutafond Michael Kumhof: »Det, der i virkeligheden sker, er præcis det modsatte. Og jeg har selv gjort det, jeg er bankmand, jeg ved, hvordan det fungerer, og du kan læse det på mange centralbankers hjemmesider – når bankerne siger til sig selv: ’Økonomien ser godt ud, vi er optimistiske, nu yder vi lån’, så behøver de ikke vente på, at nogen indsætter penge. For når de opretter et lån, skaber de et indestående. Bare sådan. Banker skaber penge ud af den blå luft.« Altså: Ydelse af et lån betyder alene, at der åbnes to kolonner i bankens computer: Én som siger, at kunden nu har X kr., og én som siger, at banken nu har en fordring hos denne kunde på X kr. Kundens nye virtuelle penge kan samtidig være grundlaget for et nyt udlån, noteret på næste kundes konto. Den første kunde har ret til at hæve alle sine penge, samtidig med at disse står opført på den anden kundes konto. Bankpenge kan – som udtrykt af den store amerikanske økonom John Kenneth Galbraith – være to steder på én gang. Mindst.
    • rune66
      Der er så den igen, som Dylander har afvist. Hmm.
    "Mønter og sedler udgør i dag under fem procent af den danske pengemængde. Næsten alle vore penge er virtuelle tegn på en computerskærm. Og det er private banker - ikke Nationalbanken - der står for den store produktion af penge ud af den blå luft"
    Ja der er den jo igen.
    "Mønter og sedler udgør i dag under fem procent af den danske pengemængde. Næsten alle vore penge er virtuelle tegn på en computerskærm. Og det er private banker - ikke Nationalbanken - der står for den store produktion af penge ud af den blå luft"

Op-Ed Contributor - 20 Years of Collapse - - 0 views

  • Kravchenko also became more and more obsessed with the inequalities of the Western world, and wrote a sequel to “I Chose Freedom” that was titled, significantly, “I Chose Justice.” He devoted himself to finding less exploitative forms of collectivization and wound up in Bolivia, where he squandered all his money trying to organize poor farmers. Crushed by this failure, he withdrew into private life and shot himself in 1966 at his home in New York.
    En ikke synderlig interessant artikel af Zizek, men kunne ikke stå for det lille citerede stykker her, som slår lidt vores tema an, dog på en noget dyster måde,

Is there a growth imperative in capitalist economies? a circular flow perspective - 0 views

    Abstract: This paper postulates the existence of a growth imperative in capitalist economies. The argument is based on a simple circular flow model of a pure credit economy, where production takes time. In this economy, positive growth rates are necessary in the long run in order to enable firms to make profits in the aggregate. If the growth rate falls below a certain positive threshold level, firms will make losses. Under these circumstances, they will go out of business, which moves the whole economy into a downward spiral. According to the model presented, capitalist economies can either grow (at a sufficiently high rate) or shrink if the growth rate falls below the positive threshold level. Therefore, a zero growth economy is not feasible in the long run.
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