Contents contributed and discussions participated by krissy powers
Southwest kicks more than 100 students off flight - 3 views
I agree that this article was pretty unclear and left me feeling very confused, I still don't get what happened. I think we've all been on a plane with someone who is obnoxious or with a little kid whining or crying, but I don't think I've ever heard of someone actually getting kicked off a plane, except for movies. Overall, I have lots of questions that are still unanswered.
College System Unfair to Students of Low-Income Families? - 4 views
I think that now it is harder to get into college as a white american kid because there are already so many enrolled in schools, whereas other races aren't a majority. I think that over time the college system has gotten so messed up, and a lot of it just has to do with luck and the numbers the school currently has and who they need to receive funding. For example, the redwood class president was accepted to USC, but not into any UC's she applied to. This also puts a disadvantage to kids who can pay for public school, but aren't accepted because they don't fit what the school needs, and are forced to either go to community college or struggle to pay for private schools. I think it's great that lower income families are getting the chance to go to school, but I don't think chances should be taken away from other students.
Redwood Bark Videos - 10 views
I think that this is a really cool feature they have on their website. I know a lot of people don't really visit the Tam News website that often, so this could be a good way to get more viewers. It's a very easy thing, and could be updated constantly depending on different issues and views of students. I think this could also be a cool idea for crackin and slackin, to get other kids opinions on what sort of things should be in each category. That will definitely attract a ton of viewers because that's a very popular part of the magazine.
Marin Beaches - 1 views
Do you think people are conscious about cleaning the beaches? What factors do you think were key to the success of all the beaches?
Top 10 Summer Songs Ever - 7 views
I think that this is a great idea. I know that we often have reviews of specific albums in the magazine, but this would be a great addition to the website, because you can play the actual song. Often times when I read a review of a song or album I've never even heard about I YouTube it, so it was very convenient to have the video ready to play right next to the commentary. Overall I think this is a really great idea that can be transferred to the Tam News Online very easily.
High Schools Gay "Cutest Couple" - 27 views
I also agree that this is a very hopeful story. It definitely shows immense support for the couple, and at the same time I think it also opens everyones eyes. I know that in our community many people know and support someone that has come out, but in other areas people are very harsh and unwelcoming towards gay or lesbian people. I think if this is done at Tam it would be a great way to create an even more supportive environment, and hopefully make every person feel comfortable being themselves. Even if this isn't done specifically at Tam, I think it was enough of an impact just being done at this high school and to have the article be spread around. It could encourage kids to try to make their school just as supportive.
Cell Phone Policy - 4 views
Because it is distracted driving awareness month, I think it is a good idea to raise awareness from an article with a students perspective. Do you agree that this is phone policy is beneficial to students? In what way?
Family Influence in Crime - 2 views
Online Higher Education: Practical or Problematic? - 8 views
This was a very interesting article, I never really looked into online college. I think this, as others have already said, is very convenient for people who are good with technology, and have a very busy schedule, maybe working almost full time. But I think that if you are looking to spend the money and time at a college, this doesn't even compare to a real university. Obviously the education is a very big factor, but the social aspect is also huge. You can learn how to interact and work with others, you receive responsibility, and I think its important to just have fun before you enter the 'real world' and start working full time. Overall, this is a great idea for people who work full time or are older and going back to school while again working, but not a smart choice for teenagers just out of high school.
Drive-by Hazing on Underclassmen at Redwood - 32 views
I agree with what everyone has been saying - this new trend by Redwood upperclassmen is just disgusting and rude. I don't think hazing is acceptable, especially when it turns into potential harm or injury into the underclassmen. I do however think this article was just enough information, it shed some light on the topic to create awareness, but not going as far to label specific names to get any people in trouble. If I were to be the one getting hit by food or other mysterious objects, I would feel extremely embarrassed, and I wouldn't want to have a huge article with specific details; my name, who hit me, or anything else related to me getting hit. That just might make it even worse, you could be even more of a target for 'snitching'.
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I know there has been discussions about Tam's News videos, but I think this profile was a great idea, and fairly easy. Especially with many people in the AIM program. What are your thoughts on video profiles? Are you interested in them, and do you think they would make a good addition to the website?